Friday, 18 August 2017

Vinyl Friday

Name: Kikagaku Moyo
Origin: Japan
Album: Stone Garden
Year: 2017
Links: Bandcamp
Label: Guruguru Brain

Vinyl Fridays slab comes from a band I named as my album of the year last year. Japans Kikagaku Moyo have released an EP titled Stone Garden. As always this band don't disappoint. This EP took 4 months in getting here. The band had a major problem distributing 500 of the 1500 records. The band went on tour in the US and left a Czech  distributing company to post the records out. The records went missing and turned up in Holland 4 months later. As a result of this I got to know 2 members of the band. The bands record label Gurugurubrain hung in the balance for a few months because of the fuck up. Thankfully the mess was sorted and we can look forward to other amazing releases by the label.

In my frustration of not thinking this record would ever arrive I bought another. Murphy's law was at work again and both records arrived the following week! Luckily for me I had no problem passing on the spare copy to a good home.

I stumbled across these two YouTube clips of a couple of members of the bands going through the set up of their guitars which are well work a look. If only I knew how to play guitar I'd be all over those pedals!

Friday, 4 August 2017

Vinyl Friday

Name: Kungens Män
Origin: Stockholm, Sweden
Album: Förnekaren
Year: 2015
Links: Bandcamp
Label: Adansonia Records

Transparent Green Vinyl Limited to 200 Hand Numbered Copies

July was a pretty lean month in new releases but one did slip in on the last day of the month without much fanfare. Again, it's from another band from Sweden's Kungens Män. They released an album called "Dag & Natt" meaning 'day and night'. I believe it is a bit of a concept album with music suiting different times of the day. The vinyl is on route as I speak so I can't enlighten you on how brilliant it is. Instead, I thought I'd show you their previous two album instead to give you an idea of the sound they produce.

Kungens Män (Kings Man) formed as a band in 2012 and to date have  released 2 LPs along with a host of other material on their Bandcamp page.  The first of these two albums is Förnekaren released in 2015 on Adansonia Records. It was released on CD, black and limited green transparent vinyl. They have been described as experimental drone,, improvised music kraut rock, psychedelic rock & space rock. Here is the album in full for your ear pleasure.

Kungens Män - Förnekaren (2015) Full Album

Name: Kungens Män
Origin: Stockholm, Sweden
Album: Stockholm Maraton
Year: 2015
Links: Bandcamp
Label: Adansonia Records

Limited To 200 On Yellow Vinyl

Their second album titled Stockholm Maraton was released in 2016 also on Adansonia Records. This was the album that got me interested in the band, full of great songs over a double lp. Again like the previous album, it was released on CD, black, yellow and limited tricolour vinyl.

If the new one is anywhere as good as this one, we are in for a real treat!

Kungens Män - Stockholm Maraton (Full Album 2016)

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Classic Album of the Day

Name: The Cult Of Dom Keller
Origin: Nottingham, UK
Album: Self Titled
Year: 2013
Links: Bandcamp
Label: Mannequin Records

The Cult Of Dom Keller - S/T

I'm not getting much of an opportunity of late to show you all these vinyl treats I have to show you. Today is an exception, so I thought I'd post something a little older than the new releases I've been posting of late. The album I'm posting is from 2013 which isn't that old but is a classic! This is the self titled debut album from The Cult of Dom Keller. This is probably one of the first psych records I really got into. It has a Shoegaze/Psych crossover which really hits the sweet spot with me!! It took me a long time to pick this copy up as they fetch a premium price now. This is a first press which is limited to 500 copies on Mannequin Records. They did a second press on blue vinyl that was pressed for the Austin Psych Fest a couple of months later.


The Cult of Dom Keller hail from Nottingham, England. They have released 3 albums, the second being The Second Bardo (Cardinal Fuzz) and the third being Goodbye To The Light (Fuzzclub Records) released only last year. I wasn't mad on this one. They changed their syle to a goth/psych crossover. That's not to mean that I don't like that kinda vibe. I just think bands like Sonic Jesus did a better jog of it. They also released a live album on Cardinal Fuzz this year showcasing tracks from the three albums live. I believe a new album is due before the end of the year, so keep posted.

Swamp Heron Blues

I was fortunate enough to see them play live and have a chat with the band a few years ago. Nice bunch of guys. Like most bands, live is where it's at, and this band thrives on stage. If you get a chance to see them, don't hesitate.

If you find yourself liking this band, Ryan Delgaudio has a solo project called Cathode Ray Eyes which have just released their second album.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Vinyl Friday

Name: Here Lies Man
Origin: Los Angeles, California
Album: Here Lies Man
Year: 2017
Links: Bandcamp
Label: Riding Easy Records

Second Press on Clear Vinyl with Purple Smoke

It's 2 months away from the Liverpool Psych Fest. This week, the days splits for the bands were announced. This generates a bit of excitement because you get a better picture of how the weekend is going to turn out. An album arrived through the post this week by 'Here Lies Man' and to my surprise they are playing at the fest. These are going to be high up on my list of must see bands.

When I Come to

Here Lies Man are a band from Los Angeles, California. They are on the same label, 'Riding Easy Records' as Shooting Guns who are no strangers to this blog! This album you see here before your eyes is their debut self titled album. The first thing that grabbed me was the sleeve. In a way it's a perfect fit as they're music is described as psychedelic afrobeat. Don't let that scare you off. They remind me of GOAT without the two banshees!!

You Ain't Goin' Nowhere.

This album is proving to be really popular, it was released in April this year and has had a number of represses already. Do yourself a favour, go out and grab a copy while you can!

Friday, 7 July 2017

A Vinyl Friday, Split Double

Name: The Radiation Flowers/Hawkeyes
Origin: Saskatchewan / Kitchner, Canada
Album: Summer Loop / Split
Year: 2017
Links: Cardinal Fuzz Bigcartel Radiation Flowers Bandcamp
Label: Cardinal Fuzz & Sunmask

Limited to 350 Copies on Blue Vinyl

Continuing from where we left off with the last post, this weeks post is all about connections and links between bands. The previous post was from Canadian band Shooting Guns which leads to this weeks post from a band called The Radiation Flowers. The connection between these two bands is Christopher Laramee, he being a member in both bands. 

The Radiation Flowers were previously known as Powder Blue which was lead by Shelby Gaudet (who is in fact Mrs Laramee) They did a bit of a reshuffle and brought in Chris and changed their name. They have since recorded a couple of albums. The one I'm posting today is called Summer Loop. This came out last year on a limited CDR. I'm glad to say it has just been released on vinyl this very week. There  are in fact a few subtle differences between both. Firstly, there is a reshuffle with tracklisting and an extra new song added to allow for the vinyl two sides issue. The mix is a little different in a number of songs, some with added organ.

The album is released today so get over to their Bandcamp page and give the whole album a listen. The sound is completely different from Shooting Guns. There more of a Psychgaze feel about Rad Flow.

Summer Of Burnout is an Instrumental track which lets the band loose and jam away with a blissfully summertime tune. 


Walking Down The Street was originally the opening track on the CDR which came out last year.


Walking Reprise is an acoustic instrumental rework of Walking Down The Street. This is a wonderful song that reminds me of an outtake of a Radiohead song from The Bends.

This album is released on both Sunmask (CA) and Cardinal Fuzz (UK) Unfortunately Cardinal Fuzz has already sold out it's allotted number. 

Limited to 350 copies on light blue vinyl

This leads me on to my next connection! This weeks also sees the release of a split LP by both Hawkeyes and The Radiation Flowers. You may remember from a previous post I posted a split Lp by Shooting Guns and Hawkeyes. Well Chris has teamed up with Hawkeyes  to give us another fantastic untitled split. Both bands have upped their game on this split. It gives us some idea of how the bands have progressed from their previous release. I believe Hawkeyes have an album coming out in the near future. There are close connections between all the Canadian bands and I believe Chris has joined Hawkeyes on stage at a gig last year. It went down so well that he has been welcomed back anytime.

The Opening track 33 Floors Up is an instrumental 


The Second track is a cover "Never Fade" from Sun Dials 1992 album Reflecter

This again is released on through both Sunmask and Cardinal Fuzz. 350 copies were pressed, again this was snapped up very quickly and is sold out on Cardinal Fuzz. Sunmask don't have an official site but sell all their releases through Discogs from Canada. I believe they still have copies of both albums. 

Hawkeyes/Radiation Flowers Full Album

Friday, 16 June 2017

Vinyl Friday

Name: Shooting Guns
Origin: Saskatchewan, Canada
Album: Flavour Country
Year: 2017
Links: Bandcamp,
Label: Easy Riding Records

 Shooting Guns - Flavour Country Test Press

This week I have something a bit special! This I set before you is a Test Press of the forthcoming album by Shooting Guns that is not due for release until August.

 I have mentioned them here a few times before. They are a Canadian psych band that holds up in Saskatchewan. They have released a number of albums, split LPs and a score to a film, Wolf Cop. I believe there is a sequel to come in the not to distant future.

Getting back to the future release Flavour Country. The label put up 40 of these test presses for release a couple of weeks ago. I believe they still have a few. They can be got here at Easy Riding Records

Here's what the label says about the release, "Canadian sextet Shooting Guns is known (and oft-nominated) for their film soundtrack work, but Flavour Country is more like a collection of anthems for your jettison from this universe into the multiverse. While they’re known for heavy and saturated sounds befitting crazed horror-comedy flicks like Netflix hit WolfCop, Flavour Country features some of the band’s fastest, heaviest and most visceral material to date. Yet, it also features some of the band’s most atmospheric sounds as well.

At times there are slight hints of Ennio Morricone’s Spaghetti Western twang amidst the looping Meddle-era Pink Floyd heavy psych and driving drone reminiscent of Bobby Beausoleil’s belladonna laced soundtrack to Kenneth Anger’s Lucifer Rising. But for the most part here, Shooting Guns is out for blood, regardless of tempo."

I've had 3 listens to it now and I'm not exaggerating that it's right up there with their finest. I can't post up any YouTube clip cause I have this that early. You will not be disappointed if you ever get a chance to grab a copy!

You can preorder black or the limited Clear vinyl from Easy Riding Records or I believe Norman Records will have them for sale at some stage. Just had a look at their site and they have two of their albums on vinyl for sale at £12.99. Bargain if you ask me!

Monday, 5 June 2017


Name: Kikagaku Moyo
Origin: Japan
Album: House In The Tall Grass
Year: 2016
Links: Bandcamp, Sulatron Records
Label: Guruguru Brain

Limited to 500 copies on clear vinyl with a blue blob

People of the universe stop what you are doing and let me imprint Kikagaku Moyo onto your brain! This album, 'The House In The Tall Grass' is my favorite of 2016 and one of my favorite albums in many a year. It was so nearly not the case, as I disregarded it for quite some time. Why? I was a musical snob! I thought to myself, 'music from Japan, sure that's not for me!' I kept seeing it posted every other day with people raving about it. This also coincided with their summer tour to the UK last year, again, people were going mad for them Live too!  I wondered what all the fuss was about and had a listen on their bandcamp page and to say my musical world changed right there, is an understatement! It just so happened that I know somebody who was going to see them in Glasgow that very evening. I was straight on to her and put my name down for the beauty you see above. I was very lucky indeed as the band were running out of them by the time they got to Glasgow. You will pay a pretty penny for this version now, in fact, you'll need an extra mortgage if you want any first press by Kikagaku Moyo such is the demand for them. I'm glad I was on the ball that day!

Full Album


Name: Kikagaku Moyo
Origin: Japan
Album:  Self Titled
Year: 2014
Links: Bandcamp, Sulatron Records
Label: Captcha Records

Limited to 300 copies on ultra clear with deep red splatter vinyl

Full Album

As soon as my love affair started with Kikagaku Moyo started, I went back into their discography to see what else I could pick up. Sadly, if you don't pick up these albums when they go on release, you end up paying a fortune for them, like I did. Fortunately for you though, this album has had a reissue recently on Guruguru Brain. Sadly Captcha Records who originally released it ceased trading.

This album is their debut from 2013. The version I have is a reissue from 2014. The sleeve is a thing of beauty. The print is silver on mat black. Probably one of the nicest sleeves I own. This album doesn't quite reach the highs of House In The Tall Grass, but is a close second.


Name: Kikagaku Moyo
Origin: Japan
Album: Forest Of Lost Children
Year: 2014
Links: Bandcamp, Sulatron Records
Label: Beyond Beyond Is Beyond Records

Repress, Olive & black splatter

Forest Of Lost Children is the third album by Kikagaku Moyo. This was released On BBIB in 2014. I got lucky with this one knowing somebody who had a couple of spare copies hidden away, so I didn't end up spending a fortune on this one. This also has has a reissue recently coinciding with there US tour that is finishing up at the moment. The vinyl is clear with a black blob and can be bought over at BBIB as we speak. The only one That I'm missing now is Mammatus Clouds and hasn't as yet had a reissue since the year it was released in 2014. Fingers X that might happen soon with the popularity of the band at the moment.

The art on this sleeve is done by  Go Kurosawa the drummer of the band. For ages I though it was by Nik Rayne of The Myrrors. Similar to his style and is well connected with BBIB.

Smoke And Mirrors

Friday, 26 May 2017

Vinyl Friday

Name: Electric Moon
Origin: Germany
Album: Stardust Rituals 
Year: 2017
Label: Sulatron Records

Blue marbled, limited to 1000 copies

I haven't had much time of late to do any posts, so here's three on the bounce. All 3 albums have a link between them. 

First up is the new album by Electric Moon called Starburst Rituals. This is just one of the projects Dave Schmitt (AKA Sula Bassana) and Lulu Neudeck are involved in. Others include Zone Six, Krautzone,Interkosmos and of course  Dave's solo project Sula Bassana.

This album sees them tune into a series of spaced out rock songs. I have to say, this is one of my favorite albums of the year. I've been meaning for a long time to fill my collection with a few Electric Moon albums. Most of the albums they have are all live recordings so it's nice to finally get a studio album from the band. I can tell you, it is very hard to locate Electric Moon albums, You need a wallet full of cash cause they are so sought after. I think this album is already sold out so I was lucky indeed to get a copy. 

Electric Moon - Stardust Rituals (Full Album)

Name: Papir
Origin: Copenhagen, Denmark
Album: iii & iiii
Year: 2016
Label: El Paraiso Records

Next up is a band I mentioned when I posted Causa Sui .Papir are a three-piece from Copenhagen, Denmark  They are on the same label as said band, El Paraiso. This is a double album featuring both albums iii & iiii. If you like Causa Sui then you will like Papir. Similar vibe going on, All songs being instrumentals. As you can see their is new art for the double. I mentioned before that Jakob Skøtt does all the artwork for the label. iii originally came out in February 2013, iiii in February 2014.

Papier - iii (Full Album)

Papir - iiii (Full Album)

Name: The Papermoon Sessions
Origin: Germany/Denmark
Album: Papir Meets Electric Moon live at Roadburn 2014 
Year: 2016
Label: Sulatron Records

Limited to 500 on clear vinyl

And finally The Papermoon Sessions. This band is a collaboration between both bands Electric Moon & Papir. This is a live performance at Roadburn 2014. They did do an album together as well which is an orange sleeve with the same design. I should point out that Lulu Neudeck creates all the artwork for Electric Moon etc. This album has 2 tracks which I believe are all improvised.

Papermoon Sessions Live at Roadburn (2014) Full album

Friday, 12 May 2017

Vinyl Friday

The New album by Slowdive is utterly stunning! No question! You Know it's stunning when it does the same thing as their previous albums, spine tingling with the hairs standing up on the back of your neck. 22 years was a long time to wait. Worth it? Absolutely!

Friday, 14 April 2017

Vinyl Friday

Name: king gizzard and the lizard wizard
Origin: Melbourne, Australia
Album: Flying Microtonal Banana
Year: 2017
Links: Flightless, ATO
Label: Flightless, ATO

I was going to post another Swedish band today in the form of The Janitors who have just released an album this week, however I've posted quite a few from Sweden in the last few weeks so we are heading out of Europe and on to Australia to discuss a band that has gone from strength to strength in the last few years. From Melbourne I give you King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard. The name alone would make you take notice for at least a second! The album that you see before you is their current offering called Flying Microtonal Banana which was released on February  2017. It's hard to keep up with these guys as they plan to release 5 albums this year. The have one up for preorder as I speak called Murder Of The Universe which is out in June. 

Open Water

Back to their current album.....this sees the band delve into their first-ever experience in microtonal tuning, which features intervals smaller than a semitone and not found in customary Western tuning octaves. The band members were given $200 each to go off and buy instruments and turn them into microtonal instruments. Then they set about recording and album which resulted as Flying Microtonal Banana. 

If you are familiar with King Gizzard then this album doesn't stray too much away from their previous couple of albums except for the use of a turkish horn called a Zurna. 

The edition I have is the US ATO Records Highlighter Yellow Vinyl with limited edition gold-accent jacket and scratch-n-sniff sticker + zine. 


 I first came across them I stumbled across a live version of Head On /Pill. The energy they gave in that performance raised my eyebrow! That led me to buy the Float Alomg - Fill Your Lungs /Oddments double. I'm glad I bought it back then cause it goes for a fortune on Ebay and Discogs. In fact any release before that requires and extra mortgage! They have kept my pockets busy ever since!  

Head On /Pill