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  1. hace 4 minutos
    En respuesta a

    That is why cannot be the President of all Americans.

  2. hace 5 horas

    Young Greek, Italian, Spanish and Croatian people don't want to be part of a Europe that leaves them in poverty and unemployed.

  3. hace 5 horas

    OH you are either being used,or are complicit,in what is clearly a smear against Corbyn straight out of Tory hq.

  4. hace 6 horas
    En respuesta a

    That little enabler needs to find a new job. Everyone's a victim these days. It's getting really old. You work for what you want!!

  5. hace 6 horas

    particularly Radcliffe doubling down on the Semenya hate it seems have they not checked this hashtag

  6. into Trump Admin: -Attempts to gut health care for 20M+ -Use taxpayer money for border wall NOTHING to create jobs

  7. hace 11 horas
  8. hace 17 horas
    En respuesta a

    Unbelievable! I'm so ashamed of our Government, basic human rights.

  9. hace 24 horas

    .-rostitutes. Sell your constituents' health for campaign funds? Glad you walked the plank.

  10. 6 ago.
    En respuesta a

    Well said, Arron. Sopel paid £200,000-£249,999 for us to hear his "speculation" stemming from his personal vendetta w/Trump

  11. 6 ago.
  12. 6 ago.

    La primera vez que baile con un hombre, fue mi bro y me hizo dar una erección y ya lleva un año burlándose de eso.

  13. 4 ago.

    Ridiculous seeing an entire gov't of Republicans and Democrats going after a sitting President. !

  14. 4 ago.
  15. 4 ago.

    Australia's Carbon Pollution Soars, Bucking Global Trend, As Government Continues to Ignore Climate Change

  16. 3 ago.

    President Trump rally in Huntington WV. Notice the difference? Blatent disrespect for this President. 😡

  17. 3 ago.

    Hannity falsely attacked family of murder victim. Don't support him with your $$

  18. 3 ago.

    Así comenta la gente sobre la carrera de Paulina Rubio en este momento:

  19. 3 ago.

    Johannes Leak puts the disgraced and mendacious Gillian Triggs back in the picture

  20. 3 ago.
    En respuesta a

    Obviamente vos 🙁 !

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