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Too bad we can't go negative with these numbers. I wanted to understand why people who come off basi...c officer training get $15 an hour. When as the only armed officer for AlliedBarton MN, why am I sitting at $15.65 an hour? I've been here 4 years, went from $14.50 on my own to $15.65. I asked, I mentioned it sounded like it was a ploy to get more money to the union.

And instantly, all communications shut down. So I go over Kimberly's head, to her boss. Who try's to get in a pissing match with a US Army Veteran. Then Kimberly mails me back and she was "offended by my words and needed to step away." So I have been outside now for fall, winter, spring and Summer. Coming back to fall with out a replacement, 6 days a week. And harassed and insulted by liberals, drunks, homeless, BLM supporters and customers of this bank we guard. Now, I sit at $15.80 and still have 0 support or backup. Plus a union I was forced into, who does absolutely nothing! Literally nothing. You are all awful.
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I had so much fun meeting union members at the benefits fair. The energy and positivity was electric.... The event Oct 6 was well organized. Excellent job!! See More
What would we do with out it ?I guess these people that are talking bad about it like how the companies treat them.. Not me.. the only way to get any respect from them is to let the managers clean the buildings themselves...No 401k, 3 sick days a year, 40 cent raise for 3 years...Maybe those who don't know what their talking about think it is a wannabe union... See More