21 June 2018

ICE agents raid Ohio meatpacking plants, arrest 146 immigrants

By Jerry White, 21 June 2018

The storming of the Fresh Mark plants, the second major Ohio workplace raid this month, is aimed at instilling fear so that employers can exploit both immigrant and native-born workers with impunity.

Trump executive order: Indefinite detention of immigrant families, 2,300 children to remain separated from parents

By Kayla Costa, 21 June 2018

Wednesday’s order does not revoke the “zero tolerance” policy, does not apply to children already separated from family and will drastically expand the number of people detained in immigration internment camps.

“Something must be done quickly”
Child psychology expert warns of life-changing damage from child-parent separation of immigrants

Microsoft workers demand end to contracts with US border agencies

By Will Morrow, 21 June 2018

The workers’ letter to Microsoft’s CEO states, “As the people who build the technologies that Microsoft profits from, we refuse to be complicit.”

The United States of America: Land of internment camps

Mexican immigrants seek asylum amidst growing social inequality and crime

More on North American immigration issues »

After six years confinement: WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange in great danger

By Mike Head, 21 June 2018

Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson said yesterday his situation is “very difficult” and Ecuador was “under significant pressure from the US” to force him to leave its London embassy.

White House report lays out economic war against China

By Nick Beams, 21 June 2018

China’s “economic aggression” is denounced as threatening the US and the global economy.

Trump escalates trade war with new tariff threat against China

Following merger of AT&T and Time Warner
Fox accepts Disney takeover bid

By Barry Grey, 21 June 2018

Control of the media and telecommunications industries by a handful of mega-monopolies received fresh impetus Wednesday with 21st Century Fox’s announcement that it had agreed to a revamped takeover offer from Walt Disney Company.

East Pittsburgh police fatally shoot unarmed 17-year-old

By Trévon Austin, 21 June 2018

Antwon Rose, Jr. was shot without any warning as he attempted to flee a traffic stop Tuesday night.

Another New York City taxi driver commits suicide

By Clare Hurley, 21 June 2018

Abdul Saleh’s suicide is the sixth among the city’s livery drivers in the last six months.

Impoverishment pushes another New York City taxi driver to suicide

US cancels military drills, but maintains sanctions on North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 21 June 2018

The tentative moves toward ending the confrontation on the Korean Peninsula could rapidly fall apart if North Korea fails to meet all the US demands.

Greece’s Syriza government rushes fourth austerity program through parliament

By Katerina Selin, 21 June 2018

Syriza is once again preparing to impose harsh measures on workers, retirees and young people.

Britain’s Tory government offers concession to pro-EU MPs to advance Brexit bill

By Robert Stevens, 21 June 2018

With the May government beholden to its pro-Brexit wing, there is a stepped-up effort to use Labour as the political vehicle for preventing Britain’s exit from the European Union.

Rolls-Royce to shed nearly 5,000 jobs in the UK

By Barry Mason, 21 June 2018

Instead of a campaign to mobilise its 22,000 members employed by Rolls-Royce to fight the cuts, Unite will facilitate whatever restructuring the company demands.

Outrage in Russia over pension reform

By Clara Weiss, 21 June 2018

Ninety-two percent of the population oppose the government’s plan to raise the retirement age.

New in Russian

Аргентинская Рабочая партия подавляет обсуждение вопросов о сотрудничестве с русскими сталинистами, имеющими связи с неофашизмом

Билл Вэн Оукен, 21 июня 2018 г.

Представленная членам Partido Obrero в качестве «товарища» по «реконструкции» Четвертого Интернационала, Дарья Митина связана с фашистами по всей Европе.

New in French

A la conférence de Meseberg, Merkel et Macron appellent à l’extension du militarisme

Alex Lantier, 21 juin 2018

Merkel et Macron ont signé un accord pour une extension draconienne du militarisme dans l’UE et pour des attaques contre les immigrés en conjonction avec les gouvernements d’extrême droite en Italie et en Autriche.

Londres: Julie Hyland, dirigeante du Parti de l'égalité socialiste, s'adresse à la vigile pour la libération de Julian Assange

Nos correspondants, 21 juin 2018

Environ 200 personnes, des travailleurs, des jeunes et des retraités, ont assisté à une vigile devant l'ambassade équatorienne de Londres mardi soir pour réclamer la liberté de l'éditeur de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange.

New in Turkish

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: Toplama kampları ülkesi

Eric London, 21 Haziran 2018

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri hükümeti, binlerce göçmen çocuğunu ailelerinden ayıran ve onları çöldeki çadır kentlerde bulunan kafeslere kilitleyen bir politika uygulamaya başladı.

Washington’ın göç Gestapo’sunu dağıtın! Göçmenlere yönelik zulme son!

Eric London, 21 Haziran 2018

Göçmenlere yönelik bu saldırı, ABD tarihinin en karanlık bölümlerinden birine işaret etmektedir.

24 Haziran seçimlerinin öngününde: Erdoğan yeni entrikalara ve büyük bir baskıya hazırlanıyor

Halil Çelik, 21 Haziran 2018

AKP hükümeti, hem içeride hem dışarıda Kürt milliyetçilerine yönelik hükümet baskısını yoğunlaştırırken, muhaliflerine karşı yeni entrikalar hazırlıyor.

Kriz eliyle bölünen Alman hükümeti aşırı sağcı sığınmacı politikasını benimsiyor

Johannes Stern, 21 Haziran 2018

İki birlik partisinin genel başkanlarının açıklamaları, CDU ile CSU arasında sığınmacı politikası konusunda temel bir farklılık bulunmadığını; bir bütün olarak büyük koalisyonun aşırı sağcı AfD’nin politikalarını benimsiyor olduğunu açıkça ortaya koydu.

SEP önderi Julie Hyland Londra’daki Julian Assange’a özgürlük nöbetinde konuştu

Muhabirlerimizden, 21 Haziran 2018

Salı akşamı, aralarında işçilerin, gençlerin ve emeklilerin olduğu 200 dolayında insan, WikiLeaks’in editörü Julian Assange’ın özgürlüğünü talep etmek için Londra’daki Ekvador büyükelçiliğinin dışında düzenlenen nöbet eylemine katıldı.

“Bize yönelik saldırılar olağanüstü açıklayıcı”
WikiLeaks’in kurucusu Julian Assange WSWS’ye konuştu

Richard Phillips, 21 Haziran 2018

WikiLeaks’in kurucusu Julian Assange’la yapılan bu röportaj, ilk olarak 16 Mart 2012 tarihinde yayınlandı.

Partido Obrero, neo-faşistlerle bağları olan Rus Stalinist ile ittifak konusundaki soruları örtbas ediyor

Bill Van Auken, 21 Haziran 2018

Partido Obrero’ya sosyalizm uğruna mücadele arzusuyla katılmış olan parti üyelerinin, bazı soruları sormaya başlamalarında yarar var.

New in German

Ed Sadlowskis Tod und das Ende des Gewerkschaftsreformismus

Shannon Jones, 20. Juni 2018

Am 10. Juni verstarb der amerikanische Gewerkschaftsaktivist Ed Sadlowski. Er spielte in der Gewerkschaftsbewegung der 1970er Jahre eine kurze, aber wichtige Rolle. Bezeichnenderweise scheiterten seine Reformversuche am Konflikt zwischen den Interessen der Stahlarbeiter und dem pro-kapitalistischen Programm, auf dem die Gewerkschaften beruhen.

Trump-Regierung will mehr Einwandererkinder ins Gefängnis stecken

Eric London, 20. Juni 2018

Die Regierung baut neue Einrichtungen, um tausende Einwandererkinder unterzubringen. Gleichzeitig weigert sie sich, Asylanträge an der amerikanisch-mexikanischen Grenze entgegenzunehmen.

Rechte Hetze gegen Flüchtlingshelfer auf dem Mittelmeer

Marianne Arens, 20. Juni 2018

Die NGO-Schiffe auf dem Mittelmeer werden immer stärker unter Druck gesetzt. Rechte Politiker und Medien beschimpfen sie als Menschenschmuggler oder machen sie für die Situation der Flüchtlinge verantwortlich.

Deutsche Autoindustrie steht vor gewaltigen Erschütterungen

Dietmar Henning, 20. Juni 2018

Mit dem Ausbruch wirtschaftlicher Konflikte, insbesondere zwischen den USA und Europa, geraten die deutschen Hersteller gleichzeitig an mehreren Fronten unter Beschuss.

Gegen rechte Zensur an der Uni Frankfurt

den International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 20. Juni 2018

Mit diesem offenen Brief protestieren die IYSSE gegen das Verbot ihrer Veranstaltung zur Aktualität des Marxismus durch den AstA der Uni Frankfurt. In einer Email hatte der AStA die Zensurmaßnahme mit haltlosen Verleumdungen begründet.

New in Spanish

Los Estados Unidos de América: la tierra de los campos de internamiento

Por Eric London, 21 junio 2018

El ataque contra los inmigrantes y los derechos democráticos es de una importancia urgente para toda la clase trabajadora.

Los activos de los millonarios de "riqueza neta alta" del mundo aumentaron a $70 billones en 2017

Por Barry Gray, 21 junio 2018

El auge bursátil y todo el proceso de saqueo social han dependido de la supresión de la oposición de la clase trabajadora y de un ataque salvaje al nivel de vida de los trabajadores.

Trump intensifica la guerra comercial con una nueva amenaza arancelaria contra China

Por Nick Beams, 21 junio 2018

Los últimos movimientos de la administración de Estados Unidos provocaron una caída en los mercados bursátiles en medio de las crecientes preocupaciones de que la guerra comercial tendrá un impacto significativo en la inversión y las cadenas de suministro mundiales.

La administración Trump restringe visas para estudiantes chinos

Por Will Morrow, 21 junio 2018

Sigue una serie de Declaraciones de funcionarios de inteligencia y en los medios han argumentado que más de 2 millones de ciudadanos chinos que residen en EUA son una posible "quinta columna".

Estados Unidos se convierte en la primera nación en abandonar el organismo de derechos humanos de la ONU

Por Bill Van Auken, 21 junio 2018

La decisión llegó después de que el jefe del consejo condenara tanto la política de Washington de separar a los niños de sus familias en la frontera y la guerra en Yemen respaldada por Estados Unidos.

La administración Trump planea una expansión masiva de cárceles para niños inmigrantes

Por Eric London, 21 junio 2018

La administración está construyendo instalaciones para albergar a decenas de miles de niños inmigrantes mientras se niega a procesar a los solicitantes de asilo en la frontera México-Estados Unidos.

"Algo debe hacerse rápidamente"
Experto en psicología infantil advierte sobre el daño que cambia la vida de la separación entre padres e hijos de inmigrantes

Por Eric London, 21 junio 2018

Chris Fradkin, un becario Fulbright, le dijo al WSWS: “Estos niños, si no se reúnen con sus padres la próxima semana, sufrirán por esto por el resto de sus vidas”.

El caso Belhaj devela las guerras sucias de Gran Bretaña para el cambio de régimen: Primera parte

Por Jean Shaoul, 21 junio 2018

El propósito del acuerdo entre el gobierno del Reino Unido y Belhaj es evitar nuevas revelaciones vergonzosas sobre la colusión del gobierno con las fuerzas islamistas en casa y en el extranjero.

Cincuenta años del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad de Sri Lanka
¡Armar a la clase trabajadora con el programa del internacionalismo socialista y con un liderazgo revolucionario!

Por Partido Socialista por la Igualdad (Sri Lanka), 21 junio 2018

El respaldo de la lucha de 40 años de la RCL/PSI ha sido la lucha por la independencia política de la clase trabajadora y el programa de la revolución permanente.

Other Languages


The working class and the global war on immigrants

21 June 2018

The brutality and lawlessness of the Trump administration in ripping children from their parents at the US border is part of a global war by capitalist governments against refugees.

Earlier Perspectives »

International Committee of the Fourth International

Preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 21 June 2018

We are posting the new preface written by David North for the soon to be released thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend: A Contribution to the History of the Fourth International.

SEP (Australia) Rally in Sydney to Free Julian Assange

Assange is being punished for exposing state secrecy and the reality of war

By Linda Tenenbaum, 21 June 2018

SEP national committee member Linda Tenenbaum told the Sydney rally that the event was to initiate an international movement in defence of Assange and basic democratic rights.

The persecution of Assange is an attempt to silence mass anti-war sentiment

By Evrim Yazgin, 21 June 2018

Evrim Yazgin, International Youth and Students for Social Equality president at the University of Melbourne, explained how Assange’s struggle for the truth had politicised a generation of young people.

Educators internationally must stand up for Julian Assange

By Sue Phillips, 21 June 2018

Committee For Public Education national convenor Sue Phillips told the Sydney rally that the defence of Assange is intimately connected to the fight for the democratic and social rights of students, educators and the working class.

The Turnbull government must act to repatriate Australian citizen Julian Assange to Australia

By James Cogan, 19 June 2018

This speech was delivered by James Cogan, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) in Australia, to a rally organised by the SEP in defence of Julian Assange last Sunday in Sydney.

Bringing Julian Assange Home

By John Pilger, 19 June 2018

Addressing last Sunday's SEP rally in Sydney, well-known filmmaker and documentarian, John Pilger exposed the role of Labor and Coalition governments, along with prominent journalists and editors in the ongoing persecution of Julian Assange.

The Sydney rally to defend Julian Assange: An important step forward

By Linda Tenenbaum, 18 June 2018

Defend Julian Assange!

Protesters at Ecuador embassy vigil in London demand freedom for Julian Assange

By our reporters, 21 June 2018

The World Socialist Web Site spoke to some of those attending Tuesday evening’s vigil in London for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange.

Socialist Equality Party leader Julie Hyland speaks at London vigil to demand freedom for Julian Assange

By our reporters, 20 June 2018

Pickets in Sri Lanka and India demand freedom for Julian Assange

By our correspondents, 20 June 2018

New Zealand rally demands freedom for Julian Assange

By our reporters, 20 June 2018

Australian vigils held in defence of Julian Assange

Protesters demand release of Julian Assange at US vigils

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

Featured Commentary

Argentina’s Partido Obrero suppresses questions on alliance with Russian Stalinist with ties to neo-fascism

By Bill Van Auken, 19 June 2018

Presented to the Partido Obrero’s membership as a “comrade” in “refounding” the Fourth International, Darya Mitina has ties to fascists throughout Europe.

Workers Party in Argentina seeks to “refound” Fourth International in alliance with Stalinism

The Demise of Savas Michael’s “New Era”

Arts Review

“Unfortunately, none of this happened”: Kirill Serebrennikov’s Summer (Leto), a take on the pre-perestroika period in the USSR

By Clara Weiss, 21 June 2018

Serebrennikov’s new film treats two of Russia’s most famous rock groups, Kino and Zoopark, in the early 1980s, while managing to avoid all the major questions of the time.

Ocean’s 8: A “gender-swapped” caper

By Carlos Delgado, 20 June 2018

The late American novelist Philip Roth attacked as a “misogynist”

By David Walsh, 18 June 2018

The Rachel Divide: A Netflix documentary on the identity politics uproar over “transracial” Rachel Dolezal

A welcome development:
Actor Geoffrey Rush to return to stage with Melbourne Theatre Company


Assets of world’s “high net wealth” millionaires surged to $70 trillion in 2017

By Barry Grey, 20 June 2018

Left Forum gathering’s “strategy for the left”: Support the Democratic Party

By Sandy English, 20 June 2018

On the eve of Turkish elections: Erdogan prepares new intrigues and a major crackdown

By Halil Celik, 20 June 2018

The death of Ed Sadlowski and the demise of trade union reformism

By Shannon Jones, 19 June 2018

Rent by crisis, German government adopts far-right refugee policy

By Johannes Stern, 19 June 2018

US becomes first nation to quit UN human rights body

Belhaj case lifts the veil on Britain’s dirty wars for regime change: Part two

By their friends you will know them: The International Socialist Organization and American imperialism

The ISO and the imperialist politics of the pseudo-left

Russian authorities ordered destruction of documents on Stalin’s terror

Workers Struggles

Staff at Australia’s Macquarie University vote for unified fight against government cuts

By our correspondent, 20 June 2018

Nine million truck drivers across India strike over increasing fuel prices

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 19 June 2018

Two hundred nurses at California hospital authorize strike

By Brian Dixon, 19 June 2018

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (UK) meetings on war and censorship: “War preparations are powered by lies”

By Julie Hyland, 18 June 2018

Fifty years of the Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka
Arm the working class with the program of socialist internationalism and with revolutionary leadership!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 16 June 2018

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) to hold lectures to mark its 50th anniversary

Sri Lanka SEP files fundamental rights case against Colombo Municipal Council

WSWS 20th Anniversary Fund

Help us expose the CIA Democrats! Donate today!


The Grenfell Tower Fire

Labour and unions seek to corral social anger over Grenfell fire behind official inquiry

By Robert Stevens, 20 June 2018

UK: Protesters speak at demonstration to mark first anniversary of Grenfell fire

Thousands gather to mark first anniversary of Grenfell Tower inferno

Grenfell Silent Marchers speak
“I have woken up to the fact that class war still exists, it’s alive and kicking”

25 years ago: Supreme Court rules against Haitian refugees

On June 22, 1993, in the case of Sale v. Haitian Centers Council, the US Supreme Court upheld the Bush and Clinton administrations’ policy of intercepting fleeing Haitians at sea and returning them to Haiti without asylum hearings.

More »

50 years ago: Police assault shuts down the Poor People’s Campaign

On June 24, 1968, after six weeks of protest, Resurrection City, the encampment created by the Poor People’s Campaign on the mall in Washington DC, was forcibly shut down by police.

More »

75 years ago: Fascists instigate race riots in Detroit

On June 22, 1943, violent clashes took place in Detroit, Michigan, as a result of racist agitation by the Ku Klux Klan and other fascistic groups, whose activities had been tacitly endorsed by the police and government authorities.

More »


100 years ago: Bolshevik leader Volodarsky assassinated in Petrograd

On June 20, 1918, V. Volodarsky, a leader of the Bolshevik Party’s Petrograd Committee and the editor of the popular Krasnaya Gazeta (Red Gazette), was shot to death.

More »

Autoworkers struggles

Detroit autoworkers speak out on UAW corruption scandal

Read the WSWS Autoworkers Newsletter: wsws.org/autoworkers

“They’re getting more money and we’re losing workers”
In wake of UAW convention, Lordstown GM workers speak out on layoffs

By a WSWS reporting team, 16 June 2018

“Everything they took from us needs to be returned, plus the money they stole”
Growing outrage from autoworkers over UAW bribery scandal

More on autoworkers issues »


Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

14 June 2018

Turkish sympathizing group of the ICFI adopts new name

By the Socialist Equality Group (Turkey), 8 June 2018

Toplumsal Esitlik (TE–the Social Equality Group) has changed its name to Sosyalist Esitlik (SE–Socialist Equality Group).

May Day 2018 International Online Rally

May Day 2018 and the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx

By David North, 6 May 2018

Opening the ICFI’s International Online Rally on Saturday, May 5, David North, chairman of the international editorial board of the WSWS and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US), spoke on the historical significance of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism, 200 years after his birth.

Arabic translation of “Against imperialism, counterrevolution and war! For a socialist Middle East!”

The following is an Arabic translation of the speech, "Against imperialism, counterrevolution and war! For a socialist Middle East!", delivered to the ICFI’s International Online Rally on May 5 by Johannes Stern, a leading member of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, the German section of the ICFI, and the World Socialist Web Site editorial board in Germany.

Trotskyism is the Marxism of the 21st Century

By Joseph Kishore, 7 May 2018

May Day 2018

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 1 May 2018

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.