Greece: Updates on the Hunger Strike of former 17N Member Dimitris Koufodinas

07.06.18: Dimitris Koufodinas, serving 11 life sentences for his activity in the Revolutionary Organization 17 November (from 1975 to 2002) began a hunger strike last Wednesday to demand that the rules governing the granting of prison leave are applied, which would mean the abolition of the supreme prosecutor’s right of veto over requests for prison leave.

Solidarity initiatives are already taking place in Greece. On Monday, members of Anarchist Group Rouvikonas made a destructive raid of the offices of the General Secretariat of Commerce in Kaningos Square in central Athens.

(via Secours Rouge)

Greece: Dimitris Koufodinas to be Transferred to Korydallos Prison Hospital

Dimitris Koufodinas who has now been on hunger strike for a week, is expected to be transferred to the Korydallos prison hospital today.

According to information on a counter-info website, his health is poor as he faces problems of weakness / dizzy spells.

He has lost about 7 kilos.

Dimitris Koufodinas is on hunger strike as his request for a third prison leave was rejected. Meanwhile, the regular prosecutor and his deputy who gave him the two previous leave licenses were disciplined for granting them and so now while the latest request is filed, they are abstaining and there are no other prosecutors to review it.

(via Athens Indymedia)

All translations by Nae Clone for Mpalothia.

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