What is the Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair?

The Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair is an all-day event open to everybody, not just anarchists or feminists. We want to provide an open, and welcoming point for people of all genders to learn more about both anarchism and feminism, as well for as folks organising on the ground to explore ideas in-depth together, work through concepts and reach concrete plans.

The bookfair will start at 10:30 and run until 18:00 on Saturday the 21st of July, 2018. As well as space for stalls from publishers, book shops, zine makers and grassroots organising campaigns we’ll be hosting workshops and talks throughout the day on a wide range of issues, from abortion rights to mutual aid, social reproduction theory to housing, sex work to community accountability. There’ll even be a practical session on vehicle maintenance for women and non-binary folk if we can find somewhere to park!

After the books have been cleared away and the workshops are over it’s time to party and celebrate. We have a cracking after party lined-up and more to add soon!

To help with accessibility, we’ve arranged for a free, professional crèche. See our Childcare page for more details if this is something you’re interested in.

How can I get involved?

If you’d like to help organise the bookfair, fundraise, or host a stall, talk or workshop, email us using the form below or at eafb@riseup.net. We’re particularly looking for folk to help with publicity in the run up to the event and to help with logisitics on the day.

Who are we?

We are a group of anarchist feminists who have come together to organise an anarchist feminist bookfair in Edinburgh in the summer of 2018. Some of us are already members of other groups you may be supportive of, like Sisters Uncut, Edinburgh Action for Trans Health, or AK Press; others are not part of any group.