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Share your ideas for PM Narendra Modi's Independence Day Speech

4 Years of MyGov

48 Months of Transforming India - Saaf Niyat, Sahi Vikas

Over the last few years, Padma Awards have obtained a sense of inviolability with the government giving more importance to the work the nominees did than to their identities. Departing from the tradition of selected persons recommending the nominations, the nomination process was opened to the public at large, thereby making it a people’s movement. The #PeoplesPadma movement marks a paradigm shift in Jan-Bhagidari for building a New India.

In the past three years, the Government led by PM Narendra Modi has endeavoured to remove corruption in every form and technology presents itself as one of the most enabling tools. Utilising advancements in technology, the Government is following a multi-pronged strategy to tackle the problem in an effective manner. This campaign encourages citizens to join the Government in the fight against corruption.