GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance

GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance  is a non-profit organization founded in 2008, 36 Universities and Research Centers are shareholders of GFOSS.

Our main goal is to promote Openness through the use and the development of Open Standards and Open Technologies in Education, Public Administration and Business in Greece.

We are platform for Open Standards, Free Software, Open Content, Open Data & Open Hardware in Greece. The major Greek Universities and Research Centers participate in GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance, while leading members of the Greek community of developers play a key role in the implementation of our policies.

GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance is affiliated with Creative Commons, is a founding member of COMMUNIA and FAB LAB ATHENS, member of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Network, Node of the Open Data Institute(, member of the Open Budget Initiative (, member of the Open Policy Network(, Associate Organisation of FSFE (Free Software Foundation Europe), Associate Member of Eclipse Foundation (, Associate Organization of OW2 Consortium ( and local hub of MyData (

GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance also cooperates with the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas in the ICT sector, with the aim to assist companies that  provide Open Technology services. Nine members of GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance participate in GRNET‘s project, FOSS Centers of Excellence, the centers deliver training activities for developing and promoting FOSS software in ten subject areas.

GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance experts share extensive multidisciplinary experience in the development and operation of major transparency and public engagement projects in Greece. These include the projects on electronic deliberation for participatory decision making and open innovation. To better coordinate and promote our projects we have established working groups, with more than 200 participants, each group drafts its own action plan using our WIKI.


Contact Info:

Address: 56, Mesogion Av. 11527, Athens
info AT eellak DOT gr
+30 210-7474-271
Fax:+30 210-7474-252