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Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

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California Privacy

The California Attorney General’s Office Says It’s Finally Taking Database Abuse Seriously—But Time Will Tell

In 2017, 22 law enforcement employees across California lost or left their jobs after abusing the computer network that grants police access to criminal histories and drivers' records, according to new data compiled by the California Attorney General’s office. The records obtained by EFF show a total of 143 violations...
GDPR web and browser fingerprinting image

The GDPR and Browser Fingerprinting: How It Changes the Game for the Sneakiest Web Trackers

The GDPR and Browser Fingerprinting: How It Changes the Game for the Sneakiest Web Trackers Browser fingerprinting is on a collision course with privacy regulations. For almost a decade, EFF has been raising awareness about this tracking technique with projects like Panopticlick. Compared to more well-known tracking “cookies,”...

California’s Net Neutrality Bill Has Strong Zero Rating Protections for Low-Income Internet Users, Yet Sacramento May Ditch Them to Appease AT&T

California’s net neutrality bill, S.B. 822, is often referred to as the “gold standard” of state-based net neutrality laws. The bill tackles the full array of issues the FCC had addressed right up until the end of 2016 before it began repealing net neutrality. One such issue is the discriminatory...

The ENCRYPT Act Protects Encryption from U.S. State Prying

It’s not just the Department of Justice and the FBI that want to undermine your right to private communications and secure devices—some state lawmakers want to weaken encryption, too. In recent years, a couple of state legislatures introduced bills to restrict or outright ban encryption on smartphones and other devices...
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