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/MachineLearning 8h
Don't Decay the Learning Rate, Increase the Batch Size
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/MachineLearning 10h
Uber AI Labs Open Sources Pyro, a Deep Probabilistic Programming Language
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/MachineLearning 11h
Pyro: PyTorch-Based Deep PPL
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/MachineLearning 16h
PyTorch Implementation of "Dynamic Routing Between Capsules"
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/MachineLearning 19h
GAN Playground: Experiment with Generative Adversarial Nets in your browser. Observe convergence, mode collapse, et…
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/MachineLearning 23h
🔥 Latest Deep Learning OCR with Keras and Supervisely in 15 minutes
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/MachineLearning Nov 2
Tensorflow 1.4 released!
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/MachineLearning Nov 2
a review of mixup: data-dependent data augmentation, reformulation + semi-supervised view
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/MachineLearning Nov 2
Probabilistic Graphical Models: a powerful framework to learn the models with dependency
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/MachineLearning Nov 2
Collection of popular convnets with pre-trained weights in TensorFlow
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/MachineLearning Nov 2
Implementation of DeepMind's Distributional Bellman and the C51 Algorithm
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/MachineLearning Nov 2
'We can't compete': why universities are losing their best AI scientists
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/MachineLearning Nov 1
TensorFlow implementation of Mask R-CNN for pixelwise object detection and segmentation
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/MachineLearning Nov 1
Google’s AI Wizard Unveils a New Twist on Neural Networks
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/MachineLearning Nov 1
Machine learning of neural representations of suicide and emotion concepts identifies suicidal youth
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/MachineLearning Nov 1
TreeQN and ATreeC: Differentiable Tree Planning for Deep Reinforcement Learning
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/MachineLearning Nov 1
Andrew Ng's Deep learning specialization's 4th course is up now on Coursera which is on CNNs
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/MachineLearning Oct 31
Voice Style Transfer: Speaking like Kate Winslet
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/MachineLearning Oct 31
TensorFlow Eager Execution: An imperative, define-by-run interface to TensorFlow
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/MachineLearning Oct 31
Fooling Neural Networks in the Physical World with 3D Adversarial Objects
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