Výsledky hledání
  1. před 6 minutami

    Three communities have been heavily damaged by tornados in Iowa. Please keep these people and their families in your thoughts. Think of ways to help when the call goes out. These phenomena never cease to amaze me in their power and destructiveness.

  2. před 9 minutami
  3. před 15 minutami

    “Hope is the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.” - Václav Havel

  4. před 18 minutami

    stopped in this afternoon. I guess 36 years ago was born there. Thanks for the memories, by the way there are few things still standing Mr. Stallone and a Rambo tour is part of the town.

  5. Got to have to move forward in this world 🤞🏽🤭🤔🤫

  6. před 27 minutami

    Oh . Stop trying to talk to like she's rational. It's a waste of your time.

  7. před 46 minutami

    Voice 3: Hope Thank you PVGirls track & Field for the sweatshirts! They were much appreciated in cold Perú. . . . . . #…

  8. před 49 minutami
    Tato média mohou obsahovat citlivý obsah. Další informace
  9. před 51 minutami

    For those trying to survive the daily grind on - the inspiring memoir Battle for

  10. před 54 minutami
  11. před 55 minutami

    Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.

  12. před 58 minutami
  13. před 3 hodinami

    End of "lawak" Era.

  14. Chibnall has confirmed that there are no plans for the Daleks during Series 11, and no plans for Torchwood this year... "THIS year"!

  15. před 14 hodinami

    Today I pray that I remind myself that my fear and anxiety are make believe, and the bad part is, I make them up myself! Fear is not real, it’s an illusion of my own design!

  16. před 14 hodinami

    Your FEELINGS about God do not replace the FACT that He is completely in control of the storm. Don’t lose hope.

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