Keresési eredmények
  1. jún. 13.
  2. 45 perccel ezelőtt
  3. 5 órával ezelőtt

    Simple to Modi can you sign on , Citizen's Ombudsman Bill, Which which cures most dangerous corruption disease In India – itt: Telangana.

  4. 10 órával ezelőtt

    After I wish to give another challenge to our PM , to give an answer for my question. Why was 745.45 crore collected by a bank headed by ?

  5. 18 órával ezelőtt

    Mr. Modi, Not a Fitness Challenge, Country Needs More Hospitals and Doctors The National Health Profile 2018 also showed an uneven and interesting distribution of hospitals in rural and urban India.

  6. jún. 15.
  7. jún. 14.
    Válasz neki:

    Enna irundhalum ellaraium dai nu solradhu ellam la varadhu😂😂 la dhan varum😂😂

  8. jún. 13.

    Whoever did this 👍🏼👍🏼🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 South trolls with a passion!

  9. jún. 13.
  10. jún. 13.
  11. jún. 13.

    Such a obedient fellow!! If you call him he will come and lie-down...!!

  12. jún. 13.
    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  13. jún. 13.
  14. jún. 13.

    When you are already high on magic mushrooms and you knock back a few too many of desi daru (Meme via Whatsapp)

  15. jún. 13.

    Pic 1&2: What Modiji Doing Pic 3&4: How Bhakt looking at it 🙈

  16. jún. 13.
  17. jún. 13.

    This video took 4-5 hrs to shoot, that was indeed hard workout. Thanks to my cameraman for that patience which turns out to be his .

  18. jún. 13.
  19. jún. 13.

    I'm expecting HD Kumaraswamy to accept Modi's and respond with a video of him doing pull-ups, with outside support from the Congress.

  20. jún. 13.

    Thank you PM for sharing your video. I'm sure you felt it was more important than addressing - Farmers driven to suicide by your apathy, The families of protesters who were shot down in Thanks again for showing us your priorities!

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