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Party Discussion Site Now Available
- 2016 Aug 29

The CPA (M-L) recently created a discussion site for the printing of articles that are relevant to the work of the Party, but not necessarily reflective of a considered Party viewpoint, and for the raising of questions of the Party by members and supporters.

This is a moderated website and not a site for endless and pointless posts.

The most recent article is by respected Australian Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen which responds to a view that talking of an impending crisis of capitalism is “crying wolf”.

The article can be found by following this link to the home page of the discussion site:    

Members and supporters are asked to read the “How to use this website” post through a link on the top left hand side of the discussion site’s home page.




Latest Posts

Quebec construction workers fight ABCC-like attacks  

Pierre Chénier , Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

(Introduction: The ruling class constantly reviews the strategy of class struggle, both locally and internationally.  The Canadian bourgeoisie has embraced the use of special laws, similar to those of the Australian Building Construction Commission, to suppress the struggles of Canadian construction workers.  ...


more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 23


Bolshevik Club of Western Australia (Find us on Facebook) 

Comrades, in a more or less developed form, fascist tendencies and the germs of a fascist movement are to be found almost everywhere.

With the development of the very deep economic crisis, with the general crisis of capitalism becoming sharply accentuated ...


more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 22

Change this rotten system!  

Nick G

Today’s decision by the Senate to approve the Government’s three-stage tax cuts will further entrench the gap between rich and poor under this rotten system of capitalism.


more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 21

The Australian Space Agency and the balance of forces in our region  


Recent moves to use Australian-based facilities for space research have shown the strategic diplomatic significance of the country for United States military planning in the Asia-Pacific region.

Problems, however, have arisen.


more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 18

Behind the scenes of the new Cold War  


As the waves of United States-led militarism increase across the Asia-Pacific region it is important to study some of the hidden features of the problem. By doing so it is possible to establish those responsible for the creation of the new Cold War.


more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 09

Foreign investment In Australian agriculture  

Duncan B

Recently the Foreign Investment Review Board released its 2016-17 annual report. Foreign investment in agriculture jumped 52% from $4.6 billion the previous year to $7 billion.


more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 09

Eureka is a weapon for the people  

Louisa L

When the Australian Building and Construction Commission banned the Eureka flag on building sites it launched a pallet of bricks onto its own feet.


more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 09

Barunga Festival: Parliament’s shame job  

Nick G.

If ever there was a white-fella shame job, it is surely the failure, after 30 years, of the Australian Parliament to negotiate Treaty with Indigenous Australians.



more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 09

Parliament and Elections  

This 2018 version of an earler publication exposes the 'superficial democracy' of parliament and the class rule that it rests upon. It opposes this with genuine working class democracy for the majority, not the few.


more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 05

Facebook, military planning and psy-ops  

Recent disclosures from Australian media outlets covering leaks of personal information from Facebook have tended to downplay the matter as an unfortunate accident.
The problem concerned, however, was certainly not what readers were being led to believe; it was a carefully planned exercise within the corridors of power ...

more...- Posted on 2018 Jun 01

Study of growing menace of fascism in Brazil helps deepen our understanding of social-democracy  

This analysis of events in Brazil is worthy of close study by Australian Marxist-Leninists and other progressive people.
Brazil is a member of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). This group, which meets annually, aims at the creation of a centre of finance capital independent of ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 31

German anti-fascist music festival succeeds despite police threats  

Nick G.

A determined stand against the criminalisation of progressive music in Germany has succeeded.
The Rebellious Music Festival went ahead without threatened police action against the appearance of Turkish band Grup Yorum.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 31

Capitalism’s bread and circuses no joy for Tip Top Bakeries’ Newcastle Workers  

Ned K.

Tip Top Bakeries are closing their bread production plant in Newcastle with the loss of regular full time jobs for 79 workers. Tip Top bread for Newcastle will now be produced in Sydney and Bendigo!


more...- Posted on 2018 May 29

Transport workers occupy intersection, demand safe rates from Aldi  

Nick G.

Traffic was stopped in the heart of Adelaide on Tuesday as Transport Workers Union took to the streets to demand safe rates from German supermarket giant Aldi.
Around 100 Union members and supporters sat down and occupied the street that runs through Tarndanyangga  (formerly Victoria Square) for around ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 23

The sound of wallets closing exposes ruling class split  

Louisa L.

There’s a split in the imperialist ruling class over tactics.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 23

Breaking the Rules to Change the Rules: Lessons from the great O'Shea struggle  

Alice M .

“Everything I have done or tried to do I have done with the idea of service to the people in struggle.  I do not believe I can just arbitrarily impose my ideas on people.  But I do believe that the breakdown of capitalist society is impelling thousands ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 20

“Hands across the sands” rallies target multinationals  

Nick G.

Thousands of Australians from seventeen coastal communities have joined hands across the sands to protest offshore drilling and offshore seismic testing for oil and gas.
The annual “hands across the sands” movement began eight years ago in the USA following BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 20

VALE Ark Tribe  

Nick G.

The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) has learned with great sadness of the death of construction legend Ark Tribe.




more...- Posted on 2018 May 18

Tough cop, soft cop  

Nick G.

“One law for the rich, one law for the poor” is an aphorism that every worker knows by heart.

Its truth arises from the lived experience of those kept as wage slaves in capitalist society.


more...- Posted on 2018 May 18

Party sends solidarity message to Germany’s Rebellious Music Festival  

Nick G.

German authorities are threatening to close down this year’s Rebellious Music Festival scheduled to start today at Thuringia, one of the 16 states of contemporary Germany.
About 50 bands are currently listed to appear.  The theme of the Festival is anti-fascist, internationalist and revolutionary. The Marxist-Leninist Party of ...


more...- Posted on 2018 May 18

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