July 2, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy – Issue 9 of “Fenrir”, an anarchist eco publication,in italian is out

Italy – Issue 9 of “Fenrir”, an anarchist eco publication,in italian is out

Issue 9 of FENRIR, an anarchist eco publication in support of prisoners and direct action, with updates and analyses on the anarchist and animal, human and earth liberation struggle all over the world, is available.
80 pages A4
In this issue:
– Editorial
– If not now, when?
– Big data and techno-capitalist society
– The insurgents’ autism, a piece of writing by Alfredo Cospito
– Autopsy of the revolution
– Ideology of science
– Notes on de-realization
– Conversations between anarchists
– Interview with Gabriel Pombo da Silva
– A suggestion
– Nisan Farber and the anarchists in Bialystok
– News from the necro-world
– Updates on prisoners and state repression
– Letters from the prison
– Suggested reading
The price is 3 euros per copy or 2 euros for orders of 5 and more copies.
Postal fees are 1.50 euros.
To receive one or more copies write to: fenrir@riseup.net
Help us distribute Fenrir; if you have a distribution or want some copies, get in touch!

July 2, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Göttingen, Germany : Paint against CDU and deportations

Göttingen, Germany : Paint against CDU and deportations

In the night of Tuesday 24/4/18 we attacked the main site of the CDU party in Goe with paint. Solidarity with those who suffers State repression – Documents for all – Deportation is murder!
The CDU party carries out an inhuman and racist refugee and deportation policy. So following the will of the federal government (CDU/CSU e SPD) people who look for shelter and a future here should be deported again not only to Bulgaria but also Afghanistan – a country torn by war. The red-black government of Bassa Sassonia is also part of this.
After police wanted to brutally impose illegal deportation to Bulgaria on a person on Monday night in Witzenhausen, we got very angry. This is a policy that puts human lives at stake, and also about sixty people who didn’t stand by and watch were injured with pepper spray, beatings and dogs.
Bangin’s deportation to Bulgaria, a country whose refugees might well be granted asylum but they can hardly escape police’s racist violence and social disadvantages, could have been stopped with only with a defence claim within the deportation jail.
Deportation is murder!
No deportations anywhere!
Right to remain for all!
– Kommando Horst Seehofer –

Source: chronik.blackblogs.org
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

July 2, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on GREECE: POSTER AGAINST THE TAP! (Trans Adriatic Pipelines)

GREECE: POSTER AGAINST THE TAP! (Trans Adriatic Pipelines)

No to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, being built in Greece, Albania and
Italy, to transport natural gas from the Caspian sea to Europe.
In 2003 the first plans were made. In 2015 the first works started in
Albania, now the pipeline is being built as well in Greece as in Italy.
Its starting point is near the Greek village Kipoi at the Turkish border
(where it is connected to the already existing Trans Anatolian
Pipeline). From there it would cross a big part of northern Greece, run
through Albania, go into the Adriatic sea, to finally reach Salento,
Italy. Along the pipeline in Greece 22 block valve stations would be
built (points of possible interruption and/or maintenance), and 2
stations (near Kipoi and Serres) where the pressure is augmented to
improve transportation. In Italy a struggle is taking place against this
new project of power which consists of an offensive combination of
pamphlets, newspapers and posters, acts of sabotage, deomnstrations and
attacks against the structures of the pipeline itself as well as the
companies benefiting from its construction and exploitation.

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July 1, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Berlin : Trial against Isa, imprisoned resident of Rigaer94, starts on Monday, 2nd July

Berlin : Trial against Isa, imprisoned resident of Rigaer94, starts on Monday, 2nd July

On Monday starts the trial against Isa in a high security area of a court in Berlin. He is in custody since three month, when 300 special forces with helicopter support, invaded in Rigaer94 to arrest him.
He is accused of a behavior, which can be described as self defence against drunken idiots in two cases and one case of self defence against a Police Officer, which was attacking the entrance of R94.
But the public prosecutor calls it bodily harm and resistance. The State Safety Department of Berlin Police have created a group of five individuals in the neighbourhood, who will be presented at the court as witnesses of the prosecution and „concerned citizens“ against „left wing criminality“ in the area of northern Friedrichshain.
The strategy of the pigs is, because they can not relate Rigaer94 with other accusations, they imprison comrades with small offences. Since long time Rigaer Straße suffers under a 24/7 surveilance operation from security forces.
In the last weeks, some solidarity actions happened, like the burning of a private car from a prison guard, attacks against offices from Social Democrates Party or companys which profit from prisons.
There will be more days in court and we call for solidarity actions.
Free Isa and all other prisoners !
See also https://actforfree.nostate.net/?p=30352
More infos (sorry only in german) https://verfahrengebiet.noblogs.org/

June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on France – Issue 5 of anarchist paper ‘Kairos’ is out in French (06/2018)

France – Issue 5 of anarchist paper ‘Kairos’ is out in French (06/2018)

Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!
DOWNLOAD PDF: Kairos – Journal anarchiste
‘In ancient Greek kairos means an idea to be seized at the right moment, a favourable occasion, a propitious moment that allows the success of an action among the risks of the world and the uncertainty of external circumstances. For this reason it is necessary to move on to practice, learn to catch this kairos, on the one hand by trying to recognize it without hiding behind the easy pretext of circumstances, on the other by preparing to act so as not to let this opportunity be missed.
In short, this paper represents an instrument to get out of the pure abstraction of ideas and put our discourse in a practical perspective, with the will to spread the anarchist action of attack and the subversion of the world…’

June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy :The Selva website has been opened.

Italy :The Selva website has been opened.

It is not an agenda of events and appointments. It is not updated continuously and constantly. It is not a place for common places and militant slogans. It does not represent any collectivity nor does it aspire to do so. It is a telematic tool containing anarchist texts. Ideas and words that are not meant to be contemplated, enclosed in the pages of history or thrown into the misery of the internet.
For contacts: selva[at]bruttocarattere[dot]org

June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Spain – Presentation of the pamphlet “Hasta que Todes Seamos Libres” [Until all are free], in Spanish

Spain – Presentation of the pamphlet “Hasta que Todes Seamos Libres” [Until all are free], in Spanish

The comrades who organized the Meeting of Anti-commercial Distributors and Editors of Palencia did another event between the end of March and the beginning of April, emailing the audio recording of a conversation that took place during the initiative, where the pamphlet  “Hasta que Todes Seamos Libres: Una Mirada Crítica Antiautoritaria a los Vicios de la Lucha Contra el Especismo” [Until all are free: a targeted antiauthoritarian critique of the faults of the struggle against specism] was presented by its author; the pamphlet was written and published by the collective of editions and distributions Distribuidora Anarquista Polaris (Galicia),
and tackles various causes and consequences of unclear political stances as well as certain radical approaches within what is known as “animalist movement” or “for animal rights”. The publication can be read and downloaded online: click here (also for the cover).
Translated by act for freedom now!

June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom


anonymous report, from frentedeliberacionanimal.net (translation by Unoffensive Animal):
“In the early morning of the 18th we planted various incendiary devices in about ten vehicles belonging to a meat business from Asturias. We put them over the wheels in trucks and over the dashboard in vans.
Our objective is to cause economic damage to those who profit from the enslavement of others. We hope they feel on their own skin the insecurity that our non human comrades feel from the first day they are born until they are murdered. We hope that the necessity to seep with an eye open on fear of all he vehicle fleet burning down will make them stop with their lucrative business.
The press has kept quiet about it, but this isn’t the first time they try to cover up the different actions against business that benefit from animal use.
We want to dedicate this action to our Heval Anna Campbell. We hoped her name would be plastered in all newspapers alongside a photo of ten vehicle burnt.
Sorry we couldn’t take a photo, it wasn’t possible.
An anarchist cell.”
“La madrugada del día 18 de junio colocamos varios artefactos incendiarios en una decena de vehículos propiedad de una empresa cárnica en Asturias. Los colocamos sobre las ruedas de varios camiones frigoríficos y sobre el capó de varias furgonetas.
Nuestro objetivo ha sido causar daño económico a las personas que se lucran con la esclavitud de otres, que experimenten en sus carnes la inseguridad que tantas compas no humanas arrastran desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, que la necesidad de dormir con un ojo abierto por miedo a que arda toda su flota les haga abandonar sus lucrativos negocios.
La prensa ha callado, no es la primera vez, tratando de ocultar los diferentes ataques contra empresas relacionadas con la explotación animal.
Queremos dedicar este ataque a la compañera Anna Campbell, nos habria gustado que su nombre saliera junto a una decena de vehículos quemados en la primera página del periódico local.
Disculpas por no haber podido aportar ninguna foto de la acción, no fue posible.
Una célula anarquista.”
via: .directaction.info

June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Peru – Act of vandalism on the Nautilus aquarium

Peru – Act of vandalism on the Nautilus aquarium

A few weeks ago we went to the Nautilus aquarium, a prison for marine species, which as such is part of a macro-structure that assimilates the detention of free beings into its own interests. We attacked a part of its structure scattered around several blocks. In this case the goal was to vandalize the aquarium advert on the avenue with paint, write slogans near the aquarium and leave leaflets explaining our action for the closure of this prison.
Why did we choose the form of vandalism?
Because the level of devastation carried out by the bodies of Power has reached the point where such places (like the aquarium and others) are protected by the people’s consensus dictated by ignorance, by the laws that defend them, the false representation of beauty, by entertainment to others’ detriment and also by false critics: welfare groups, associations, pacifists who weigh things up and beg the anthropocentric-specist enemy.

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June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Argentina – Call for international solidarity with anarchist prisoner Diego Parodi

Argentina – Call for international solidarity with anarchist prisoner Diego Parodi

NOTE FROM INSTINTO SALVAJE: We are publishing the following letter from comrade Diego Parodi, who has been held in jail since last 14th December for taking part in street protests in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We are concerned about his situation and now we just want to send him strength and call for solidarity with him, so that he can face the difficult moments in prison.
From the prison of Marcos Paz …
Greetings and Freedom, Long live Anarchy!
I didn’t expect it but the bars have pierced my soul. I cannot scream, I feel nothing, like a dead man. It’s my fault, it’s my fault, shall I hang myself? I think a lot about it, I don’t do it. The hangman watches over me waiting for me to do his job. Accumulated hatred is blind, you even forget what you have next to you; it forces you to shoot, kill or kill oneself. I’ve lost and now I can only cling to a tiny flame in the eye of a tempest and try not to be crushed. I’m only left with resisting and writing with the ink of pain in order not to kill or kill myself. I’m not on my knees, I’m just in anguish. I’m a prisoner but not condemned. It’s what the monster wants, to see me surrender before its dominion. I’m just wounded, not defeated.
Diego Parodi
Monday, 16th April 2018
via: anarhija.info
Translated by Act for freedom now!

June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Hamburg, Germany: Russian Visa Center Attacked in Solidarity with Anarchists Facing Repression in Russia, Belarus and Crimea

Hamburg, Germany: Russian Visa Center Attacked in Solidarity with Anarchists Facing Repression in Russia, Belarus and Crimea

On the night of June 22nd, some unknown persons destroyed the windows of the Russian visa center at 14a Kanal Strasse in Hamburg. Also, ‘FUCK FIFA’, ‘FIGHT REPRESSION’ and ‘(A)’ were sprayed on the building facade.
Since Autumn 2017 there have been repressive attacks against anarchists in several cities of Russia as well as in Belarus and Crimea. The FSB (Federal Security Service) have used torture, intimidation, extortion and imprisonment against them. At the same time, the FIFA World Cup is taking place in Russia, one of the biggest spectacles of those in power. The rich are continuing to get richer, and in the shadows of the surveillance cameras, just like during the Olympics or summits, these games are being used to increase repression against marginalized, poor and unwanted social groups, as well aggressively pushing forward gentrification of neighbourhoods.
Freedom and solidarity do not need a visa!
(via Deutschland Indymedia, translated into English by Nae Clone for Mpalothia)

June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Paris, France: Four Staff Vehicles Torched Outside Fresnes Prison

Paris, France: Four Staff Vehicles Torched Outside Fresnes Prison

21.06.18: Four vehicles were destroyed or damaged by arson during the night from Wednesday to Thursday in the staff car park at Fresnes Prison (Val-de-Marne), it has been learned from reliable sources. According to initial investigations, «the incendiary device was thrown from the street overlooking the area at the rear of the institution,» stated the director of prison administration.
«The prosecutor’s office takes the case very seriously,», «the scientific police attended the scene and security patrols around the penitentiary area have been increased,» she added. The owners of the vehicles concerned will be assisted with the process of compensation by the administration, according to the same source. Security improvements are currently underway in and arround the prison, including the installation of new fences, security nets and CCTV cameras.

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June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Canada: Small gift for the G7 – It was what it seemed like

Canada: Small gift for the G7 – It was what it seemed like

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
While the police and their para-military weapons invaded the old city’s streets, looking for some obscure threat; some shadows slid out of their lair. They attacked the telecommunications system recently updated in Charlevoix by some generous and powerful people. The need for a good fiber-optic connection for the G7 festival relies on a few thousands poles and some big black wires. And no, it’s not the kind of thing that can ignite by itself… We also want to cheer the beaver who broke the fiber-optic network in 2013 and the ice which did the same in April of this year. We hope that by testing your network, we helped you miss a few tweets…
We refuse to be bound by your tentaculary networks. For us, every technological advancement comes at the price of another regression in our liberty.

June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Canada: Sabotage during the G7 Summit

Canada: Sabotage during the G7 Summit

From Sans Attendre Demain
via: mtlcounterinfo.
The last G7 was held in La Malbaie, in Quebec, the 8th and 9th of June 2018 in the Charlevoix castle. While the entire area was heavily secured, which we don’t doubt, power also took care to reinforce its critical infrastructures, including cell phone network coverage (with a $15M contract with Bell for the installation of 13 cell phone relays), but also the installation of fiber optic cable in this depopulated and slightly preserved zone of La Malbaie (with a $6M contract with Bell), so that the heads of state could enjoy high speed internet during the summit.

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June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Published: Tear Down The Bastille. Voices From Inside the Walls.

Published: Tear Down The Bastille. Voices From Inside the Walls.

Revolt Press has printed and published the booklet ‘Tear Down The Bastille. Hunger Strike as a Means of Struggle. Voices From Inside the Walls. ‘
‘Tear Down The Bastille. Hunger Strike as a Means of Struggle. Voices From Inside the Walls. ‘ contains texts about the history of hunger strikes within the prison walls and about the struggle of anarchists within prison. The texts were written by anarchist prisoners themselves who are held in the dungeons of the Greek prisons.
In April 2016 the texts were published in Greek by Solidarity Fund For Imprisoned And Persecuted Fighters. The assembly of the Solidarity Fund has added texts about the history of hunger strikes as a means of action within the walls. The texts were distributed inside as well as outside the prison walls.
The Solidarity Fund writes this about the texts: Through publishing the thoughts and experiences of prisoners, through the spreading of their words, we seek to make them as present as possible in the daily processes of the fighters outside the walls, we want to shake the barriers of silence, fragmentation, the division among the oppressed, we chose to incarnate the projects of struggle and solidarity in one more way.
This specific issue refers to hunger strike as a means of struggle, a matter that has intensely concerned not only those directly involved but also those in solidarity, as well as a large part of greek society. A hunger strike, as a means of struggle, was never a desperate move, or simply a “peaceful” protest in order to project the victimization of the hunger striker and extract sensitivity and charity. It is a conscious struggle, where the coordination of those inside and outside is a necessary condition in order for there to be a result, but also to maintain the strengths of those fighting. Despite all this, we realize that the hunger strike is the ultimate means that a prisoner could choose, we think it is of imperative need to cultivate a bidirectional struggle dynamic inside and outside the walls, that will prevent the condition of someone placing their own body as a mound. The struggle for revolution and the tearing down of every prison still remains open.
Revolt Press now publishes the booklet in English on paper, in order to contribute to the publication and dissemination of texts written by anarchist prisoners.
‘Tear Down The Bastille. Hunger Strike as a Means of Struggle. ” is for sale at Bookstore Opstand in The Hague, Fort van Sjakoo in Amsterdam and online at Active Distributions.
‘Tear Down The Bastille. Hunger Strike as a Means of Struggle. Voices From Inside the Walls.’
Printed and published: Revolt Press, the Netherlands, 2018
Translation: Act For Freedom Now!
Edited: Revolt Press
Pages: 106
Print: Riso, 120 grams Bio-Top paper.
Circulation: 400
If you want to buy the book as a distro or bookstore, please send an email to revoltpress (at) riseup.net.

June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Anarchist wallpaper #4: Don’t Move for the Rich. Fight Gentrification!

Anarchist wallpaper #4: Don’t Move for the Rich. Fight Gentrification!

Here is the 4th Anarchist wallpaper published in June 2018. This time the wallpaper covers the subjects of gentrification and the possibility of attack. Download the wallpaper, print it and spread it.

Download the wallpaper:

Don’t Move for the Rich. Fight Gentrification!
A silent killer is crawling through the city. A silent killer whose sights are set on everyone who is not rich enough or doesn’t fit in the current trend of the city. A silent killer who is trying to clear a path in the city for expensive shops, yuppies and pop-up stores. This killer is called gentrification and through urban renewal it is pushing out those who do not belong to the upper class out of the city.
You can see it happening in all the cities across the world. Working class neighbourhoods are being transformed into hip shopping streets to attract the rich: an attempt to increase a neighbourhood’s so-called value. The consequences are rent hikes and the removal of people who have lived in these neighbourhoods for years and have their social networks there. Where should these people go? The developers, politicians and the rich yuppies don’t give a damn, because if they can’t make money off of you, you are not interesting. In that case you are an inconvenience. So let us be an inconvenience.
Gentrification has many aspects and many different participants. It’s not only the developers who want to enrich themselves with real estate who are to blame. It’s also the housing corporations who sell social housing to the highest bidder so that cheap housing disappears.

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June 29, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on AnarchistLibraries.Net


Behind every project there is one or more individuals. Fairly large projects don’t grow by themselves. They need love and passion. When there is no more love, it’s time to move on and build something else.
This project, AnarchistLibraries.net, forks off from The Anarchist Library project, and serves as an international platform for anarchist sites focusing on publishing and archiving texts.
I’ve been involved with The Anarchist Library since the very beginning, formatting texts, building the libraries’ software and assisting in the creation of new ones in languages other than English.
When the people based in the United States involved in the library project decided to publish so-called eco-extremist material, despite the objections which were raised, existing problems and divergences came to light. What to publish? Where is the line drawn? Who decides and on what ground? With whom does one want to work? The U.S. group decided that they are the library and they have the final word.
At this point, I’m not comfortable anymore with the English speaking library claiming to be THE anarchist library and being the project’s flagship: anarchistlibraries.net was born. This name should better express the spirit of the project (a net of anarchist libraries) as I’ve always seen it.
Each library has always been its own project, regardless of the domain name. Each library takes responsibility for its publishing choices.
I think that idea of building THE anarchist library is flawed. I prefer the idea of having smaller libraries (or even sites) loosely connected, even in the same language but maintained by different people, than having THE library. The global search function provided by this site is a step forward in this direction: let’s keep the sites (and the folks) separated, but keep them together for the comrades searching for anarchist texts.
If you want to create an anarchist library in a new or in an existing language, or even a small anarchist site where you would like to have the same set of features as the libraries (EPUB/PDF generation, bookbuilder, mirroring, etc.) you are welcome to write to the mailing list anarchistlibraries@inventati.org (for a library) or to me directly (for a site) so we can discuss it and make it happen.
June 9th, 2018,
marco — at- anarhija -dot — net

June 25, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on uk : PDFs: Online release of Return Fire vol.5, individual texts now re-formated for distribution, more to come

uk : PDFs: Online release of Return Fire vol.5, individual texts now re-formated for distribution, more to come

Welcome to the fifth installment of Return Fire, now available in PDF. Dated autumn 2017. Part international translation platform, part space for theoretical deliberation, part clearing house for action and repression, part archive for articles of interest, part literary collage of anarchist propaganda, art, poetry and subversion. An alternative version of the covers is also included for printing runs for distribution outside of the U.K. who prefer greyscale.
In compiling and editing this volume, a number of recurring themes have stuck out to us.
  • Democracy and the falseness of its dichotomy with dictatorship;
  • an analysis and/or practice critique of imperial, universalist science and new technological frontiers (from the micro-scale to outer space);
  • the timeless tension perceived within self-described anarchism of community (both of what some would call the ‘nation’ – even stripped of its European statist and racialised connotations – and that which composes the more-than-human world) and individual.
At 128 pages, this is our largest offering yet, so it will only scratch the surface to mention a few of the texts contained within: from What Could Compensate for the Loss of the Night Sky?, the Uncivilized Animals study on the drastic effects of light pollution across species, to Dot Matrix troubling radical notions of ‘care’ and ‘conflict resolution’ that abound, in her Trying for Springs.

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June 25, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Vantoux, France: Orange relay antenna set on fire – Wednesday, May 16 , 2018

Vantoux, France: Orange relay antenna set on fire – Wednesday, May 16 , 2018

On May 16, the relay antenna of Vantoux was burned in the afternoon, disrupting communications of the Orange operator, especially those from laptops. The inhabitants of Vantoux, Nouilly and Vallières-les-Bordes were particularly affected.
The operator has announced that it has filed a complaint.
[Reproduced from the disgusting l’Est, May 24, 2018]
Translated by act from freedom now!

June 25, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Roybon, France: Some blows to the militia of the “Center Park project.

Roybon, France: Some blows to the militia of the “Center Park project.

Physical aggression in the town of Roybon
Since the beginning of the occupation of Avenières wood in December 2014, several attacks on the occupants have taken place:
Blockages of access roads
Fires of barricades, living places, buildings, vehicles, forest
Physical aggression
Threats of sexual assault
Death threats
The killing of a comrade’s dog
Following these attacks, two people responsible for several of the above assaults were met on the morning of Wednesday, 6 June as they were leaving their home. One was beaten and his vehicle sabotaged. The other was able to escape and his motorcycle was burned.
In the afternoon, even searches were carried out, people were stopped and released.
It is possible to restore fear to those who exercise oppression by profession or desire.
Solidarity with the occupants of the Roybon forest!
May anti-authoritarian responses flourish!
[Posted on indymedia grenoble, Wednesday, June 13, 2018]
Translated by Act for freedom now!
via: Sans_Attendre