Sunday, 14 March 2010

HMD R.I.P. ... long life to HMD 2.0!!!

Spread this message!

The original blog was removed by Blogger team and this notification was sent to me:

"We'd like to inform you that we've received another complaint regarding your blog ( Upon review of your account, we've noted that your blog has repeatedly violated Blogger's Terms of Service ( Given that we've provided you with several warnings of these violations and advised you of our policy towards repeat infringers, we've been forced to remove your blog.

Thank you for your understanding.


The Blogger Team"

I always knew this would happen, it was a matter of time. So I've backed up all posts from the first blog and imported the whole original content, building up the HMD 2.0.
HMD is back. Enjoy!


Mindfield said...

Happy your back,

Try to remove your navbar, so nobody can click the Report Abuse link!
Some people like to play around with it..


Mindfield - XChannel

Richard43 said...

Can't keep a good blog down. Welcome to your new home. BTW, juicy mix #25 is ace. Thanks.

zamelim said...

Isto aí, maneja bem as ferramentas! Abraço de vida longa!

JC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JC said...

Nice work,just cruised home from work listening to # 25,ace.

Teknogangster said...

Welcome back.Keep the fire burning.

docomospur said...

Delighted to see you back in action, HMD :-)

Hint to the entities responsible for the complaints - "Note that in some countries it's not possible to find the original releases." Make your back catalogues easily available, record company imbeciles!

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry your blog was closed this is the best I ever saw thank U for your work I really appreciated!

JDD said...

Great to see you back, keep up the great work. Thanks.

valquiria said...

Larga vida para Heat My Deck y sus Juicy Mixes ♥
You´re The Best and The Only One!

Grebo Guru said...

SO glad you're still here, one of my favourite blogs!
Thank you for all of your hard work.

Anonymous said...

Super you're back ......

Welcome ......

Keep up the FANTASTIC work!!!!


The Great Dane

Anonymous said...

It is good to see you back but 2 weeks have gone by and there are no new posts. Surely to make the site worthwhile you need to have some updates???

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Absolutely fantastic blog. Wondering how I could get my hands on JM Vol 2 and JM Vol 20 !!

Deckard said...

Glad to have you back

Anonymous said...

Having you back brightens up my day.

s o l e p o w e r said...


i thought I lost your blog for a while there...

Anonymous said...

3 weeks and counting...


great to have you back!!

Anonymous said...

nice to see you back :)

Anonymous said...

Good to have this blog back!

Some idiot went round various blogs with intent to report, t'was a bad day for all.

Puritian Blister is gone aswell.

Always someone who has to ruin it for everyone...

GREG said...

hell yea you are AWESOME

Anonymous said...

Been nearly 2 months since you came back...

Something wrong?

Anonymous said...

Why no updates?

red dirt said...

welcome back!

Nicole said...


<3 <3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Better change the name to

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. What a great comment!!!

Tom in Portsmouth, NH (USA) said...

Just found this blog, and I love it! You have some incredibly awesome tunes posted here. Thank you SO much. What can we, your readers, do to entice you to start posting again? What can WE do for YOU?

AC Repair Snoqualmi said...

Nice post

métalhurlant said...

don't dissapear, please!!

Anonymous said...

You must go on!

Anonymous said...

never found a blog with such great content like this one! R.I.P :(

Anonymous said...

hello is there anybody here?

Anonymous said...

i really really miss your juicy mixes, que lastima!

Anonymous said...

Love this blog. Any way to download Juicy Mixes Vol 20?

cowspeutum said...

more juice please

Anonymous said...

if anyone wants ANY of the 25 juicy mixes, then leave a dummy email address here in the comments and i'll happily oblige

/ scoobysnack


lukas-klaus said...

thanx for being out there.

decks canada said...

Very Great Work... Thanks for sharing...
Deck Boards Canada

Anonymous said...

Love it! Great Blog!!, as someone new to Heat My Deck, I feel I have missed out on some classic material in the earlier juicy mixes and the links are all dead now, is there any chance of getting some of them re-uped to Mediafire? even just the last half dozen?

Massive Thanks in advance and keep it up, your taste in tunage is amazing!