
Protectionism and “globalisation” have the same mother: the crisis of capital

Has “globalisation”, the freedom for capital and goods to move from one end of the planet to the other, with no barriers to limit trade and its miraculous effects, come to an end? Looking at what has happened recently, it seems that an ideology, and, even more so, one of capital’s ways of being has reached the end. It seems like the bourgeoisie, or at least a part of it, has taken a suit from its wardrobe which it has not worn for a long time, one which was needed for a tougher climate and the storms that come with it.

The Mutu network: the revival of French radical media

The Mutu Network have developed a successful new model for French radical media, with 15 websites across the country embedded in their communities, reporting on local struggles and fighting back against the monopolisation of activist news by social media corporations.

Human Nature and Communism

Not only is “human nature” not unchangeable, it is also not the default nature of human beings to be greedy and selfish. We can now see that fundamental to human nature, more fundamental than the debaucheries thrown up by capitalism in its imperialist phase, is in fact, the tendency towards communism.

Sánchez Becomes Prime Minister of Spain

The rulers of all the major capitalist states have no solution to a world economic crisis which in various forms has now dragged on for decades. In the last few years chronic insoluble economic crisis has increasingly translated into political crisis. This has produced not just changes in government but questions about the institutions of these supposedly democratic regimes.

Living The Dream in the time of #metoo Part 1

#metoo has brought issues of sexual violence and gender to the forefront of public debate. But what's it all about? What's the relationship of #metoo to older feminist ideas and struggles over gendered violence and how has feminism engaged with questions of violence, crime and the state? Part 1 of a 2 part special from Living the Dream at The Word From Struggle Street



Two new anarchist feminist projects in Scotland

Two white and purple unicorns locking horns on a black background

A quick blog in which I’m very optimistic about the Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair, and a new class struggle self-education project in Edinburgh

USA: The Role of the Union in the Teachers Strikes

It should be common sense that workers can only use their collective strength if united in some body which includes them all. But that assumes that the unions today are representative of the workers. Under modern capitalist conditions the union exists to mediate wage labour on behalf of the state. The unions’ existence as permanent bodies means they have to comply with the rules of the capitalist game. They have become another layer of management within the system.

International Anarchist Unity

A red banner that says "the anarchists" with a woman in a dress holding it

A harshly critical look at the current fragmentation of the global anarchist movement and some potential ideas to help rectify the issues.

Against Imperialist Massacres: No War but the Class War!

Capitalist class rule sits atop a mountain of corpses. Syria continues to be a battleground for imperialist interests scrambling to gain a foothold in the region, as well as a potential site for the start of a Third World War. In response to this deepening crisis, June will see a series of meetings to launch a revolutionary alternative to the bosses’ war drive. The meetings will mark the re-emergence of a platform for struggle under the slogan of “No War But The Class War” (NWBCW).

1968 in India

We wrote down some thoughts for a discussion meeting with comrades of wildcat (Germany) about the global uprising of 1968, looking at the wider historical background of 1968 in India.

5 big problems with Kill All Normies

‘Kill All Normies’ (KAN) is a bestselling book, recently translated into Spanish, and is having a continuing influence on public discussion of topics from the alt-right to ‘incel’ misogynists to the purported failings of the left.

Skint 1.5 Smashed Avo

The smashed avo has become symbolic of a standard of living: the bundle of commodities that form the historically necessary level for the reproduction of a large swathe of the working class in the last 10 or 20 years, and which increasingly seems untenable in the future. Moralising about the spending choices of the young is thus part of a disciplinary manoeuvre aimed at increasing the acceptance for a lower standard of living: whether that lowering of standards of living happens through the apparently neutral processes of the capitalist mode of production, or from direct attacks from capitalists.

Living The Dream with Marx's Theories of Crisis

Latest episode of Living The Dream - an anticapitalist podcast from The Word From Struggle Street

What’s going on in Argentina?

The following article is, like several we have already translated, from the left communist blog, Nuevo Curso. The background is that after 5 years of austerity the government of President Maurizio Macri has fallen foul of the global economic crisis and its latest fallout. A year ago he was hailed as the saviour of Argentina when, despite Argentina’s multiple defaults in the last century he launched a 100 year bond offering an interest rate of over 7%.

The Horror, the Horror of World Imperialism

In the late 19th century, the Congo was ripped open for its large rubber resources to satisfy capitalism’s new found demand for tires, leading to the death of millions of Africans. The horrors of the Congo are well known. Pictures of mutilation and death appear frequently in the lectures of academics who demand the need to create a more humanitarian capitalism. Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ appears on many school syllabuses. But despite literary suggestions of a problem found within the human heart, the truth is the problem was to be found in a new epoch of history that continues to this day: the epoch of imperialist capitalism.

Angry Workers of the World: a short introduction

Angry Workers of the World

A short introduction to Angry Workers of the World, an unruly and irregular workers' paper from London.

A preliminary summary of an IWW organising effort, winter 2017/18

In late September 2017 the IWW London branch invited friends and comrades to take part in an organising drive in West London factories and warehouses. We chose half a dozen companies, employing between 100 and 800 mainly migrant workers where there was no trade union present.

“On Authority” Revisited

Fredrick Engels argues against Anarchism on the basis that authority is needed to carry out a revolution against capitalism and the organization of society. This article argues that he fundamentally ignored what Anarchists actually meant when they said they were against authority.