24 July 2018


A recent evening spent with Struggle To Survive reminded me of all of the dead links from The Early Escape Years (and it's weird to think that there is such a thing...but there is), but this post has way more to do with how good this tape is than how many other tapes are left dangling in the abyss of lost servers and mediafire data dumps. The pures might claim that hardcore was dead by 1987, and the self righteous might claim that nothing worthwhile happened after 1985 (incorrect), but there are so many underrated bands that popped up in that weird spacial void between punk's 1980s heyday and the birth of the DIY network in the 1990s. Not quite linked to the anarcho scene, removed from early hardcore, but playing by a rulebook that seemed to allow them to get away with whatever they wanted, these bands often appear to exist in an ether devoid of scene association...which is what makes them so appealing. BLACK OVER RED approach tuneful punk with the fury of the UK thrash that popped up around the same time, and it just manifests fiery punk. Killer punk...and I really like killer punk. 

23 July 2018


This one is distorted so right. Dark and murky raw hardcore with a thunderous low end that's perfectly suited to that weird bouncy squirm that seemed to take over punk a while back. I was just talking yesterday about boogie and how most good punk has a nice ass shaking rhythm, often hidden beneath the leather. And while LA's NO PEACE might not remind you of "People Of The South Wind" (insert "people Of The Southland" joke here...a joke that perhaps only SoCal residents will get, and a joke that perhaps isn't really very funny), there's something about that rumble that gets me going. Weird ass chopped up edit of this demo, which only serves to make it more engaging - it's good when punks keep you on your toes, even if by accident. If the rest of your week is a crushing as Volume One, then I'd say you are doing OK. 

22 July 2018


Delivery is important, sometimes more important than the content itself, and delivery is where BLACK MONUMENTS really fukkn nails it. A stark and cold and abrasive synth driven monstrosity that crams early art punk/wave weirdness that lives at the intersection of SCREAMERS, DOW JONES AND THE INDUSTRIALS and DEVO...an intersection with no traffic signal and countless blind spots.  Farty bass, thin drum machine, piercing synths and ferociously barked vocals, it's like all of the hype with none of the pretense. 

21 July 2018


Someone want to help me here? Because I seriously cannot tell what the fukk is happening. I keep listening, but I genuinely do not know what I am listening to or what it's intent was. Or is. Please help yourself....please help me. 

20 July 2018


Punks. When something goes wrong or someone needs help, they just seem to say "let's do a benefit." And as easy as it can be to dismiss this allocation of financial and personal resources (seriously, it's really easy), it's just as important to recognize the common struggle and speak in a unified voice....even if that voice is straining to be heard over screaming guitars. This compilation was released to raise money for and awareness of refugee Camp de la Liniére in Dunkerque, France during what was then the most heart wrenching public refugee crisis of my adult life. That crisis has now faded into the shadows, shrouded by packed nationless boats in the Mediterranean and unforgivable crimes against family and humanity at the US/Mexican border. So, do we need another compilation cassette? Maybe not, but it helps to know you're not alone in your thoughts....and maybe it will help you know that you aren't alone in your actions. 

It's worth noting that this comp fukkn screams from start to finish. The bands you recognize on that cover all offer stellar tracks, and some of the bangingest bangers included are from bands that were heretofore unknown to me. Also, I fully recognize what a pass my passport gives me...it's a pass that every resident of earth should be afforded. 

19 July 2018


Mexican punk rules....y'all already know this, right? I mean, you must know this. Mexican hardcore also rules, but that should have been an obvious conclusion. I'm not trying to say that across the board Mexican bands are the best or anything (though I would not argue if you tried to make such an aassertion), I just mean that there's a specific bent to Mexican punk and hardcore that I can never quite put my finger on - it's distinctive and it's awesome. Also, CADENAXO are very very sick. 

18 July 2018

weird unknown guy

Anyone know what the fukk this is? Or where it came from? Aside from the dreamboat on the (photocopied) cover, the context of this offering is a complete mystery. Vocal/piano musings that lie somewhere in a bedroom across the hall from ANDREW W.K. and two floors down from NICK CAVE, a bedroom in which TOM WAITS and DJ LEBOWITZ occasionally rest their weary heads between gigs. Also, there's a wild ass saxophone in one song. I simultaneously praise and curse the makers of cassettes like these - the people who include no information and not even any clues in the packaging of their homemade works. So we listen and we wonder and we ask...we ask what and we ask why. 

17 July 2018


You want it to be sharp and sassy, right? You want it to have teeth, but still want the bass lick that leads into the guitar solo to fukkn swing, right? You want the vocals to whine just enough to get on your nerves, and then you want to rip your clothes off and get sweaty and get the fukk down, right? You want it to be so cool that you fukkn hate it, and then you want it just be just a little cooler so you won't care. I have good news for you, friend: You want DILETTANTES. 

16 July 2018


Texas punk. Squirmy and weird. And fukkn pissed. One of the best bands I have seen (so far) in 2018. You'll maybe want to trash the first two bangers since both copies of this tape I got were duped like shit, but on first listen it makes the mosh in "Paz" that much sicker when it drops, so I present the tracks as they were presented to me. 

15 July 2018


I saw San Antonio's AMYGDALA last night with a new local screamo band called HAWAK and PROVOKE. Small show - Sick show, all of the bands were stellar, and it was sweet to say hello to a really nice group of Texas folks that I hope I keep running into for years to come. It was their first time to California, and I when was chatting with Yole about their route I asked if they were going to Chico. The next day, in fact...which is today. And I thought: "man, that last OUTSIDE LOOKING IN demo is a certified banger, I should post that tomorrow." Say what you will about the Oi! chants during the breakdown of "Fortunate Son" (yes, that one), and say what you will about the main riff from "Content With Discontent" (a straight rip of HÜSKER DÜ's "Target"), but mostly just note that this band just fukkn smokes. I've only seen them once, and that was years ago...but I need to see them again.