Embedded Tweets

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Embedded Tweets bring your pick of content from Twitter into your website articles. An embedded Tweet includes photos, video and cards media created for display on Twitter, and can even stream live video from Periscope. All aspects of Twitter’s display requirements are handled for you by using our tools; author attribution, Tweet actions, hashtags, mentions, and other key components of the Twitter experience.



Twitter Kit provides native mobile Tweet displays for iOS and Android.

An embedded Tweet consists of two parts: An HTML snippet hosted in your web page, and the Twitter for Websites JavaScript to transform that code into a fully-rendered Tweet. You can copy embedded Tweet markup generated from the Tweet menu on Twitter.com or TweetDeck, paste a URL into a supporting CMS, or add a Tweet to the page programmatically using a JavaScript factory function.


Embed from Twitter.com

Every Tweet displayed on Twitter.com and in TweetDeck includes an embed code to easily copy-and-paste into your webpage. Activate the Tweet menu and select “Embed Tweet” to generate markup to include on your webpage:

Twitter.com embedded Tweet menu item

Convert Tweet URLs using oEmbed

Programmatically convert a Tweet URL into embedded Tweet markup using the oEmbed API. Make embedding a Tweet in your CMS or app as simple as pasting a Tweet URL.


Our CMS best practices guide describes common patterns for sites adding software support for embedded Tweets.

Customize Tweet display

Customize an embedded Tweet for your site’s visual design and display preferences by including extra parameters in your embedded Tweet HTML.

Match your site’s color scheme

An embedded Tweet supports light and dark color themes and custom link colors. Customize Twitter widgets at the page-level with <meta> elements or add data-* attributes to individual generated <blockquote> elements.

View our embedded Tweet reference documentation for a full list of embedded Tweet options.

Don’t show previous Tweet in conversation thread

A Tweet may be in reply to another Tweet. By default, we include a summary of the previous Tweet in the conversation to provide context.

Default View

conversation = none

Set an oEmbed query parameter of hide_thread=true or add a data-conversation="none" attribute to the resulting <blockquote> element to prevent the display of a parent Tweet.

Hide photos, videos, and Cards

A Tweet may include a photo, video, or link to or other content supporting a Card. By default, this media is displayed in embedded Tweets. You can hide this media if editorially desired.

Default View

cards = hidden

Set an oEmbed query parameter of hide_media=true or add a data-cards="hidden" attribute to the resulting <blockquote> element to prevent expanded content display.

Render a Tweet with JavaScript

Our widget JavaScript scans the DOM on execution, converting blockquote.twitter-tweet elements into fully-rendered embedded Tweets based on element content.

If dynamically inserting new content into a page, pass the new document fragment to twttr.widgets.load() to initialize embedded Tweet content.

To directly render an embedded Tweet at runtime use the twttr.widgets.createTweet() function.