Greg WeismanOvěřený účet


Greg Weisman, writer of comics & cartoons (GARGOYLES, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS) and now a novel: RAIN OF THE GHOSTS. Ask questions at ASK GREG website:

Připojil se květen 2013
Datum narození: 28. září 1963


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  1. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    21. 7.

    Looc hpargotua! Taerg emutsoc!

  2. 29. 6.
  3. 25. 4.
  4. 9. 2.
  5. 30. 1.
  6. 12. 1.

    Still enjoying my respite from social media. Have questions, stop by . Please respect that site's guidelines. Plz RT.

  7. 11. 1.
  8. 10. 1.
  9. 9. 1.
  10. 8. 1.

    Hey everyone, I'm going to take a little vacation from social media for a few days, as a sanity measure. See ya soon. Be good to each other!

  11. 8. 1.

    Plz RT! It's here, fans... the official "Bring back Gargoyles comics" hashtag is !

  12. 8. 1.

    Check out the new mini-series, "THE FALL AND RISE OF CAPTAIN ATOM" by Bates, & me! Look here:

  13. 8. 1.

    Plz RT! Want more YJ stories sooner? Then read this: , the DC App or iTunes!

  14. 8. 1.

    Curious about what I've been working on or what I am currently working on? Look here: .

  15. 7. 1.
    Odpověď uživateli

    : You know, this probably shouldn't be as refreshing as it is, but it really, really is. Thank you. (Again.)” You're welcome.

  16. 7. 1.
    Odpověď uživateli

    : That's a very good question.” Makes you think.

  17. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    7. 1.

    Ha, I see what you did here 😆 Your names are switched in this portion of the episode.

  18. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    7. 1.

    Btw in the thread I was just quote-tweeting, is aces, and brooks none of that homophobic crap.

  19. 7. 1.
    Odpověď uživateli

    : So basically, you eat more” He gets it.

  20. 7. 1.
    Odpověď uživateli

    : Its a delicious cycle” sometimes.

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