Kidnapper Stops Kidnapping

NBC Reports:

President Donald Trump, under mounting political pressure from angry members of his own party, signed an executive order Wednesday reversing his administration’s policy of separating children from their parents at the border and allowing families to instead be detained together…

…The order marks an abrupt about-face for the president, who said as recently as Friday that when it came to keeping migrant families together, “you can’t do it through executive order.” He had faced extraordinary pressure from Capitol Hill, even from some of his closest GOP allies, as well as from members of his own family, to end his administration’s policy of separating children from parents who cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

Looks like Comrade Trump licked the spoon. But wait! There’s more!

It also remains unclear how the administration will reunite the families that have already been separated at the border.

Until 100% of those kids are back in the arms of their parents, our work is not done here. Keep up the pressure.

Posted in 4th Reich, Comrade Preznint Stupid, The Russian Usurper | 7 Comments

Midday Palate Cleanser

Millennial Dog
“Dude, I could go for some avocado toast right now.”

(And yes, avocados are OK for dogs to eat, but keep ’em away from the pit, which can choke them.)

Posted in dogs, Palate Cleansers | 3 Comments

Bad Lip Reading Does The Summit

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The Canary is Making Noise, Maybe

Touched By An Angel, or at least a Fed.

Our favorite of Comrade Trump’s really stupid lawyers, Michael (or it is Mikhail, hmmm?) Cohen is in the news again! It seems he might flip and tell-all about his boss, the mango-hued shitgibbon!

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen has signaled to friends that he is “willing to give” investigators information on the President if that’s what they are looking for, and is planning on hiring a new lawyer to handle a possible indictment from federal prosecutors.

“He knows a lot of things about the President and he’s not averse to talking in the right situation,” one of Cohen’s New York friends who is in touch with him told CNN. “If they want information on Trump, he’s willing to give it.”

We’ve long maintained that Mr. Mueller doesn’t really need the pride of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School (reportedly the worst law school in the country) very much, Mueller has all the documentation that he needs when he raided Mikhail’s office, home, and hotel.

Anyway, the CNN article is interesting in that it gives a lot of background into the new attorney that Mikhail Cohen has hired, who sorta sounds like he knows a thing or two about how to construct a plea bargain.

Posted in Little-Kremlin-on-the-Potomac, Mikhail Cohen | Leave a comment

Somewhere, Sinclair Lewis is Laughing

Though there is no real basis to credit Lewis with When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag and Carrying a Cross, the adage rings true.

I suspect that monsters—of whatever stripe that is Comrade Trump—cannot touch a cross without bursting into flames. And to add some more fuel to the fire (see what I did there?) that was at a speech to the Federation of Independent Businesses and was supposed to be on economic or something, but turned into something more along the lines of the Democrats and Latinos infesting America’s vital juices and what not, and then concluded with the flag hugging.

So I give the performance 3 Sinclair Lewises.

Posted in Comrade Preznint Stupid, The Russian Usurper, immigration, snark | 14 Comments

The Sad Trombone of Corey Lewandowksi

This was a rather bloodless moment last night:

And while most outlets are letting it go with “womp-womp”, to me it sounded more like a snotty pre-pubescent doing two notes of the ol’ sad trombone, thus proving that not only is Lewandowski a monster, he’s not a very smart one.

So, I guess the ball is in Mooselini’s court to talk about kids with Down’s Syndrome being forcibly ripped from the arms of a parent. Still waiting, Sarah.

Posted in 4th Reich, Corey Lewandowski | 6 Comments

Nielsen Enjoys Some Hors D’oeuvres In the Abattoir

Well, this took some balls: DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen went to a Mexican restaurant last night and got a side of heckling to go with her refried gobbers (only guessing that the chefs would spit in her food, but it’s a pretty good guess):

…and was chased out.

More, please.

Decent people will chant at them, shame them, boo, hiss, point, and cross the street. People like Nielsen need to feel what it will be like when this Administration is thrown out, their heads shaved and children spit on them as they are marched into exile.

Nielsen has an easy way out: she can take the high road and resign before she is tainted for the rest of her public career (and whatever follows); even she must know that at this point she is radioactive and is unlikely to work again if she stays. She can then be the one member of the Fourth Reich that can say she stood up to Comrade Trump.

Bus she probably wont.

Posted in 4th Reich, immigration, racism, White Punks on Dope | 11 Comments

Great Graffiti, Cont

Speed Limit

Not a sign in Russia, I swear.

Also, too: Fair Warning! Assorted Scissorheads have been sending me a lot of Tattoo Pictures and it looks like we might have another tattoo week. Get in on the action, kids, and send in your tatts today! Tattoo week next week looks like a go!

(come’on, we know, we understand, we mock)

Posted in Great Graffiti | 4 Comments

News That Will Drive You To Drink

Happy Hour News Briefs

Rainbow Chips? Naw, Starnes is crackers

Smarmy Xristian Xrazy Todd Starnes sets the bar…

…really low. But seriously Todd, don’t give Hair Führer any ideas, mmm-kay?

Posted in Traitor Tots Todd Starnes | 7 Comments

Wingnuttia Enters Campaign Season, Limping

Tiger Beat on the Potomac (thanks Charlie!) afternoon email thingie gives us another offering from the No D’uh files:

REPUBLICANS’ NEW FEAR … SELF-INFLICTED WOUNDS — Up until a few weeks ago, Republicans were feeling a bit better about their political prospects in the 2018 midterms. The tax cuts were taking hold. The unemployment rate was dropping. But in rapid succession, five issues have popped up that they believe could threaten their majority:

  1. TRUMP FIRING SESSIONS, MUELLER OR ROSENSTEIN: Republicans tell us behind the scenes that if the president dismisses the attorney general, deputy attorney general or special counsel, they risk a mutiny in the party.

  2.  A SEPTEMBER GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: All you have to do is read the story above by Burgess [Ed. Here’s the link to the story. –TG]  to understand how real of a threat this is — and how disastrous it would be for the GOP.

  3. OBAMACARE PREMIUMS. Every Republican we talk to fears a massive fall hike in health insurance premiums. It’s exceedingly unlikely that Republicans will take up another health-care bill this year.

  4. THE BORDER. This is pretty simple: most GOP lawmakers believe the image of kids being separated from their parents and children in cages at the southern border with Mexico is a political loser in the suburban districts they need to win to keep their majority.

  5. TARIFFS: The United States is in a trade war with China, and on the brink of one with Mexico and Canada. You don’t have to look that hard: across the Midwest, newspapers are carrying headlines that warn of economic catastrophe if the tariffs take hold.

What’s amazing is that none of this analysis is wrong, per se, but that Wingnuttia is worried about it not so much as acts of immoral policy, but from optics that might hurt their hold onto power.  Every last one of these 5 issues they could address if they wanted to. The problem is that they agree with all of it, they just don’t want voters to know that they do.

UPDATE 1: Even before I hit Publish, The Russian Usurper’s first campaign manager for the 2020 Goat Rodeo, Brad Parscale (dude looks the poster boy for an Idaho White Separatist Militia):

Posted in 2018 Pie Fight, 2020 Goat Rodeo, 4th Reich, snark | 7 Comments