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Exploding beer, bath wrinkles, dog poop

Science on Mornings, on triplej Why did salt make my beer explode? Why doesn't your entire body wrinkle when you're in the bath? Why dont dogs poo and pee at the same time?

Dr Karl: Did life begin on an invisible mountain range?

Great Moments in Science Could life have evolved on the longest mountain range on Earth, that is so far under the water it's invisible to most of us? Dr Karl goes in search for the origins of life.

Ceres bright spot mystery solved

StarStuff Podcast FINAL EPISODE: Bright spots on the dwarf planet Ceres are giant salt pans. Also; climate change slowing the planet's rotation, and searching for the universe's missing matter.

Synesthesia: seeing sounds, hearing colours - All In The Mind

For some people the number six is red, Friday is blue, and music evokes a range of colours and shapes. Seeing sounds and hearing colours is one type of synaesthesia – where the senses are crossed.  Meet an 11-year-old girl who was surprised to find out that not everyone sees colourful auras around people, and who feels that numbers have colours and personalities. Our longer podcast this week includes the full conversation with Rachel and Eliza Watt.

The Tyranny of Metrics; and the Dark Web - RN Future Tense

Quotas, rankings, ratings and lists – metrics dominate our modern lives. But is that a healthy thing? Could a fixation with metrics distract and divert us from the real work at hand. Historian Jerry Muller certainly thinks so. Also, inside the . Lawyer Eileen Ormsby has spent the last half-decade surfing the hidden side of the internet. Despite its extremities, she believes the dark Web is likely to play a greater role in ordinary people’s lives.   Guests Dr Jerry Muller – professor of History, Catholic University of America Eileen Ormsby - lawyer, journalist and author

Your Inner Dolphin

Beyond the Lab Humans are surprisingly well adapted to life in the ocean. Put us in water and our bodies start to change allowing us to dive and survive at amazing depths. The question is: how deep can we go?

Don't text & walk warns Newcastle University - triple j hack

Texting and walking? Bloody idiot.