Showing posts with label protests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protests. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Always on the lookout to squeeze the poor even further the McGuinty government of Ontario has recently received a commission report of a plan to tighten the screws from former bank executive Don Drummond. It was all that could be expected. Here is the reaction to this report from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)
Defeating Drummond's Dreadful Directions‏

Former Toronto Dominion Bank economist, Don Drummond, has now handed over
his report to the McGuinty government. As we might have expected it is a
call to arms for the advocates of austerity. It suggests cuts to social
services that would make Harris’s Tory government look like social
reformers. Harris cut the Provincial Budget by less than 4% during one
term of office while Drummond wants a 17% reduction kept up for a decade
and a half. Among other drastic recommendations it calls for limiting
annual spending growth for social assistance to 0.5% until 2018, despite
the fact that those living on social assistance are still suffering from
the 21.6% cuts to assistance from the Harris years, which the Liberals
have only made worse. Nowadays a person living on welfare in Ontario is
making 55% less than they did in the early 90s, when the rates were
already far below the poverty line. Also in Drummond’s cross-hairs are
ODSP and the Child Tax Benefit.

Through all the rhetoric of ‘’overspending’’ it is important to remember
that this economic crisis was not caused by us. After all, it is
noteworthy that the budget was balanced before the crisis of 2008-09. It
was not caused by welfare recipients, it was not caused by organized
labour and it was not caused by public services. We are living through a
financial crisis that was caused by the rich, and while the banks are
getting bailed out we are being bled dry to pay for their greed.

The Drummond report is a road-map to austerity and if it is not swiftly
defeated its legacy will haunt us for decades to come. At the same time it
is important not to stay fixated on the Drummond report. We know that the
Liberals have been planning to implement cut-back measures long before
this report came out. It is imperative that we keep a close eye on the
upcoming budget and root out every attack directed against us in the name
of austerity.

The time is crucial for us to coordinate our efforts and organize
ourselves as effectively as possible to mount a serious fightback.

Overview of the days of action

This is not the first time radical groups, community groups and labour
unions have been called to fight together. In the mid to late 1990s in
response to the drastic cuts to social services and attacks on workers put
forth by the Harris government these groups had to band together to mount
opposition. What started as small protests against the PC government soon
swelled to one of the largest mobilization periods in Ontario’s history,
with hundreds of thousands of people joining in the fight. Unfortunately
this mobilization, though ground-breaking in many ways, was not enough to
defeat the Tories and they were not forced to retreat. As powerful as the
Days of Action were, the present struggle against austerity will need to
learn from past shortcomings as well as strengths. Unlike the
mobilization against Harris, the struggles we take up to-day will need to
escalate to the point where those implementing austerity face a level of
economic and political disruption that creates for them a social, economic
and political catastrophe. We can’t stop at moral appeals but must force
Bay Street and its political representatives at Queen’s Park to retreat
through decisive mass mobilization

The Common Sense Revolution cuts were pushed through and we are living
with its legacy today. In real terms people living on social assistance
today have less spending power than they did during the height of the
Harris-era cuts. Capitalism has re-doubled its attacks on organized labour
and vital public services are being cut and threatened daily. If we fail
again this time around, however, the results will be far more devastating.

Proposal for a plan to move forward

We in OCAP believe that the only way we can truly defeat the current wave
of austerity measures is to build a movement that is willing and committed
to pushing back in meaningful ways. Symbolic rallies and editorials will
only get us so far, and social assistance reviews are not going to help us
push back against austerity. It has even been admitted by Lankin that a
raise in social assistance rates is not even on the table. Rather, to beat
this beast we have to put forward a plan of resistance that is going to
disrupt every stage of their agenda, we have to be willing to confront
these politicians and decision makers head on at every single chance we
can take.

On March 16th OCAP, with a wide array of community groups and labour
groups will be marching from the ministry of housing down to the financial
district. In a show of unity we will be marching together against the
austerity measures of the liberal provincial government, we will be
demanding a raise in OW and ODSP rates, as well as quality public
services. But marches alone are not going to win this battle. Other
community groups have to be willing to take up the fight in meaningful
ways, unions have to be willing to strike against this government, and
everyone has to be committed to taking this to its logical conclusion! We
are calling on all our allies, all labour unions, all activists, all
community organizations to help us defeat this government and the
austerity measures it represents. Together we can fight to win!

ocap mailing list

Friday, March 09, 2012

Here's another callout from down Ontario way and the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP). This is an appeal and petition to keep a downtown homeless shelter open. Here's the story:
Hello everyone,
The fight for the School House Shelter and services AND housing in the Downtown East continues.
Please sign this on-line petition that will be brought to the City:

Sunday, February 12, 2012



It's called "Blue (collar)-Grey Power", an alliance of workers and pensioners to oppose Tory plans to gut Canada's Old Age Security (OAS). Here's the story, from the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) of how they occupied 21 Conservative MP offices across Ontario. You can read more about this action and find out which Tory bench warmers were targeted at the website of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL). A great example of how labour is taking up the innovative tactics of the Occupy movement.

Seniors and the OFL occupy 21 Ontario Tory offices: Threats to Old Age Security ignite new movement of Blue-Grey Power
Share Labour activists teamed up with seniors, retirees and supporters on February 9 to occupying 21 Tory MP offices across Ontario, while other actions are taking place elsewhere in Canada. The Harper government’s recent threat to cut Old Age Security (OAS) benefits has inflamed a new movement of workers and pensioners, calling itself a movement of “Blue-Grey Power,” that is bringing the fight against the Conservative assault on retirement security directly to Tory constituency offices.

“Prime Minister Harper’s hypocrisy is stunning. He chose to announce his plans to cut Old Age Security in front of the one percenters in Davos, Switzerland when he knows full well that if he were to retire in 2015, he would have a Platinum-Plated, taxpayer-funded pension of $223,517 a year,” said OFL President Sid Ryan, from the sit-in at Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s Whitby constituency office.

Feeling pushed to the brink, the outraged pensioners, soon-to-be pensioners and supporters resorted to the constituency office occupations to demand that Conservative Members of Parliament abandon plans to push back the OAS eligibility age from 65 to 67, or make any reductions to benefits. Instead, they are calling for the Harper government to introduce modest increases to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions that would double benefits for all retirees and seniors.

“Harper’s attack on retirement security is another example of the Conservatives putting ideology over reality and the interests of working families,” says UFCW Canada National President Wayne Hanley. “Even the government’s own Parliamentary Budget Officer, Kevin Page, has said that the pension system’s long-term sustainability is sound. We as workers in Canada need to take note of this most recent attack on our rights and standard of living, and mobilize to once and for all elect a government that works for working families.”

To find out more about the occupation, go to .

Thursday, January 19, 2012



Time ticks on until this Saturday's mass demonstration in solidarity with workers at the Electro-Motive Diesel plant in London Ontario. While this is being planned the local community in London Ontario is rallying behind the workers affected who are supposed to have their wages cut by 50% as per the company's offer. There has been much discussion about the culpability of the federal government in allowing a foreign purchase of this enterprise insofar as it was "in the interests of Canada". Obviously it is not, and the federal government still refuses to release documentation regarding its decision.

All this is neither here nor there aside from establishing the fact that our government was privy to an agreement that included the possible relocation of a plant to a non-union area in the USA. Were they privy to corporate plans ? Who knows. All that can be said is that the ideology of our present government sees the interests of ordinary Canadians as worthless and merely an obstacle to be overcome.

In any case here is an article from the "Londoner", a local newspaper in London Ontario, about the community support for the Electro-Motive Diesel workers in London Ontario. Let's see what happens as Ontario labour gathers there this weekend.
Community supportive of locked out workers

Workers at London’s Electro-Motive Diesel plant have been shut out since January 1. Unwilling to accept a 50 per cent wage cut, they’re uncertain of their future as London City Council asks the provincial and federal governments to get involved.

Albrechtas is retired, but he had a good reason to be standing out on the picket lines on Oxford Street one grey, unseasonably warm day last week.

"I got three generations working here," he said, standing outside London's Electro-Motive Diesel Inc. "I've got my son working here and my grandson working here. They're both locked out. I'm retired (from the plant) now for 10 years under General Motors, but I'm here to support them."

And he wasn't the only one who came out to stand alongside the workers, locked out since January 1 after they rejected a blunt offer for a roughly 50 per cent wage cut from the Caterpillar-owned company.

"I want to support the people working here on the picket line," said retired educator Lynne Shantz. "They have a legitimate right to their workplace and the wages they've been making. I think the company did not intend to negotiate in good faith by coming in with a hardball offer like they did. It's pretty ridiculous."

Shantz said she'd like to see more Londoners come out to support the workers and said people should realize the fight going down at the plant could affect far more people than the workers in question.

"This is only the tip of the iceberg because along the line if people see that they can get away with this type of ridiculous offer ... then they'll be doing this again and again and again," she said. "This impacts people who are non-union as well and everybody is going to suffer."

Workers themselves are already feeling the pinch. With strike pay of $200 per week, most can just get by for now. But for some, that cash might be insufficient sooner rather than later

Take for example Vince Gugliotta and Sarah Smith. The couple — both locked out workers at Electro-Motive — are currently supporting four kids aged seven to 11 months old. Already they're watching the dollars and cents, keenly aware that they may soon be cutting into savings.

"(We're) eating in, shopping frugal, buying things only if it's an absolute necessity," Smith said. "We're just fresh into the lockout so we're not feeling the big impact right now. But a couple weeks from now, a couple months, we're definitely going to be feeling it."

She added that for their family, the prospect of going from $32 per hour in pay to roughly half that is simply untenable.

Out on the picket line, Chris Kwiatkowski agreed. Having worked at Electro-Motive for nearly 24 years, the last time he saw wages that low was when he just started at the plant.

"I started in 1988. It was just about 16 bucks an hour then," he said. "It's scary. I'm hoping (a deal) comes through. I like my job."

He added he's hopeful city council's recent unanimous vote of support for the workers will draw further help from Ottawa and the province, which have so far been tepid in their desire to get involved in the lockout.

"Right now they (the politicians) are about the only people that can save us I think," Kwiatkowski said.

Albrechtas agreed.

"I hope the government steps in soon," he said. "It's getting bad."

A representative at Electro-Motive said there was no one who could talk about the lockout situation.

Organized labour movements in Ontario have promised a day of action to show support for the locked out workers at Electro-Motive on January 21. According to a Canadian Auto Workers release, thousands of supporters are expected to converge on London to show solidarity with the workers in what has become a flashpoint for the labour movement in Canada.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012



It is a very old story out in Newfoundland way. Fish processing companies come and go, opening, closing and reopening elsewhere. All, of course, to keep labour costs as low as possible no matter what the effect on local communities.

The Ocean Choice International company is cut from the usual cloth. They have recently laid off 400 workers in Port Union and Marystown. This has come along with a "request" to the Newfoundland government to grant the company permanent exemption to ship fish outside of the province for processing. In return the company "promises" to double the number of jobs in Fortune, another fishing community, and by some miracle make them year around. The likelihood of them holding to this promise is about the same as a snowball gambling in the netherworld.

Laid off workers and their supporters gathered at the Paradise Newfoundland headquarters of Ocean Choice to voice their own demands. The workers are represented by the CAW affiliated Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union. Look to their website for more news of this dispute. Here's the basic story from the CBC. Molly has to say that she is doubtful about the good faith of the opposition politicians who addressed the rally.

Protesters rally at OCI headquarters
Labour leaders, opposition politicians address crowd
By Rob Antle, CBC News
About 150 protesters gathered at Ocean Choice International headquarters in Paradise Tuesday to rally against the company.

Former fish plant workers bussed in from Port Union and Marystown to hear labour leaders and opposition politicians deliver broadsides against OCI.

George Feltham, an inshore fisherman and a vice-president with the Fish, Food and Allied Workers union, condemned the company.

"This is not only an attack on plants, this is an attack on the fishery as a whole," Feltham said.

FFAW president Earle McCurdy said the industry is at a "fundamental turning point" right now.

More than 150 people, waving placards and chanting slogans, protested at OCI headquarters on Tuesday. (Rob Antle/CBC)He said the fight against plant closures must continue.

"The company, the union and the provincial government have a responsibility to leave no stone unturned to do everything possible to save those jobs, save those plants, save those communities," McCurdy said.

'Moaned, whined and sooked'
Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour president Lana Payne slammed the company, saying Ocean Choice "moaned, whined and sooked" about a request from the provincial government for more information.

On Monday, OCI officials said that critical comments by Fisheries Minister Darin King were hurting the company's reputation with its global clientele.

But Payne said the real damage came when OCI laid off 400 people at its Port Union and Marystown facilities weeks before Christmas.

Workers want the shuttered fish plants reopened. They also want the government to deny OCI's request for exemptions to ship unprocessed fish out of the province.

The company is promising to nearly double the number of jobs at its fish plant in Fortune, and make those jobs year round, if the province grants its request.

The government has already turned down OCI's request for permanent exemptions, but no decision has been made on temporary ones.

Protesters propped placards against the OCI headquarters building at the end of Tuesday's rally. (Rob Antle/CBC)The company is sharing information with the government, and a decision on that could be made within weeks.

Opposition reaction
The leaders of the province's two opposition parties spoke in support of the protesters' cause.

Liberal Leader Dwight Ball accused the Tory administration of lacking vision on the fishery.

"This Dunderdale government has not been proactive, nor have they been creative," Ball said. "They have not been strong advocates for strenghtening our fishery."

NDP Leader Lorraine Michael said Fisheries Minister Darin King took a step in the right direction when he turned down OCI's request for permanent exemptions last week, but pledged to keep his feet to the fire.

"The resource belongs to the people," Michael said.

Monday, January 09, 2012



The following call out for protest against proposed budget cuts in the City of Toronto comes from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP).

[ocap] Stop the Cuts - Final Ford Budget Showdown!‏

Important Update on City Cuts:

1) January 17th Mobilization: Final Budget Showdown

2) What you need to know about the 2013 City Budget


1) Final Budget Showdown

Toronto vs Ford!

Toronto Stop the Cuts Rally and Action

January 17, 5:30pm

City Hall

**Join OCAP and the Downtown East Committee as we meet up and march together to City Hall: 4:30 pm at Moss Park (Queen and Sherbourne)

On January 17th-19th, City Council will vote on the 2012 budget. Ford and his buddies want to cut nearly $90 million in services, even though the city has a surplus of at least $140 million. They plan to slash services, hike fares and user fees, and lockout or layoff workers when there is actually enough money to improve life in this city.

Toronto Stop the Cuts has been organizing in neighbourhoods across the city to build powerful resistance against Ford and his cuts. On January 17th, we are all coming together for a Final Budget Showdown - a rally and actions to oppose the cuts and demand an expansion of city services for all!

Join us - together we can Stop the Cuts!

More info:

Get involved:

Join a neighbourhood committee

Learn more about the cuts

To endorse, email


2) What you need to know about the 2012 Toronto City Budget?

First, there is no $774 million deficit. In fact, there is a $154 million surplus.

Second, the Budget Committee votes on a draft Budget on January 9th. This budget is amended by the Executive Committee on January 12th and then sent to the full Council. All City Councilors debate the Budget on January 17th and will vote on the budget on the 17th, 18th, or 19th.

This is not just about stopping cuts and layoffs or ensuring that there are no more user fees in the city. The fight now is to ensure that the 2012 Toronto Budget invests more in services for poor people and undocumented people, in immigrant neighbourhoods, for disabled people, for youth and the elderly. It is to roll back the 10% budget cuts that have taken place.

Here are three things you can do to make this happen. Remember, now is the time.

1. Come to Final Budget Showdown: Toronto Vs Rob Ford Rally and Action& bring friends! January 17, 2011, 5:30pm

City Hall

2. Take time off work, school or other commitments and go to City Hall.

January 17, 18 & 19

9:30 am onwards.

Council Chambers

This is when they will be discussing the City Budget.

3. Visit, call and write these 9 Councilors

Tell them that you are part of the Toronto Stop the Cuts Network, a neighbourhood organization with 10 chapters in all corners of the city.Tell them that they should not support any cuts, layoffs, reduction of services, or user fees in the Toronto City Budget 2012. In fact, with a Budget surplus, now is the time to invest in services for poor people, undocumented people, disabled people, elderly and children. It's time to build a Toronto for all.

(If you live in one of these wards, try and get your entire street, or building to sign a petition and drop it off at their offices.

Sample petition:

Online Petition also available:

1. Michelle Berardinetti Scarborough West

Phone: 416-392-0213 Email:

2. Mike Thompson- Scarborough Centre

-Phone: 416-397-9274 Email:

3.Chin Lee- Scarb-Rouge River

-Phone: 416-392-1375 Email:

[These coucillors will be at Scarborough Civic Centre on Tuesday, January10 at 7:30 p.m. Register to speak: or 416-396-7287]

4.Josh Colle- Eglinton and Lawrence

Phone: 416-392-4027 Email: Meeting: January 11, 6:30 p.m. at Glen Long Community Centre, 35 Glen Long Avenue (west of Dufferin, north of Glencairn)

5. Josh Matlow - Trinity St. Pauls

Phone: 416-392-7906 Email: Meeting: January 11, 7-9 p.m. at North Toronto Memorial Community Centre,200 Eglinton Avenue West

6.Jaye Robinson

Phone: 416-395-6408 Email:

7.Mary-Margaret McMahon

Phone: 416-392-1376 Email:

8.Gloria Lindsay Luby

Phone: 416-392-1369 Email:

9. Cesar Palacios- Davenport-Perth

Phone: 416-392-7011 Email:

(This info has also been posted here: )

4. Check the Stop the Cuts Web Calendar For Other Upcoming Events/Meetings:

Davenport Public Meeting - Voice your concerns! Stop the Cuts!

Location: Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood & Community Health Centre, 1900 Davenport Rd.

Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Co-Hosted by: Bread & Bricks Davenport West Social Justice Group and Davenport Stop the Cuts Committee

Saturday, January 07, 2012



As in keeping "someone's peace.

Thursday, October 20, 2011



The following appeal is from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP).


Stop the Sell Off of Toronto Community Housing!‏

Statement from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

In a move that falls in line with the plans of Rob Ford, Toronto CommunityHousing is looking to sell off close to 1000 homes. The money raised in the sale would, we are told, go to meet the $600 million repair bill that years of neglect have created in public housing owned and operated by the City of Toronto. The sell off will involve ‘stand alone’ homes throughout the City.

Tens of thousands of desperate people sit on the 10 years’ long waiting list for rent geared to income housing in this City and the housing authority is now looking to sell off a major portion of this precious resource. Displaced tenants will have to be moved into units presently standing idle, that will be renovated with the money from the sale. This will mean that few people on the waiting list will get housed while the stock of public housing is reduced massively.

As bad as this move is, for Rob Ford and his allies, this is only a first move. They will carry on until public housing is entirely privatized.

This attack is a major part of an austerity agenda to destroy public services in Toronto and it has to be fought. TCH tenants and their allies must mobilize to stop the sale and defend their homes.

On Friday, October 21, from 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM, the TCH Board is meeting at their main offices at 931 Yonge Street. A call has been issued for people to make deputations to the Board by Tenants for Social Housing which we are including with this statement. However, it is beyond doubt that the fight will continue beyond this Friday and a serious and determined struggle on this vital issue will have to be taken up.

Join Toronto Stop the Cuts Network in the fight-back against city cuts!

Join a neighborhood committee or start a new one!


Join with the Tenants for Social Housing - We Are Not for Sale Mobilization:

Stop the Sell Off of Social Housing - We are Not for Sale!

Toronto Community Housing Corporation Board Meeting

THIS Friday October 21, 9 am to 2 pm 931 Yonge Street

TCHC will be recommending the sale of your home and over 1,000 more at a Board meeting on Friday, October 21. We still have a chance to stop the sale of our homes and the dismantling of our communities!

• Register to make a deputation at the Board meeting by or call 416-981-4232 before October 21,2011.

• Send TCHC CEO Len Koroneos an email at today and let him know that you do not support the sale of our homes! Join tenants at the Board meeting and let TCHC know that We’re Not For Sale!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011



As this is being written the US Team at The Women's World Football Cup has advanced to playing in the finals against Japan. With each advance the significance of the team showing solidarity with other footballers in Bahrain becomes more significant. Here's an appeal from the Human Rights First organization asking you to add your voice saying that the US Team should take a stand.
Guard The Line: Stand Up for Bahraini Athletes Supporting Democracy!
By Quinn O’Keefe
Senior Associate, Human Rights Defenders

The Women’s World Cup semifinal will take place tomorrow in Germany where the U.S. women’s soccer team has already given fans reason to cheer the players’ skill, resolve and tenacity. Half a world away, the government of Bahrain has launched a brutal attack on its athletes. It has suspended over 150 athletes, coaches and referees for supporting the democracy movement and arrested several others. The Bahraini government is hoping that its crackdown will pass unnoticed. We must not allow them to succeed.

Ask the members of the U.S. women’s soccer team to use the opportunity of appearing in the World Cup semifinals to publicly take a stand in support of Bahraini pro-democracy athletes.

The good news is that many Bahraini athletes have been released. But several were tortured and humiliated while in custody including soccer player Mohammed Hubail and his brother, striker A’ala Hubail, as well as goalkeeper Ali Saeed. Mohammed was recently sentenced to two years in prison during a sham military trial. Now, he and others fear another round of detention and torture if they speak out to journalists.

The U.S. women’s national soccer team will compete on the world stage again as they play against France in the Women’s World Cup semifinals tomorrow. They’ll have every soccer fan’s attention.

Ask the members of the U.S. women’s soccer team to stand in solidarity with their fellow soccer players and denounce Bahrain’s abusive treatment of its athletes.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the USA Women's Team at the World Cup.
Dear U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team,

We are deeply concerned about reports that Bahraini soccer team members were tortured during the country’s brutal crackdown on pro-democracy activists. Mohammed Hubail, A’ala Hubail, and Ali Saeed were reportedly abused during their detainment, according to friends and relatives. Additionally, Mohammed Hubail has been sentenced to two years in prison simply because he was involved in a wave of peaceful protests.

You will have the world’s attention as you take the field for the semifinal game with France tomorrow. The Bahraini government is hoping its abusive treatment of its athletes will pass unnoticed. We ask you to stand in solidarity with your fellow footballers and publicly denounce Bahrain’s treatment of its soccer players. Athlete should not be unjustly targeted by oppressive regimes because of their public prominence.

Please join us in speaking out against the arbitrary arrest, detention, and torture of athletes and all others who have been detained for peacefully expressing their views.

Thank you,

Monday, February 21, 2011


The standoff in Wisconsin continues as the Governor refuses to negotiate concerning his anti-worker legislation, and the people protesting the Bill continue to demonstrate and occupy parts of the legislative building. Meanwhile similar union busting legislation is also under debate in other states as the various governments attempt to unload their financial crises onto the backs of public employees.

Here's an item from the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) about what you can do to stand in solidarity with American public service workers.
Join Wisconsin's Workers: a Last Stand for the Middle Class‏
You've no doubt seen by now that tens of thousands of working Americans, including UFCW members, have come to the Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin to rally, protest, and make a stand for workers' rights. It's no exaggeration to say that what's happening in Wisconsin is of great importance to working families. It may be our last chance to save our shrinking middle class.

Republican Governor Scott Walker's attempt to strip public workers' collective bargaining rights under the pretense of balancing the state budget has got working Americans all over the country up in arms. Especially since Wisconsin's budget was in great shape until Governor Walker decided to reward his corporate buddies with tax breaks.

It's the same old corporate greed that we've seen chipping away at the American Dream in the last few years, with politicians exploiting working people while stuffing the pockets of their Wall Street cronies.

But it's clear as the momentum keeps building and the movement keeps growing in Wisconsin that this is no ordinary protest. And now workers nationwide are joining with Wisconsin's workers to make a last stand for the middle class. Click here to find out more info on where and when these rallies are happening, and if there's one near you.

These are families who have seen years of Republican fiscal irresponsibility—and are saying, no more.

These are union members who are tired of being scapegoated by the same old politics—of being told that they're responsible for this fiscal crisis, rather than the CEOs and Wall Street speculators that drove our economy into the ground.

These are students and teachers and parents and nurses and firefighters and retail clerks and plant workers and auto workers and steel workers and plumbers and truck drivers and public employees—these are the ordinary working people that make this country strong.

And they have had enough.

It's not just in Wisconsin, either. In states all across the country—maybe your state, too—Republicans are proposing bills to take away workers' rights, to destroy the unions that serve as the last line of defense for America's middle class.

Click here to find out here what's going on in your state and what you can do to help.

And call your elected officials to let them know you oppose any such legislation in your state.

President Obama was half right when he said what was happening in Wisconsin is “an assault on unions.” Because it's not just unions. The laws that are being proposed in Wisconsin and elsewhere are an assault on all working people, on all working families.

So the middle class is making a stand in Wisconsin. And if we can stop Governor Walker there, we can stop similar attacks on workers across the nation. It's so important that we stand with our brothers and sisters in Wisconsin, as well as in Indiana, in Ohio, and all over the country.

Click here to find out how you can help workers stand up for the middle class and save the American Dream—before it's gone for good.

In solidarity,

Joe Hansen
UFCW International President
Here's another proposal to show solidarity with the workers of Wisconsin. From Local 668 Chapter 13 of the Service Employees International Union in Pennsylvania....

Time Tuesday, February 22 · 7:00am - 6:00pm

Location Everywhere
Created By SEIU Local 668 Chapter 13
More Info
Wear red on Tuesday in support of Wisconsin state employees and collective bargaining! Take pictures of groups of workers holding signs saying "We Are One!" and email them to me.

Friday, February 18, 2011


In recent days the State of Wisconsin has seen what may be the most significant labour rebellion in decades as tens of thousands protest and even invade and occupy the state legislature to express their opposition to the recent bill that proposes to basically abolish collective bargaining for public employees. Wisconsin, however, is not the only state in the union that is attempting to unload its fiscal crisis onto the backs of its employees. Thus solidarity rallies are being called nationwide to oppose this attack on working people. Here's news item from Jobs With Justice about the scope of these rallies.


Worker Solidarity Growing: Wisconsin to IN, OH and Beyond‏
In this still-struggling economy, our country needs one thing: more good jobs. But instead of focusing on finding ways to create good jobs, politicians have turned their attention to political payback to the corporate CEOs who spent more than $1 billion on the November elections.

In states across the country, workers are fighting back against corporate-backed lawmakers who are trying to use state budget problems as an excuse to gut workers’ rights and benefits, when in fact it was Wall Street’s gambles and broken promises that have hurt taxpayers and the middle class—not workers. CEOs are trying to shift the blame for high unemployment and rising poverty levels away from themselves and onto workers and our unions.

But we won't let that happen. Workers across the country -- from Wisconsin to Indiana, Ohio, and beyond -- are fighting back.

In Wisconsin, workers, students, community, and faith have joined together to stage massive protests this week against Governor Walker’s budget proposal which would gut collective bargaining rights for 200,000 public workers. Tens of thousands of people are putting their everyday lives on hold to stand in solidarity. Student Labor Action Project activists in Wisconsin have been mobilizing on a daily basis to the capitol.
**Beginning Monday, workers, students, faith leaders, and community allies will be holding solidarity rallies in their own states. Plan your own action, or contact your local JwJ coalition to find out if there is already an action planned in your area.
**Thousands of people are changing their facebook status to say, “Today I stand with in solidarity with the teachers, firefighters, nurses, and all public workers who are fighting for their rights. If you do too, change this to your status for the rest of the day.”
**The Student Labor Action Project is organizing a March 2nd Public Need vs Corporate Greed Day of Action. Stay tuned for more details on these actions in days to come.
**In Ohio, working people are also fighting a repeal of collective bargaining rights for the teachers, firefighters, nurses, and other public servants who provide vital services in our communities. Yesterday, thousands of people, including members of Columbus and Toledo JwJ, converged on the capitol to rally against Senate Bill 5. JwJ coalitions throughout the state, including Cleveland and Columbus, are gearing up for more actions in the coming weeks, including more actions at the capitol, vigils, town hall meetings, and rallies in key cities.
**In Indiana, working people are fighting several anti-worker bills, including so-called "Right to Work" legislation that makes it easier for companies to lower wages and cut benefits. JwJ coalitions across the state have been taking action at the state house and holding hearings and press conferences. They're gearing up for a hearing on Right to Work and visits to the state house every day next week.
In other states across the country, including Maine, Florida, and Missouri, JwJ coalitions are fighting back against anti-worker legislation ranging from Right to Work to corporate tax breaks to fighting to keep the state's minimum wage.

Make no mistake - these attacks on working people aren’t about balancing any budget – they’re about corporate CEOs using politicians to make sure that nothing gets in the way of their ability to bring home huge paychecks and even bigger bonuses.

CEOs know that workers united through unions are one of the few remaining protections workers have from unchecked corporate greed. They want to weaken or eliminate unions so that the voices of all workers are weakened.

Corporations want to control how our communities spend money. They want to cut public sector jobs instead of closing tax loopholes, privatize pubic sector jobs so that they can profit, and do away with agreements that ensure government contractors pay decent wages and don’t cut corners on safety. Meanwhile, politicians are asking working people to sacrifice vital public services like firefighters, teachers, and nurses so that they can give tax breaks, bailouts, and tax loopholes to corporations and CEOs.

These CEOs may have more money than we do, but we have strength in numbers. We need to come together to curb unchecked corporate power and restore the balance to our politics. It’s time for politicians to come together to create real solutions to the problems that are facing ordinary Americans.

At a time of record economic inequality, these laws that direct more money to corporations will only widen the gap between the wealthy and the poor, enriching a lucky few while forcing more people into poverty. Who will control our communities: working people or corporations?

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


As I write these words the issue of the protests in Egypt is very much in doubt. Protesters in Cairo's central square have been attacked by what is probably a ragtag collection of police, secret and otherwise, out of uniform, along with what are undoubtedly numerous toadies of the regime whose livelihood depends on the continuation of the dictatorship. Many have been killed or injured as the regime's thugs out of uniform are now free to commit whatever atrocities they want free from international censure. Just to reinforce this the counter-revolutionary mobs have made it a special mission to attack any identifiable foreign journalists. In tandem with this peaceful rallies of Mubarak supporters have been organized in other neighbourhoods to further develop the illusion that there is a sizable pro-Mubarak faction in the country (aside from the usual hangers-on and the ruling class).

I have to admit whatever I may think of the regime that this is a brilliant tactic. It's hard to say if the protesters can prevail in the street battles or how effective the planned general strike will be if it becomes the fallback position. The fact that the army, supposedly neutral, allowed the pro-Mubarak thugs free access to the square bodes ill for the protesters. One hopes that the protesters can muster once again an overwhelming show of numbers despite the fear that such attacks generates.

It's far too easy to be an armchair general from far away, but the most recent events make a few things plain to me. One is that it demonstrates fully and completely that the Mubarak regime which is much more than the singular person of its figurehead has absolutely no intention of surrendering peacefully. There is little room left for compromise despite the cowardly behavior of some so-called "opposition" parties in calling for same. Basically they have taken the political temperature and are positioning themselves to continue their usual role in a post-uprising Egypt, as junior partners of the regime. As for the opposition, if they fail beatings and prison terms are the best they expect as the regime reconsolidates itself. With these latest attacks there is no longer any halfway point.

The other thing that is plain is that the Mubarak regime has taken the climate of opinion in the army under consideration. Perhaps with a little "aid" from ongoing US/Egyptian army to army consultations. The fact that the soldiers were ordered to stand aside and obeyed as the thugs gathered for their attacks says that the illusion that the Egyptian army would never attack the people is just that- an illusion. This was combined with a prior army appeal for the demonstrators (not the pro-Mubarak thugs) to disperse and go home. If the anti-Mubarak forces expect to prevail they will have to take the irrevocable decision to appeal to the rank and file soldiers and the lower officer caste to basically mutiny. Nothing else is going to save them or their cause. How possible this is I don't know, but it has become a necessity unless a miracle occurs. This is an obviously hard decision as it is basically an appeal for civil war Not all of the army would join the mutiny. Without this the only options are ignoble surrender or noble defeat. To my mind both are equally unpalatable.

The time remaining is short, and the issue will be decided in the next few days. Until then there is a rising tide of international opinion in support of not just the rebels in Egypt but of those across the Arab world. This even reaches out here to the land of ten feet high snow dumps, as a rally is being planned for this Saturday in solidarity with the Egyptian people. Here's the story from the ad-hoc organizing group, the 'Winnipeg Protest For Egypt'.
Protest for Egypt At Legislative- EGYPT WANTS CHANGE!

Time Saturday, February 5 · 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Location Manitoba Legislative Building
Created By Winnipeg Protest for Egypt, Talibet-Knowledge Muslima
More Info

The When and Where finally solved, we have spoken to the organizers and officially it will be taken care off. All we need now is as much people's support as we can. We will all meet Saturday:
Where: Legislative Building
When: Saturday Feb, 5th 2011.
Time: 2-4pm
Why: To Make Awareness to the Regime and to Push for an END to President Husni’s Regime. To Show our support to Egypt. To stop Injustice and to stress Change.

If you own any Egyptian flags, please make sure you bring those along. Also, if you are willing to bring any small statement posters to hold up that would be great.

The protests in Winnipeg are, of course, merely an echo a worldwide surge of solidarity for the Egyptian people. Here is a call for international protests this Saturday. This is, per usual, ad hoc, and, like the Egyptian revolution itself shows all the strengths and weaknesses of such "leaderless" opposition. The word "leaderless", of course, a misnomer. The Egyptians have very much of a leadership, but it is spontaneous and temporary. All this is very much to the good, but what it lacks is not "leaders" but an organizations, tried in the struggle, with a clear perspective that can offer an unambiguous way forward. This is a "leadership of ideas", and it is something fatally missing in the Egyptian upsurge, something that, even if the rebels succeed would make them prey to organizations with a clearer idea of their goals, ideas that the rebels probably don't share.

Put it this way..,as the Egyptian ruling class either flees the country or throws its full weight behind Mubarak the opposition must bring forward a more detailed idea of a "new Egypt", beyond getting rid of one person. If they don't do that then even if they win they will lose as the so-called "opposition" struggles for place in the post-Mubarak era. It is also necessary in the present tense to inspire Egypt's working class to see a change of regime as in their economic interests as well as their political sentiments.

Here's the call for international protests.
International Day of Solidarity with Egyptian and Tunisian Peoples
Time Saturday, February 5 · 12:00am - 11:30pm
More Info

5 February, 2011

Throughout the last few days, we received many urgent calls from Egyptian activist groups seeking international solidarity since the events of the day of anger (January 28, 2011) until now. Their calls ended with this message to every person who believes in freedom in the world: "We need your solidarity to support the demand...s and aspirations of Egyptians." They also demanded us to express our anger against the Western governments which chose to back the tyrant Mubarak. We are a group of anti-colonialist and anti-war activists in the U.S. and we urge every human in the world to respond to their call.

Starting immediately, join us in protesting in front of the Egyptian embassy or consulate near you, and other centers of government.

Mainly, we call for an international day of mobilization in support of the Egyptian and Arab uprisings on February 5th, 2011. We will be holding protests, world-wide in front of parliament buildings, centers of power and collusion with the dictatorship regimes, and representative offices.

Year after year we marched, protested and fought daily for a decent life, for dignity, for independence and for freedom. We saw our lands occupied, our people invaded and murdered, our thinkers and journalists imprisoned, our activists tortured and disappeared and our very ability to live and feed our families challenged. If it wasn’t for the despotism and iron fist rule, imposed on us by colonial dictators, tyranny and genocide would not have been possible.

There is nothing random about the revolution that overthrew Zine Al Abedeen Ben Ali from his throne in less than a month. Similarly, what we see in Egypt is a culmination of people’s action triggered by utter disgust and unwavering will to live as fully dignified human beings. Egypt’s tyrant receives $1.3 billion per year in aid from the United States, which is mostly allocated towards internal security. People in Tunis and Cairo rose up for the same reasons that people in Iraq and Palestine continue to rise up. Despite arresting people, injuring thousands and killing hundreds, the Egyptian people continue to storm the streets in wave after wave. They do so for freedom, for dignity, for a developed future, for the education of their children, for having a seat at the table from which colonialism has excluded them.

These dictatorships proved precarious and brittle and exposed their brutality to the world to watch. Egypt’s tyrant, Hosni Mubarak claims that these protests are led by Islamic Brotherhood activists. In Egypt people of all walks of life, gathered more than 1,000,000 strong and pushed the police back, dispersing them with the very weapons they had used against the protesters. It is noteworthy that the riot weapons and the tear gas are made in the USA, which puts the moral onus on US citizens and government to stand in solidarity. In Tunis, the protests continue until a fairly elected government is in place. The Arab revolt has now spread from Tunis, through Algeria and Egypt, to Yemen and Jordan, and is not far from the Palestinian Authority.

We must stand in support of the Arab revolutions of 2011 against the colonial powers that try to displace, divide, and conquer us. Like Ben Ali, Mubarak’s role is to self-perpetuate while over 40 million Egyptians live and feed their families with $2/day. Mubarak corrupted all civic and state institutions while participated in the siege of Gaza.

History speaks once. Now is our time. Now is our moment. We must take to the streets and stand in solidarity with the 82 million Egyptians whose cries have long been censored and silenced. Let’s make history and join the Egyptian and Tunisian people in the streets, across the Arab world and in the centers of power. If it was not for aid from some Western governments, these dictatorships would have fallen long ago.

To join the growing movement, we call for an International Day of Mobilization in solidarity with the Arab Peoples of Egypt and Tunisia on Saturday February 5th.

Although we are separated geographically, our future is one. Our message is unified that we stand together; our pain is one and our freedom is one.
As may be expected there will be protests in other cities in Canada as well. Here's an item that is both as call and information about protests in other cities in this country.
Canada-wide protest for Egypt
Time Tomorrow at 2:00pm - Sunday at 4:00pm
Location At your campus or a campus near you or somewhere else
More Info
30 years under military law, under the same leadership. Citizens afraid to vote, polls rigged, and government opposition tortured and murdered. The average Egyptian can't afford to eat, and lives in fear of a government which abuses its power. This revolution is not a working class revolution like usual, it involves all sects of society. Religion, education, and social status is meaningless now. 1.3 billion American tax payer do...llars (of aid money) are being used by the government to increase its military strength and oppose protesters who ask for basic human rights. Starting the 25th of January 2011 Egyptians at home and abroad head out in protest asking for what is theirs.


Come out and stand with us at your campus. Ask for Democracy and basic human rights. Ask for peace and a stop to the abuse of power.

More details will be added once the university confirmation list is complete. The peaceful protest will take place on Friday at your campus from 2pm until 4pm.

-Carleton University and Ottawa U will have their protest at Ottawa U campus, because it will be the Egyptian day in the international week.

-University of Prince Edward Island will join but details are not finalized.

- Windsor will protest at city hall.

-Queens and KingstOn will protest together.

-Toronto protests

-UBC and Winnipeg are still not confirmed(hopefully something planned by Friday)
(Done already see above- Molly )
-Winnipeg will protest on Saturday.

Also note:(Thank you Marwan Marz El Nashar)
5 Feb, Toronto, Queens park 1pm
5 Feb, London ON, Victoria park 2 pm
5 Feb, Ottawa, Parliament hill, 1 pm

-Many other Universities were invites to join but have not replied.


Saturday, January 22, 2011


The following news of upcoming protests against the City of Toronto budget comes from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP).

Fight the Ford Cuts!
Feb.10th People's Delegation‏

Fight the Ford Cuts!
1)People’s Delegation to the Budget Committee: Feb.10th
2)Mass Call-in to City Councillors: Feb.14th – 18th3)Commie Pinkos go Viral!
Submit a Video/Poster in the contest by Jan. 31st
People’s Delegation to the Budget Committee
Thursday, February 10th
Toronto City Hall (Queen and Bay)
Rod Ford’s Budget Committee is right now working out the details of the opening round of his attack on poor and working people in this City. Ford campaigned on the basis of stopping the ‘gravy train’ at City Hall, but his Budget plans show how exactly he defines ‘gravy’. The proposed cuts are real and they are deep- this is the information we have managed to gather so far, but can imagine are only the tip of the iceberg.

With a record 76, 549 people on the affordable housing waiting list in Toronto, Ford intends to slash spending on shelter beds for the homeless. The Budget Committee is looking to CUT 40, 000 shelter beds (approximately100 beds PER night), replacing 6,000 with motel rooms for ‘refugee claimants’ who according the them ‘need less support’. Cutting these beds also means cutting the supports of food and shelter services that people depend upon. 34 000 beds will be completely lost, 6 000 motel spaces will mean total isolation and lack of support. Apparently to Ford, the basics of food and shelter for those on the streets is a part of the infamous ‘gravy train’.

The cops however, as we might have expected, qualify for preferential treatment. The Toronto Police share of the City Budget is already approaching a billion dollars and they can expect to be spared any serious measures to reduce this massive drain on resources. This is Rob Ford’s Toronto – more cops, tax breaks for the rich, cut services for poor and working people.

Tenants who face eviction in record number are being handed a $100,000 cut from the fund that assists them in obtaining representation when landlords try to put them on the streets. Now, not only will tenants not have proper support in fighting abusive landlords, but when people do end up on the streets (as will inevitably happen), there are no shelter spaces left for them to turn to. This is will escalate the already existing crisis in housing and shelter for poor people in the City of Toronto.

People seeking services at Community Centres, families who use recreational facilities, parents who use after-school programs, will be hit with user fees.

Ford claimed there would be no service cuts – but what we are seeing from shelters, to tenants, to community services, to transit is that this is nothing but a blatant lie.

It is time to challenge this opening round of cuts that Ford plans to impose on us. The needs and demands of our communities are clear – we will accept NO cuts and we intend to fight for what we deserve. We say: cut the cops, fund services!

We are calling on communities to confront Ford and his budget plans at all public consultations this week, and also COME OUT on February 10th for a People’s Delegation at the final meeting of the Budget Committee to bring our anger and our demands directly to them.

Get involved!
Contact: Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
Mass Call-in to City Councillors
February 14th – 18th
On Wednesday, February 23rd the Toronto City Council will begin debates on the proposed Ford Budget for 2011. Council is meant to vote on the Budget by Monday, February 28th. Every City Councillor has a vote at Council and need to be held accountable for what will come of the 2011 Budget and the proposed cuts by Ford to shelter services, tenant rights resources, and transit – and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Tell your City Councillor to Vote AGAINST Ford’s Budget. We want real action on poverty, not lip service and sound bites.

Find your local councillor’s contact here:
Commie Pinkos Go Viral!!
You-Tube Video and Poster Contest
The Year of our Ford is upon us. And it's not gonna be pretty. Rob Ford swept to power on his populist “working man” appeal, despite the fact that he is a millionaire and is gearing up to slash the very services we depend on most. Less than two weeks in, he's already preparing to blow $15 million a year on new cops that even the police chief doesn't want and costing us millions and millions of dollars by scrapping Transit City for his asinine subway expansion wet dream...Here's a chance to help inform, inspire, and energize the growing opposition to Ford's agenda.

Stick it to Ford!
Win Fabulous Prizes!
Submit an entry to OCAP's “Commie Pinkos” You-tube video and poster competition!

The themes:
•Cut the cops and fund services
•Ford's no friend of the working class

Points to be awarded for creativity, factual accuracy, and wit and please... spare us the fat jokes!

Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2011

Read on for important contest details:
Video Category: Upload your video to You-Tube and email us the link, at with the subject heading:“video submission”. Your video must be no more than 3 minutes in length.
Poster Category: Email your poster submission to: with the subject heading: “poster submission”as a jpg, tiff, or pdf file at no more than 300 dpi.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I usually steer well clear of the quagmire of Israeli/Palestinian politics, mostly because I think it brings out the worst in the left in North America. There is a fine line between the conspiracy nuts (most prominent in the USA) and their anti-semitism that some feel fit to ignore and "anti-Zionism". Furthermore, no matter what one may think of the expansionist policies of the Israeli state and their not-so-occasional brutality when on the offensive (which is what they usually are) the left in general, true to form, pretty well much engages in "side picking" with the Palestinians as the "unsullied angels". The only reason they are "unsullied" is because they have generally been losing. The obvious fact that if some Palestinian factions such as Hamas were to actually "win" that the result would be a horror that would make what Israel is doing look like puffballs in the wind escapes the average North American leftist. That is way outside of the Manichean viewpoint of leftism here in this part of the world, just like the idea that the best result would be if the two evil sides fight each other to exhaustion and have to make peace. Uh, uh, one side has to be all good and one has to be all bad. I am also very much disturbed about how much attention this particular issue absorbs as opposed to other more important matters, and I harbour a suspicion that there is something ugly lurking under this part of "anti-imperialism". By the way, for the information of the nutbars, "I am not Jewish".

No doubt I am against the policies of the Israeli state, just as are many Israelis, most prominently the Anarchists Against The Wall. But I don't labour under leftist delusions. I report the following because it a report of resistance to the worst in international Zionist politics, resistance to the Jewish Defense League (JDL) and their alliance with the outright fascists of the English Defense League. This 'joint rally' was opposed by the Canadian Jewish Congress, not just the organizations that signed onto the statement below. It should also be noted that some associates of the JDL have even been banned in Israel itself. The JDL has a long history of association with terrorist actions.

Here is a statement opposing the rally that happened today from a number of Ontario organizations, Jewish, Islamic and otherwise. The rally which gathered a grand total of 50 people resulted in the predictable exchange between the police and a larger number of protesters with the predictable arrests. Here is the statement.

-----------Please Post Widely-------------------

Community Open Letter Denouncing the Jewish Defense League's Rally in Support of the English Defense League
On Tuesday, January 11, 2011, the Jewish Defense League of Canada (JDL) will be hosting a rally in support of the Islamophobic English Defense League (EDL) in Toronto. The JDL is hosting an online address from Tommy Robinson, the leader of the EDL. Both groups have a history of violence aimed at Arab and Muslim people. We are community groups that work daily to fight racism. We have come together to condemn the Jewish Defense League for their Islamophobia and for their support for the racist English Defense League.

Who is the English Defence League (EDL)?

The English Defence League is a far-right extremist organization that was founded in 2009. Their organizing principles are to oppose the 'spread of Islam' in the United Kingdom. The EDL has organized violent street marches that target Arab and Muslim people.They operate in the UK, but have been reaching out internationally to make links with extreme-right groups in Sweden, the United States, Canada and Israel. They are part of the alarming rise in fascist, racist and neo-Nazi organizing in Europe over the last few years, including attacks on Muslims, immigrants and Roma people.

Who is the Jewish Defense League (JDL)?

The JDL is a far-right, pro-Israel organization that was founded in the 1960s by Meir Kahane, an extremist who advocated violence against, and even the mass-murder of Palestinians and Arabs. The racist, violent ideology advocated by Kahane, and embraced by the JDL, has motivated hate crimes against Palestinians and other Arab people. An FBI report has identified the JDL as "a right-wing terrorist group" and Kach and Kahane Chai , two groups associated with the Kahanist movement , were even banned in Israel for their extremism.

In Canada, the JDL is allowed to operate with impunity. They have not been condemned by the government and are often interviewed by the media as a legitimate organization. They are led by Meir Weinstein , a longtime follower of Kahane, who was a spokesperson for the Kahanist movement and once joined a Facebook group called "Death to the Arabs". This rally is part of their escalating racist tactics - they have a history of bullying and intimidation of Palestine-solidarity activists in this city.

Who are we?

We are community organizations that are alarmed by the rise of extremist right-wing groups globally. These groups are exploiting the global economic crisis, to stir up racist and anti-immigrant sentiment. We have seen the consequences of extremist right-wing organizing too many times in history. We will fight any attempts to use racism and hatred to divide poor and working people.

As community organizations that work daily to fight racism, we have come together to denounce this racist and fascist rally in our city. As long as groups like the JDL and EDL are spreading their hatred and violence, we will be here to oppose them.


Signed (in alphabetical order):

Barrio Nuevo

Canadian Arab Federation

Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA)

Common Cause Toronto Branch

Educators for Peace and Justice (EPJ)

Faculty 4 Palestine

First Nations Solidarity Working Group OISE

Greater Toronto Workers Assembly

Independent Jewish Voices Toronto

International Jewish Anti-Zionish Network (IJAN), Toronto

No One is Illegal Toronto (NOII)

Not in Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism

Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)

Palestine House Community Centre

Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QuAIA)

Toronto Coalition to Stop the War

Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP)

(For the updated list visit )

We invite groups to sign on to this Community Open Letter Denouncing the Jewish Defense League's Rally in Support of the English Defense League. To sign on, please email