
The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh

The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh (ACE) exists to support and encourage people to take more control of their lives. We believe in people co-operating as equals to create a shared world free from exploitation. We work together in the spirit of mutual aid.

ACE is a self-managed social resource centre open to use by groups or individuals who are trying to make a better society and improve their lives. If you have a project you want to get off the ground but are struggling for lack of resources, ACE is the place for you. There are many different projects already based at ACE who’d love for new folk to get involved. Please check out a bit about our history of activism at the link below.

The history of ACE and the Edinburgh Unemployed Workers Centre.

Please drop by when we’re open, or come to one of our friendly open organising meetings on the second Tuesday of the month 6 to 8 pm.

ACE is open every Tuesday from 12 to 3 pm for the Edinburgh Claimants / Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty drop-in advice and solidarity session on debt, dole, work, council and housing hassles.

We’re also open on the second & last Thursday of the month 6 to 8 pm and often hold specific group events outside these hours. When open the Info Shop is available to browse where we sell a range of radical literature alongside lending from the Scottish Radical Library and the many other resources available to use at ACE.

We’re child friendly and wheelchair accessible and abide by a ‘Safer Spaces’ policy.

More on what ACE believes and does here