Index Page    //   /*!!!!!!!!!!! QuickMenu Core CSS [Do Not Modify!] !!!!!!!!!!!!!*//*[START-QCC]*/.qmmc .qmdivider { display: block; font-size: 1px; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; position: relative; z-index: 1; } .qmmc .qmdividery { float: left; width: 0px; } .qmmc .qmtitle { display: block; cursor: default; white-space: nowrap; position: relative; z-index: 1; } .qmclear { font-size: 1px; height: 0px; width: 0px; clear: left; line-height: 0px; display: block; float: none !important; } .qmmc { position: relative; zoom: 1; z-index: 10; } .qmmc a, .qmmc li { float: left; display: block; white-space: nowrap; position: relative; z-index: 1; } .qmmc div a, .qmmc ul a, .qmmc ul li { float: none; } .qmsh div a { float: left; } .qmmc div { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; } .qmmc .qmcbox { cursor: default; display: inline-block; position: relative; z-index: 1; } .qmmc .qmcbox a { display: inline; } .qmmc .qmcbox div { float: none; position: static; visibility: inherit; left: auto; } .qmmc li { z-index: auto; } .qmmc ul { left: -10000px; position: absolute; z-index: 10; } .qmmc, .qmmc ul { list-style: none; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } .qmmc li a { float: none; } .qmmc li:hover > ul { left: auto; } /*[END-QCC]*//*[START-QCC0]*/#qm0 li, #qm0 a { float: none; } #qm0 li:hover > ul { top: 0px; left: 100%; } /*[END-QCC0]*//*!!!!!!!!!!! QuickMenu Styles [Please Modify!] !!!!!!!!!!!*//* QuickMenu 0 *//*"""""""" (MAIN) Container""""""""*/#qm0 { width: 164px; background-color: transparent; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; } /*"""""""" (MAIN) Items""""""""*/#qm0 a { padding: 0px; color: #000000; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none; text-align: left; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; } /*"""""""" (MAIN) Hover State""""""""*/#qm0 a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } /*"""""""" (MAIN) Hover State - (duplicated for pure CSS)""""""""*/#qm0 li:hover > a { text-decoration: underline; } /*"""""""" (MAIN) Parent Hover State""""""""*/#qm0 .qmparent:hover { } /*"""""""" (MAIN) Active State""""""""*/body #qm0 .qmactive, body #qm0 .qmactive:hover { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: underline; } /*"""""""" (SUB) Container""""""""*/#qm0 div, #qm0 ul { width: 95px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; } /*"""""""" (SUB) Items""""""""*/#qm0 div a, #qm0 ul a { padding: 0px; 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border-style: solid; } /*"""""""" Custom Rule""""""""*/ul#qm0 .qmparent { background-image: url(/web/20180624122154im_/; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 95% 50%; } /*"""""""" Custom Rule""""""""*/ul#qm0 ul .qmparent { background-image: url(/web/20180624122154im_/; } /*"""""""" Custom Rule""""""""*/ul#qm0 ul { margin: 0px 0px 0px -1px; } /*"""""""" Custom Rule""""""""*/ul#qm0 ul li:hover > a.qmparent { background-image: url(/web/20180624122154im_/; text-decoration: underline; } /*"""""""" Custom Rule""""""""*/ul#qm0 li:hover > a.qmparent { background-image: url(/web/20180624122154im_/; } /*[END-QS0]*/    .qmfv { visibility: visible !important; } .qmfh { visibility: hidden !important; }   if (!window.qmad) { qmad = new Object(); qmad.binit = ""; qmad.bvis = ""; qmad.bhide = ""; }    /******* Menu 0 Add-On Settings *******/ var a = qmad.qm0 = new Object(); // Box Animation Add On a.box_animation_frames = 20; a.box_accelerator = 0.4; a.box_position = "center"; // Item Bullets (CSS - Imageless) Add On a.ibcss_apply_to = "parent"; 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qm_la = null; clearTimeout(qm_tt); qm_tt = null; var i; for (i in qm_li) { if (qm_li[i] && !((qm_ib.indexOf(i) + 1) && e.type == "mouseover")) qm_tt = setTimeout("x0('" + i + "')", qm_li[i].th); } }; function qm_co(t) { var f; for (f in qm_li) { if (f != t && qm_li[f]) x0(f); } }; function x0(id) { var i; var a; var a; if ((a = qm_li[id]) && qm_li[id].oc != "all-always-open") { do { qm_uo(a); } while ((a = a[qp]) && !qm_a(a)); qm_li[id] = null; } }; function qm_a(a) { if (a[qc].indexOf("qmmc") + 1) return 1; }; function qm_uo(a, go) { if (!go && a.qmtree) return; if (window.qmad && qmad.bhide) eval(qmad.bhide); = ""; x2("qmactive", a.idiv); }; function qm_oo(e, o, nt) { try { if (!o) o = this; if (qm_la == o && !nt) return; if (window.qmv_a && !nt) qmv_a(o); if (window.qmwait) { qm_kille(e); return; } clearTimeout(qm_tt); qm_tt = null; qm_la = o; if (!nt && o.qmts) { qm_si = o; qm_tt = setTimeout("qm_oo(new Object(),qm_si,1)", o.qmts); return; } var a = o; if (a[qp].isrun) { qm_kille(e); return; } while ((a = a[qp]) && !qm_a(a)) { } var d =; a = o; qm_co(d); if (qm_ib.indexOf(d) + 1 && !qm_ic) return; var go = true; while ((a = a[qp]) && !qm_a(a)) { if (a == qm_li[d]) go = false; } if (qm_li[d] && go) { a = o; if ((!a.cdiv) || (a.cdiv && a.cdiv != qm_li[d])) qm_uo(qm_li[d]); a = qm_li[d]; while ((a = a[qp]) && !qm_a(a)) { if (a != o[qp] && a != o.cdiv) qm_uo(a); else break; } } var b = o; var c = o.cdiv; if (b.cdiv) { var aw = b.offsetWidth; var ah = b.offsetHeight; var ax = b.offsetLeft; var ay = b.offsetTop; if (c[qp].ch) { aw = 0; if (c.fl) ax = 0; } else { if (c.ft) ay = 0; if (c.rl) { ax = ax - c.offsetWidth; aw = 0; } ah = 0; } if (qm_o) { ax -= b[qp].clientLeft; ay -= b[qp].clientTop; } if ((qm_s2 && !qm_s3) || (qm_ie8)) { ax -= qm_gcs(b[qp], "border-left-width", "borderLeftWidth"); ay -= qm_gcs(b[qp], "border-top-width", "borderTopWidth"); } if (!c.ismove) { = (ax + aw) + "px"; = (ay + ah) + "px"; } x2("qmactive", o, 1); if (window.qmad && qmad.bvis) eval(qmad.bvis); = "inherit"; qm_li[d] = c; } else if (!qm_a(b[qp])) qm_li[d] = b[qp]; else qm_li[d] = null; qm_kille(e); } catch (e) { }; }; function qm_gcs(obj, sname, jname) { var v; if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) v = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).getPropertyValue(sname); else if (obj.currentStyle) v = obj.currentStyle[jname]; if (v && !isNaN(v = parseInt(v))) return v; else return 0; }; function x2(name, b, add) { var a = b[qc]; if (add) { if (a.indexOf(name) == -1) b[qc] += (a ? 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var r2 = "ibcss_" + pfix + "_border_color"; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (q = qmad["qm" + i]) { if (t = q[r1]) a = t; if (t = q[r2]) b = t; wt += '#qm' + i + ' ' + add_div + '.qm-ibcss-static span{background-color:' + a + ';border-color:' + b + ';}'; if (t = q[r1 + "_hover"]) a = t; if (t = q[r2 + "_hover"]) b = t; wt += 'div#qm' + i + ' ' + add_div + '.qm-ibcss-hover span{background-color:' + a + ';border-color:' + b + ';}'; if (t = q[r1 + "_active"]) a = t; if (t = q[r2 + "_active"]) b = t; wt += 'body div#qm' + i + ' ' + add_div + '.qm-ibcss-active span{background-color:' + a + ';border-color:' + b + ';}'; } } return wt; }; function qm_ibcss_init(e, spec) { var z; if ((z = window.qmv) && (z = z.addons) && (z = z.ibcss) && (!z["on" +] && z["on" +] != undefined && z["on" +] != null)) return; qm_ts = 1; var q = qmad.ibcss; var a, b, r, sx, sy; z = window.qmv; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (!(a = document.getElementById("qm" + i)) || (!isNaN(spec) && spec != i)) continue; var ss = qmad[]; if (ss && (ss.ibcss_main_type || ss.ibcss_sub_type)) { q.mtype = ss.ibcss_main_type; q.msize = ss.ibcss_main_size; if (!q.msize) q.msize = 5; = ss.ibcss_main_direction; if (! md = "right"; q.mbg = ss.ibcss_main_bg_color; q.mborder = ss.ibcss_main_border_color; sx = ss.ibcss_main_position_x; sy = ss.ibcss_main_position_y; if (!sx) sx = 0; if (!sy) sy = 0; q.mpos = eval("new Array('" + sx + "','" + sy + "')"); q.malign = eval("new Array('" + ss.ibcss_main_align_x + "','" + ss.ibcss_main_align_y + "')"); r = q.malign; if (!r[0]) r[0] = "right"; if (!r[1]) r[1] = "center"; q.stype = ss.ibcss_sub_type; q.ssize = ss.ibcss_sub_size; if (!q.ssize) q.ssize = 5; = ss.ibcss_sub_direction; if (! sd = "right"; q.sbg = ss.ibcss_sub_bg_color; q.sborder = ss.ibcss_sub_border_color; sx = ss.ibcss_sub_position_x; sy = ss.ibcss_sub_position_y; if (!sx) sx = 0; if (!sy) sy = 0; q.spos = eval("new Array('" + sx + "','" + sy + "')"); q.salign = eval("new Array('" + ss.ibcss_sub_align_x + "','" + ss.ibcss_sub_align_y + "')"); r = q.salign; if (!r[0]) r[0] = "right"; if (!r[1]) r[1] = "middle"; q.type = ss.ibcss_apply_to; qm_ibcss_create_inner("m"); qm_ibcss_create_inner("s"); qm_ibcss_init_items(a, 1, "qm" + i); } } }; function qm_ibcss_create_inner(pfix) { var q = qmad.ibcss; var wt = ""; var s = q[pfix + "size"]; var type = q[pfix + "type"]; var head; if (type.indexOf("head") + 1) head = true; var gap; if (type.indexOf("gap") + 1) gap = true; var v; if (type.indexOf("-v") + 1) v = true; if (type.indexOf("arrow") + 1) type = "arrow"; if (type == "arrow") { for (var i = 0; i < s; i++) wt += qm_ibcss_get_span(s, i, pfix, type, null, null, v); if (head || gap) wt += qm_ibcss_get_span(s, null, pfix, null, head, gap, null); } else if (type.indexOf("square") + 1) { var inner; if (type.indexOf("-inner") + 1) inner = true; var raised; if (type.indexOf("-raised") + 1) raised = true; type = "square"; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) wt += qm_ibcss_get_span(s, i, pfix, type, null, null, null, inner, raised); if (inner) wt += qm_ibcss_get_span(s, i, pfix, "inner"); } q[pfix + "inner"] = wt; }; function qm_ibcss_get_span(size, i, pfix, type, head, gap, v, trans, raised) { var q = qmad.ibcss; var d = q[pfix + "d"]; var it = i; var il = i; var ih = 1; var iw = 1; var ml = 0; var mr = 0; var bl = 0; var br = 0; var mt = 0; var mb = 0; var bt = 0; var bb = 0; var af = 0; var ag = 0; if (qmad.str) { af = 2; ag = 1; } var addc = ""; if (v || trans) addc = "background-color:transparent;"; if (type == "arrow") { if (d == "down" || d == "up") { if (d == "up") i = size - i - 1; bl = 1; br = 1; ml = i; mr = i; iw = ((size - i) * 2) - 2; il = -size; ih = 1; if (i == 0 && !v) { bl = iw + 2; br = 0; ml = 0; mr = 0; iw = 0; if (qmad.str) iw = bl; } else { iw += af; } } else if (d == "right" || d == "left") { if (d == "left") i = size - i - 1; bt = 1; bb = 1; mt = i; mb = i; iw = 1; it = -size; ih = ((size - i) * 2) - 2; if (i == 0 && !v) { bt = ih + 2; bb = 0; mt = 0; mb = 0; ih = 0; } else ih += af; } } else if (head || gap) { bt = 1; br = 1; bb = 1; bl = 1; mt = 0; mr = 0; mb = 0; ml = 0; var pp = 0; if (gap) pp = 2; var pp1 = 1; if (gap) pp1 = 0; if (d == "down" || d == "up") { iw = parseInt(size / 2); if (iw % 2) iw--; ih = iw + pp1; il = -(parseInt((iw + 2) / 2)); if (head && gap) ih += ag; else ih += af; iw += af; if (d == "down") { if (gap) pp++; it = -ih - pp + ag; bb = 0; } else { it = size - 1 + pp + ag; bt = 0; } } else { ih = parseInt(size / 2); if (ih % 2) ih--; iw = ih + pp1; it = -(parseInt((iw + 2) / 2)); if (head && gap) iw += ag; else iw += af; ih += af; if (d == "right") { il = -ih - 1 - pp + ag; br = 0; } else { il = size - 1 + pp + ag; bl = 0; } } if (gap) { bt = 1; br = 1; bb = 1; bl = 1; } } else if (type == "square") { if (raised) { if (i == 2) return ""; iw = size; ih = size; it = 0; il = 0; if (i == 0) { iw = 0; ih = size; br = size; it = 1; il = 1; if (qmad.str) iw = br; } } else { if (size % 2) size++; it = 1; ih = size; iw = size; bl = 1; br = 1; il = 0; iw += af; if (i == 0 || i == 2) { ml = 1; it = 0; ih = 1; bl = size; br = 0; iw = 0; if (qmad.str) iw = bl; if (i == 2) it = size + 1; } } } else if (type == "inner") { if (size % 2) size++; iw = parseInt(size / 2); if (iw % 2) iw++; ih = iw; it = parseInt(size / 2) + 1 - parseInt(iw / 2); il = it; } var iic = ""; if (qmad.str) iic = " "; return '' + iic + ''; }; function qm_ibcss_init_items(a, main) { var q = qmad.ibcss; var aa, pf; aa = a.childNodes; for (var j = 0; j < aa.length; j++) { if (aa[j].tagName == "A") { if (window.attachEvent) aa[j].attachEvent("onmouseover", qm_ibcss_hover); else if (window.addEventListener) aa[j].addEventListener("mouseover", qm_ibcss_hover, false); var skip = false; if (q.type != "all") { if (q.type == "parent" && !aa[j].cdiv) skip = true; if (q.type == "non-parent" && aa[j].cdiv) skip = true; } if (!skip) { if (main) pf = "m"; else pf = "s"; var ss = document.createElement("SPAN"); ss.className = "qm-ibcss-static"; var s1 =; s1.display = "block"; s1.position = "relative"; s1.fontSize = "1px"; s1.lineHeight = "0px"; s1.zIndex = 1; 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                                                                                                                 qm_create(0, true, 250, 250, false, false, false, false, false);                     About ILDC           India is a multilingual country with as many as 22 scheduled languages and computer technology breaks the language barrier and bridges the gap between the various sections of the society through easier access to information using their respective languages and hence language computing becomes central to the exchange of information across speakers of various languages.   Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) Programme initiated by the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. India has the objective to develop information processing tools to facilitate human machine interaction in Indian languages and to develop technologies to access multilingual knowledge resources. Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology launched another major initiative called National Rollout Plan to aggregate these software tools and to make these available through a web based Indian Language Data Centre (ILDC). This activity is being executed in close coordination with CDAC,GIST,Pune. Under this user friendly software tools and fonts are being made available free for public through language CDs and web downloads for the benefit of masses.  The availability of these software tools, fonts and resources in local languages at no cost is intended to motivate general public to use ICT tools and technology in their day to day work like Word Processing, Presentation preparation, Spread Sheets preparation, Web Page Surfing & Designing, Messaging etc. in local languages. Further, the consolidated availability of linguistic resources and tools at one place will help researchers to carry out their research in a smooth and efficient manner.                      INSCRIPT Keyboard Layout                  Marathi Typing Tutor (Instructions)   Hindi Typing Tutor (Instructions)    Unicode Typing Tool Sakal Bharati (OTF Font)   Download localised version of Bharateeya Open Office Suite in 22 Official Indian Languages   Benefits of Bharateeya Open Office                                This site is under continuous updation process.     © 2008-18 Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, MeitY, Govt of India.    l   Disclaimer   l   Site designed, developed and maintained By  C-DAC GIST, Pune