2018 edition of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) set to take place in Ghana 14 June 2018 By CIPESA

The Collaboration for International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa is pleased to announce the fifth edition of FIFAfrica, which will be hosted in partnership with the Media Foundation West Africa and will take place on September 26–28, 2018 in Accra, Ghana.

Internet freedom In Africa and the Universal Periodic Review 13 June 2018 By Ashnah Kalemera for CIPESA

Human rights review mechanisms such as the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and the Africa Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) provide a unique opportunity to address human rights concerns in African countries.

Multistakeholder models that start with I: ICANN’s bottom-up oversight 13 June 2018 By Avri Doria

This note describes the ICANN Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT), which was created as a way by which the community could have a definitive say on the way the Board and staff serve ICANN needs, and on how they interact with the community.

Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves? Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves? 31 August 2017

This project aims to address the following questions: Are local access infrastructure models a viable alternative to connecting the unconnected, and if so, what are the circumstances that make them successful? What are the benefits to the local community in terms of well-being, gender equity and social or economic development where connectivity infrastructure is locally owned?

African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) 22 March 2017

AfriSIG, an initiative co-organised by APC and NEPAD, is a multistakeholder training initiative that aims to give Africans from diverse sectors and stakeholder groups the opportunity to gain knowledge and confidence to participate effectively in internet governance processes and debates. 

Building EROTICS Networks in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka Building EROTICS Networks in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka 25 April 2016

Building on a strong pre-existing coalition, this project will strengthen the participation of an already participating country (India, with active network member Point of View), and bring in new actors from two new countries:  Sri Lanka, with Women and Media Collective, and Nepal, with LOOM.

Global Information Society Watch Global Information Society Watch 30 August 2010

Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) is an annual report co-produced by the APC network and partners, which looks at the progress being made in creating an inclusive information society worldwide (particularly in implementing WSIS goals), encourages critical debate, and strengthens networking and advocacy for a just, inclusive information society.

Building Blocks of Social Networks India 13 June 2018 Digital Empowerment Foundation

"You are the leaders of social media. People need to know about you and the work you’re doing,” said Osama Manzar, founder-director of Digital Empowerment Foundation, addressing the finalists and other guests at the fifth annual Social Media for Empowerment Awards (SM4E).

Talking community networks at AfChix TechWomen Summit 2018 12 June 2018 Kazanka Comfort for GenderIT.org

Through the community network model, with its local ownership of infrastructure, affordability and relevant local content, women in Africa have a good chance to leapfrog into network management, content development, e-commerce, e-learning, etc. from their rural locations.

Inside the Information Society: ICTs, the Internet and structural inequality London 11 June 2018 David Souter

What’s the impact of ICTs on equality and inequality? What’s the relationship between digital divides and other inequalities between women and men, old and young, poor and rich? Are new technologies reducing or increasing inequalities?


Inside the Information Society

David Souter writes a weekly column for APC, looking at different aspects of the information society, development and rights. David’s pieces take a fresh look at many of the issues that concern APC and its members, with the aim of provoking discussion and debate. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs by individuals and communities.

The internet of memory: Stories from the APC community

What were information and communication technologies like in the 1980s and 1990s? What are the stories of the genesis and evolution of non-profit computer networks working for social change? Twice a month, this section will take a historical look at the APC community's journey of internet activism and make links to where we are now. Join Jennifer Radloff in this retrospective trip exploring the connections between the past and the present.

Media Matters for Democracy: Concern over the abduction of Gul Bukhari and targeting of Asad Kharral
Media Matters for Democracy: Concern over the abduction of Gul Bukhari and targeting of Asad Kharral

Media Matters for Democracy joins local media, media safety groups and political community to express grave concerns about these incidents and condemns the continued acts of intimidating, abuse, harassment and violence against journalists. 

APC welcomes the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, calls for stronger privacy protections globally
APC welcomes the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, calls for stronger privacy protections globally

APC welcomes the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is the most significant step in recent history towards enhancing people's privacy and giving them greater control over their personal information.

Joint call to G20 leaders: Let us bring people to the centre of the digital future
Joint call to G20 leaders: Let us bring people to the centre of the digital future

For the digital society to be open, safe, and empowering for everyone, policies for the digital age must be trusted and trustworthy – putting the interests of people and their rights first. Governments should intensify efforts to assure that the Internet is not fragmented and that people and th...

A toolkit for researching women’s internet access and use
A toolkit for researching women’s internet access and use

This toolkit, produced between A4AI, the Worldwide Web Foundation, the GSMA and APC, has been designed for stakeholders who are interested in integrating gender into their research projects in order to better understand this gender gap in internet access and use.

Infographic on net neutrality in Bangladesh
Infographic on net neutrality in Bangladesh

Bytesforall Bangladesh has prepared the following infographic on net neutrality in Bangladesh. Net neutrality is rather an emerging debate in Bangladesh and this infographic tries to reflect the background of it.

Tanzania: Civil society groups express concern over rapid decline in human rights
Tanzania: Civil society groups express concern over rapid decline in human rights

The undersigned civil society organisations from across the world write to express their deep concern over the worrying decline in respect for human rights, including the rights to freedom of association, expression and peaceful assembly, in Tanzania. 

APC joins over 145 organisations to ask EU Council to stop a rushed EU copyright reform
APC joins over 145 organisations to ask EU Council to stop a rushed EU copyright reform

We are deeply concerned that the text proposed by the Bulgarian presidency represents a major threat to the freedoms of European citizens and businesses and promises to severely harm Europe’s openness, competitiveness, innovation, science, research and education.

EsLaRed: Analysis of policies that threaten access to the internet in Venezuela, as a consequence of the state of emergency, during the period 2016-2017
EsLaRed: Analysis of policies that threaten access to the internet in Venezuela, as a consequence of the state of emergency, during the period 2016-2017

Since mid-2016, the government has implemented a series of economic, social and political measures under the state of emergency enacted by Presidential Decree No. 2323,  of 13 May 2016. In particular, the right of access to the internet, the right to freedom of expression and the right ...

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