Twitter Promote Mode

Promote Mode is your always-on promotion engine

Short on Time? Twitter Promote Mode automates your brand marketing efforts for less than the price of a cup of coffee per day, enabling you to focus on creating your best Tweets.

Boost brand visibility without managing ad campaigns

Whether you're building your personal brand or a business, Twitter Promote Mode grows your influence by automatically amplifying your message to a larger interested audience, for a flat monthly fee.

An affordable, always-on promotion engine

For a low monthly fee, your Tweets and account will automatically be promoted. Reach up to 30,000 additional people and add an average of 30 new followers each month.*

Create great Tweets and save valuable time

Promote your brand as you normally do — Tweeting updates, links and media you want your target audience to see. Promote Mode will boost them automatically.

How Twitter Promote Mode works

When Promote Mode is enabled, your organic Tweets that pass our quality filter are automatically added to a daily campaign targeting your selected audience. Typically your first few Tweets of the day will receive the most promotion.** Promote Mode also runs an always-on Promoted Account campaign to drive visitors to your profile page and attract new followers.

Run concurrently with ad campaigns for maximum reach

Twitter Promote Mode lets you constantly promote your account, even when you’re busy. Need a more targeted solution for a product launch or brand campaign? Pair Promote Mode with Twitter Ads for easy custom advertising solutions.


“This is the solution to advertising on Twitter that we’ve been looking for. The results are worthwhile and we’ve enabled Promote Mode for all of our automotive brands.”


— Amy Hill, Digital Engagement Manager, Fowler Auto

"Promote Mode boosted the reach of our Tweets, our engagement, and followers. It saves us valuable time as well, as we are a small marketing team, and having our Tweets run as ads automatically helps a lot.”

— Dominic Athanassiou, Marketing Assistant, Smart Debit

Mobile-first, device-friendly management

Twitter Promote Mode is mobile-first. Track your progress from anywhere, accessing the dashboard on your mobile device or via desktop.


Analytics make it easy to track your progress

Check your dashboard to see people reached, profile visits, and followers. Update your targeting at any time to better focus on up to five interests or metro locations. You can pause promotion or cancel the service at any time all from the Promote Mode dashboard.


Simple billing

Automatic billing every 30 days to a credit card, with a predictable and budget-friendly monthly fee. Download invoices anytime for your expense reports.


See more details about Twitter Promote Mode in the Help Center.

* your performance may vary
** Promote Mode limits the number of Tweets added to a daily campaign to 10.  

Sign up for Twitter Promote Mode