Arnab Goswami


Desi batman. Without the cape but never, ever without the chaddi | Parody account

Unit: març de 2016


Has blocat @unoffarnab

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @unoffarnab.

  1. Tuit fixat
    14 de febr. de 2019

    Thanks for this, . Wish we had more sensible journalists like you

  2. 25 de febr.

    At long last, something good. Peace March in Brijpuri area of Delhi by Hindus and Muslims to save our capital

  3. 24 de febr.

    True face of Delhi police aka Amit Shah's gundas

  4. ha retuitat
    24 de febr.

    This isn't a group that's targeting anti CAA supporters. This is a well-organized mob of killers and rioters who are armed to the teeth with stones, lathis and Molotov cocktails. Their sole purpose is to harm, maim and kill Muslims. The state machinery is backing this riot.

  5. ha retuitat
    23 de febr.

    Swara Bhasker gives a fitting reply. If any CAA-NRC supporter wants to debate, first tell us who is lying? Is Modi lying or is Amit Shah lying?

  6. ha retuitat
    23 de febr.

    Why ABP News? The job of anchors and news channels is to put forward the views and answers of guests. Not hide what they said.

  7. 23 de febr.
    Mostra el fil
  8. 23 de febr.

    All the hard hitting "journalism" is only for when Rubika Liyakat questions PM 🤷

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  9. ha retuitat
    23 de febr.

    is privileged, won't suffer due to . She's fighting for the poor, marginalised and Muslims won't question govt but will bash another woman who DOES question. A traitor to her profession, her soil, her faith & to womanhood

  10. 23 de febr.

    Rubika, please don't overtake me. Main thakta nahi hui. Best lapdog ever award belongs to me and me only

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  11. 19 de febr.

    After her parents passed away, 7 year old Rajeshwari was brought up by Abdulla and his family, like their own daughter. At the age of 22, her marriage to Vishnu was arranged at the temple by her muslim parents. Kerala in a nutshell

  12. 17 de febr.

    This happened when the valiant Dadis of Shaheen bagh marched out to meet Amit Shah and were stopped by his henchmen. After all, mothers continue to love and wish the best for even those of their children who turn out to be jerks

    , , i 2 més
  13. ha retuitat
    15 de febr.

    As i said, we all have ideological differences but ceasefire till RSS is defeated. Yet some Mor*ns are attacking women who are doing work on the ground against CAA, while living a cozy NRI life. Telling women what to wear, speak or drink is a sign of a fragile man. STOP it NOW.

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  14. ha retuitat
    15 de febr.

    NRI's enjoying the western life and telling Indian Women what to Wear, Speak and Drink is A-Class hypocrisy. If you attack any Liberal, Leftist or Southern women with such moronic behavior from now on (Mansplaining) & we will kick your old A*s to New Zealand F8Ck off

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  15. 11 de febr.

    I cannot believe this 😣😖😫😩 Tihadi bhai was right! Antinational freeloaders Delhiites

  16. ha retuitat
    10 de febr.

    His full name is C Joseph Vijay. He's a practicing Roman Catholic. To Tamilians that's inconsequential. But I won't be surprised if Sanghis factored that in. So this was an assault on a Dravidian + Minority PS: BJP has targeted him over his religion before

  17. 10 de febr.

    This is some next level swag. Vijay and his fans must be thanking Amit Shah right now. Sincere advice for Amit Shah - Don't mess with Tamilans 🤗

  18. 10 de febr.

    And the right wing won't rest until we have a full blown genocide on our hands

  19. ha retuitat
    9 de febr.

    Alt News completes 3 yrs today! Join us in this fight against misinformation. Donate to Alt News at: Thank you!

  20. 8 de febr.

    Important message from a Delhi voter. (The voter prefers to remain anonymous)

    , , i 5 més
  21. 7 de febr.

    There's no extent to which sanghis won't fall. Only the vilest, most subhuman mind could come up with such filth

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