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Global Health (GHC) May 22
. “All roads should lead to and that includes NCDs. Primary health care should be the foundation of UHC and community health workers are the backbone. “
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Chris Elias May 21
Like , the strongly believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a healthy and productive life. At , I’m looking forward to helping advance the collective effort to make a reality.
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UHC2030 9m
Signed! More partners joining - the movement for
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UHC2030 6h
Dr Supakit Sirilak outlines the pioneering Thai experience of social participatory in the National Health Assembly with principles of co-design, co-delivery, co-benefit - resolutions have advanced
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Patrick Walker May 21
“Primary health care is our first, and our best, response to improve global health security” - , Assistant DG of , speaking on in .
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Rania Mansour 3h
. at : "Health systems in Gaza are at a breaking point. It is a crisis of epic proportions with unmeasurable consequences."
Reply Retweet Like ✨ May 16
Young health professionals should be fully engaged by the in the implementation of self-initiated interventions which will certainly thrust us towards our goal of achieving universal healthcare coverage!
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Sofia Abrahamsson May 21
Making Universal Health Coverage inclusive. via video message 'wants to speak for those who don't have access to assistive technology'. Only 1 in 10 of those in need of assistive technology has access to it.
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Ahmed Tawakal 14h
When the story of the demise of the Kenyan public healthcare system is written one man named Sid will feature prominently won't be attained as long as he is around to manipulate the system
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David Ruiz May 21
Packed room to discussed community health systems to achieve
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TaiwanWarmPower May 17
Starting TODAY! Hospital Without Borders (HWB) exhibition in downtown Geneva will showcase Taiwan's achievements and success story. Taiwan's exclusion from the puts global health at risk. But .
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蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen May 22
At an event co-hosted by & the Taiwan Medical Association, I shared how ’s National Health Insurance has provided healthcare for all residents since 1995. Disease knows no borders. Let us help the world achieve & .
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Tabitha Ha 6h
Brazil UN permanent rep: Access to medicines is the core of any health system and therefore a political problem...No without access to medicines.
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OTTET Digital Health May 22
This is the right approach. Initiated 2008 by in creating the World's 1st ICT Based Sustainable Development to provide access to quality healthcare up to the village level and the only model of resource convergence to achieve the goal of is well established .
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GHP May 21
Handwashing with soap can avert preventable deaths, improve healthcare outcomes, and help attain . National averages of access to soap and water in households range from below 10% to nearly 100%. Learn more in our advocacy brief:
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Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 13m
MSH has “the honor of hosting the UHC2030 , and of working closely with other CSOs” says at the Member States Commitment to the Global Movement towards side event.
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Clare Wenham 7h
We need to move beyond the platitudes of lumping and and dig down into what this means - fabulous questions raised by
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UHC Day May 22
Great to see a packed room for & ahead of 40th Alma-Ata anniversary. Our favorite quote: “People-centered care means giving people what they say they need, not what someone else says they should have.” Couldn’t agree more, .
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UHC2030 11h
TODAY! 23 May 18.00 - 19.30 Palais de Nations, VII Health for all: countries walking the talk. Member states commitment to with focused actions on and financing for effective delivery. Plus new signatories to the Global Compact!
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FIP Education May 21
FIP attended the Commonwealth Civil Society Policy Forum in Geneva this weekend ahead of the Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting. and are working hard to advocate for greater investment in the health workforce, including the pharmaceutical workforce
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