bharatiya janata party (BJP) logo

कृपया दान कीजिये

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Aajiwan Sahyog Nidhi

The Bharatiya Janata Party is a political party with a nationalist outlook and ideology. It is considered a "party with a difference" on account of its staunch nationalist stance, positive approach towards solution of the nation's burning problems and distinctive organizational set-up. These factors also contribute to the party having a wide ranging and large following throughout the country from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Atak to Cuttack.

Under the party's constitutional frame-work, the BJP has a large organizational set-up throughout the country. Its orgnisational unit starts at the local ward level and process goes upto Working Committees which have been constituted at the assembly, city, District, State and All India levels. To keep all units of the organisation constantly operational, it is essential for the party to have four main components i.e. Karyakarta (workers), Karyakram (programme), Karyalaya (office) and Kosh (funds) intact. Karyakarta is the very foundation of the party. Programmes are organised to keep Karyakartas active. Programmes are implemented at all levels by Party office. Funds, as you know, are needed to run the party office smoothly and pursue party programmes.

In order to achieve success in its objectives, the party also needs reliable manpower as well as adequate financial resources. Initially, on a limited scale, this scheme was launched in Madhya Pradesh during Jana Sangh period by Late Shri Kushabhau Thakre. Considering its' success, the then national President, Shri L.K. Advani, way back in 1997, while addressing the Jaipur Conference, announced a scheme "Aajiwan Sahayog Nidhi Sadasyata Abhiyan" to collect funds for the party. This scheme was simple, transparent, accountable and dependable.

Under this unique scheme an annual contribution of Rs. 1,000, Rs. 5,000 or Rs. 10,000 can be subscribed to the party fund to enable it to smoothly run its affairs.
The BJP stands committed towards bringing purity, transparency and accountability in public life and invites all its respectable members, supporters, well-wishers and friends to become "Aajiwan Sahayogi" members of the party.

Let us join hands to purify politics and enrol ourselves as members of the Aajiwan Sahayog Nidhi Abhiyan and take first step towards clean politics.

भाजपा न्यूज़लेटर सब्सक्राइब करें