Report finds majority of Australian youth favour socialism
25 June 2018
The poll showed that the growing attraction to socialism is closely related to a rise of anti-capitalist sentiments.
Growing concern in Canberra over PNG links with China
25 June 2018
Claims of Chinese influence in Papua New Guinea are being ramped up ahead of November’s Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) summit in Port Moresby.
Australia: Telstra announces another 9,500 job cuts
23 June 2018
The telecommunications company is seeking to impose one of the largest mass sackings in Australian corporate history.
State of emergency declared following unrest in Papua New Guinea
23 June 2018
Deepening austerity following last year’s discredited election is fuelling unrest and an explosive situation across the impoverished country.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
23 June 2018
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
New Zealand nurses reject third sellout deal, prepare to strike
22 June 2018
The nurses’ union is desperately seeking to avoid two 24-hour strikes scheduled for next month.
Ecuadorian foreign minister warns that Julian Assange’s political asylum is “not forever”
22 June 2018
Valencia’s comments are another indication of a conspiracy to force the WikiLeaks editor out of the Ecuadorian embassy and into British and US custody.
Watch: Workers at SEP rally in Sydney demand freedom for Julian Assange
22 June 2018
Workers and young people who attended the SEP’s Sydney rally denounced the persecution of WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange and demanded his immediate release.