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  1. أشخاص عرض الكلّ

  2. قبل ٥٠ دقيقة

    The crisis at the border requires reform, but do not make this a thing. These photos were released in 2014 under the Obama administration of immigrant children in the same detention centers. Don’t engage in selective outrage.

  3. قبل ساعة واحدة
  4. قبل ساعة واحدة

    had tents put up in the blink of an eye to detain children he took from parents. But left Puerto Ricans without shelter.......

  5. قبل ساعتين

    I am here at Laguardia Airport with a few hundred amazing people resisting ’s racism as children who’ve been separated from their parents arrive on flights. It’s devastating that we are in this moment. But this crowd represents the decency of who we are.

  6. قبل ٣ ساعات

    History is repeating itself guys! Concentration camps

  7. قبل ٣ ساعات

    Fact: The order doesn’t explicitly end family separation at the border. Families will be reunited “to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of appropriations,” effectively giving the administration an out. This amounts to more smoke an mirrors.

  8. قبل ٤ ساعات

    holds rally in Minnesota after touting progress on trade

  9. قبل ٤ ساعات
  10. قبل ٥ ساعات

    1,000 from hitler aboard the St Louis were TURNED AWAY by the . A minimum of 250 were murdered by when they returned. Same rational. Illegals. No papers. edict solved nothing. He is a murderer and abuser.

  11. قبل ٥ ساعات

    In signing his executive order, Trump spun himself as a strong leader after using the presidency to brutally abuse innocent children. This is not strength. This is the sign of a racist bully who must be held accountable.

  12. قبل ٥ ساعات

    I didn't even know was still alive. Most millennials don't even know who he is.. nor care. What he posted on Twitter about and son Barron is a threat to and family. should be arrested now.

  13. قبل ٦ ساعات

    RT if you think Donald Trump should face real consequences for tearing children from their families, a policy that the United Nations rights chief has said is child abuse.

  14. قبل ٦ ساعات

    Just a reminder: Donald Trump, whose separating children from their parents has been called child abuse by the UN, is still under investigation for criminal obstruction of justice and collusion in an act of war against America.

  15. قبل ٧ ساعات

    In my view, Trump is guilty of perpetrating mass child abuse and should be held accountable for breaking the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. Even the UN rights chief said it: What he did is child abuse.

  16. قبل ٧ ساعات

    Right now MSNBC and CNN are airing immigration coverage from the border.... Foxnews, is airing a trump rally Tells you everything. 🧐

  17. قبل ٧ ساعات

    🚨 : Top Judiciary & Condemn ’s Executive Order.

  18. قبل ٨ ساعات

    Trump said that on immigration he'd rather be strong than weak. Only a racist madman would think brutal child abuse is a sign of "strength."

  19. قبل ٩ ساعات
    ردًا على

    مخلص همه بر اندازها

  20. قبل ٩ ساعات

    Where’s the outrage? Hollywood gets triggered by everything these days yet seen to support raping children. Disgusting. The silence is deafening.

  21. قبل ٩ ساعات

    It’s not about the kids It’s about the hatred for President What’s coming up Elections soon have to make people stressed

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