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BizCubed May 14
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Ash Parikh May 20
WOW! 25 years. Privileged to have been part of half of the journey so far. Best of both worlds...stability of a mature company and innovation and excitement of a startup.
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Mohammed Ashraff May 21
Exciting few days at UK Engineering days with sharing it's roadmap
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Ash Parikh May 18
Doing prep calls for a panel at . A customer remarks. I paraphrase - "Yes, the is inevitable. We are moving rapidly. However, even with all the new cool , our main goal is to get out of them."
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Relativity IM May 15
Would you like to identify and connect with your most valuable customers? We'll show you how.
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Ash Parikh May 21
“InformaticaWorld has truly become the industry’s event for all things . Is there anything else out there?” Heard from an esteemed industry analyst last evening. -disrupt indeed!
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Ash Parikh May 21
Not even Day 1. Market Perspectives is a full house and spill over rooms filling up. THAT’S how you do it. Out-disrupt.
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Hyperion Barbie 17h
You can now load request items via Excel in multiple tabs to update multiple viewpoints in with the 18.05 update! Viewpoints just have to be in the same view & the workbook tabs have to be the viewpoint names.
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Ash Parikh May 19
We are hosting a special event at - Next-Generation Summit. Hear from peers about Reference Architectures, Best Practices & Lessons Learned.
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ZAP 24h
What is Automation? Join our webinar this week to find out, and to see what Data Management Automation can do for your business and your ...
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Ash Parikh May 21
Yep. So true . Market Perspectives on Day 0 is becoming a tradition as we kick off our annual customer conference. We believe we lead the industry because of our OUTSIDE - IN thinking.
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Francesca De Chiara May 19
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Nayan Paul May 21
run on the fly against as one of the consumption patterns (with data hub access capability) using @
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Ash Parikh May 21
Where are you in your journey? We took you through 4 interconnected journeys. Visit booths to learn more about accessing, cataloging, integrating, cleansing, securing, governing, mastering data.
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Ash Parikh May 21
“A Pervasive Strategy Must Address a Set of Hybrid Challenges.” . Wonderful to have not 1 but 2 keynotes at Market Perspectives. Thank You for coming all the way. Our family appreciates it
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Compass Grower May 18
We know that there’s no way you can plan for the unexpected, that’s why our system allows you to add applications and expenses to an active plan! With , keep track of everything you put on you fields to make the most out of your season
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Jacob C 1h
The key to long term for companies is . The right is critical to foster an environment and culture for this.
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Robert Davey 🐸 May 21
Anyone working in research needs to understand that potentially, for a single dataset, you can generate a simple listing of files that reaches gigabyte scale. If you don't manage this stuff, science grinds to a halt. 877MB for a tar manifest.
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VIB May 17
Day 2 of in offers sessions on & . Eight experts from all over Europe will give their insights into dealing with the challenges and opportunities of large sets. Check out all 38 speakers here:
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Arka Mukherjee May 21
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