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Editor's choice Saturday, 23 June 2018


News in Science Aussie bogong moths have a Magneto-sense


Scientists say this magnetic guidance — a first in insects — allows bogong moths to fly to the mountains every spring.

Dr Karl

RSS (Latest Dr Karl on triplej web feed) Dr Karl on triplej

Animal echolocation, salt and vinegar sweats, peeing when you get home.Article has audio

Thursday, 21 June 2018

How do animals that use echolocation travel in packs without it getting confusing? What's salt and vinegar chip-induced eyelid sweat about? Why do you need to go to the toilet when you get home, but not before?

RSS (Latest Dr Karl's Great Moments In Science web feed) Great Moments in Science

Dr Karl: Did life begin on an invisible mountain range?

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Could life have evolved on the longest mountain range on Earth, that is so far under the water it's invisible to most of us?

Human adventure

Elen Feuerriegel

The 'underground astronaut' in search of ancient bones

Saturday, 26 August 2017
Elen Feuerriegel risked her life to recover bones hidden in a cave below the rolling hills of South Africa. What she found helped open a new chapter in the story of human evolution.

Phone fears unfounded

Pilot on mobile phone

Smartphone myths and facts

Thursday, 24 August 2017
Do smartphones cause brain cancer? Do they really mess with a plane's navigation gear? And petrol pumps? Really??

Clever smartphones

Clever smartphones

Can our smartphones get any smarter?

Tuesday, 22 August 2017
In the year 1926, the pioneering scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla predicted a device that would allow us to communicate instantly over any distance, seeing and hearing one another as though face to face.

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Canberrans mark winter solstice with icy dip (ABC News)

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