Chinese Bikeshare Photos

A worker rides a shared bicycle past piled-up shared bikes at a vacant lot in Xiamen, Fujian province, China December 13, 2017. Picture taken December 13, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer

I find myself frequently returning to this Atlantic photo essay on the Chinese bike share companies flooding the streets with bikes. It’s strangely beautiful.

6 thoughts on “Chinese Bikeshare Photos

  1. I used to have a similar (I think) feeling when looking out from an airplane at vast cultivated agricultural areas that appear as orderly patches/strips of land … I found it aestehtically appealing … when later I learned that the farming techniques which generate that “beauty” are actually destructive … that what I consider to be beautiful is an artifact of destruction … it made me reflect on aesthetics .. my own and in general … and that led down a fascinating rabbit hole!

  2. It looks like they’re breeding. It’s a shame they don’t donate them to poverty-stricken countries in Africa where children have to walk long distances to get to school.

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