
Senate narrowly rejects White House proposal to 'cancel' $15 billion in spending

Politics 昨天
Republicans Susan Collins and Richard Burr joined Democrats in rejecting the measure, surprising others in the GOP who supported it. The party has scrambled to cut spending on programs like the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in order to pay for hikes in military spending and Republican tax cuts.

$15 billion spending reduction won¹t solve our debt problems, but it's an important step in the right direction by eliminating unnecessary and excessive spending throughout the federal government. Senate needs to pass the Spending Cuts to Expired & Unnecessary Programs Act.

631 replies 160 則轉推 362 個喜歡

“A great advantage of this package is that Democrats are unable to filibuster it, and if Republicans stand together, we can start cutting back on unnecessary spending & provide much needed fiscal sanity to our country.”

625 replies 288 則轉推 802 個喜歡

A big priority of WH - a rescissions package to cut $15 billion - fails to advance in the Senate on a 48-50 vote. GOPers who defected: Collins and Burr, who I’m told had concerns about cuts to the Land and Water Conservation Fund

56 replies 549 則轉推 1,255 個喜歡

48-50: Senate defeats GOP efforts to bring House-passed $14.8B rescissions package of 2018 spending cuts to Senate floor for vote. Republicans Burr & Collins voted NO. Not voting: McCain & Shaheen. Vote was held open for an hour & 35 minutes.

18 replies 184 則轉推 375 個喜歡

I am disappointed the Senate failed today to pass the President’s $15 billion spending cut package. This is a small, but critical, first step to rein in wasteful government spending and provide relief from our nation's crippling debt.

1,255 replies 1,197 則轉推 3,337 個喜歡

Our national debt is over $21 trillion. It has to stop now, or government will be too broke to do anyone any good, no matter if you stand on the left, the right, or somewhere in between.

1,071 replies 1,842 則轉推 5,535 個喜歡

I thought we all campaigned on cutting wasteful spending. I thought our party was about lowering federal deficits by lowering federal spending. It saddens me to see people who campaigned on lower spending break their promise and vote with Democrats against

1,065 replies 1,302 則轉推 3,230 個喜歡

Today the U.S. Senate failed to discharge H.R. 3, President Trump’s rescissions package to cut $15 billion in unneeded funding, from the Senate Appropriations Committee. Read more here:

356 replies 1,469 則轉推 2,396 個喜歡

We are finally back on the , after a pit stop to consider a rescission bill from the White House, which the Senate did not agree to discharge from committee, 48-50.

7 則轉推 22 個喜歡

We did it! We put kids first and blocked Trump Republicans from cutting billions from the Children’s Health Insurance Program. I know the news & polarized politics can make governing seem hopeless. But if we stand strong – if we don’t give in – we can still make a difference.

136 replies 627 則轉推 1,967 個喜歡

Schumer on Senate killing rescissions bill: That a bipartisan group of Senators rejected the president’s rescission proposal is a testament to how backwards and out of touch it was in the first place.

15 replies 128 則轉推 393 個喜歡

Wow. So the U.S. Senate can't even cut $15 billion in mostly unused funds from a $4.1 trillion budget. That's less than 0.4% of the budget, or 0.07% of the $21 trillion national debt. Way to show some backbone and a modicum of fiscal responsibility, guys.

69 replies 89 則轉推 119 個喜歡

Ridiculous for Republicans to talk about wasteful gov't spending when they voted for huge tax cuts. Shame on them. Senate rejects billions in Trump spending cuts as two Republicans vote ‘no’

18 replies 205 則轉推 562 個喜歡

Ask the millions of Americans who are benefiting from more cash in their pocket thanks to tax cuts, a booming economy, great jobs numbers. I’d also recommend talking to people who have lost jobs, safety, and love ones due to an unprotected border.

123 replies 29 則轉推 82 個喜歡

good news Senate rejects billions in Trump spending cuts as two Republicans (burr and collins) vote ‘no’ The 48-50 vote rebuffed a White House plan to claw back some $15 billion in spending previously approved by Congress (incl big cut to -surprise-children's health ins. plan)

7 replies 83 則轉推 221 個喜歡

Thank you Senator Burr for voting no on the CHIP rescission bill.

4 replies 89 則轉推 460 個喜歡

Thank you Senator Collins for voting NO on the CHIP rescission bill.

3 replies 87 則轉推 418 個喜歡

By the way - while we're all watching the immigrant horror show, House Republicans are planning to "cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security to balance budget" after trillion-dollar deficits from giving trillion-dollar tax cuts to billionaires & corps:

91 replies 1,088 則轉推 879 個喜歡

Nowhere are the consequences of the more clear than in their proposed budget. After lavishing billionaires & corporations with special kickbacks, now wants to cut Social Security & Medicare to pay for it.

91 replies 716 則轉推 747 個喜歡