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Art galleries in UK: Tate Britain, Tate Modern, & . We aim to increase everyone's enjoyment and understanding of art.

London, Liverpool and St Ives
Beigetreten April 2007


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  1. vor 14 Stunden

    'Only this is true, that beauty is very beautiful, and softens, and inspires, and rouses, and lifts up, and never fails' - Edward Edward Burne-Jones, The Depths of the Sea 1886, on display at Tate Britain:

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  2. vor 17 Stunden

    TATE TALKS: Join Tate Curator Catherine Wood for a discussion & launch of her new publication 'Performance in Contemporary Art'. Joining Catherine Wood on the panel will be artist Anne Imhof & curator Elvira Dyangani Ose. Tate Modern, 10 Dec, 6.30–8pm:

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  3. vor 21 Stunden

    : found this shell-shocked US Marine sitting on a wall, who 'didn’t blink an eyelid' as McCullin took his picture. Tickets now on sale for Tate Britain's retrospective of the legendary British photographer, open Feb 2019:

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  4. 18. Nov.

    Alex Katz presents a modern, quintessentially American take on the classical themes of portraiture, landscape & flowers. Discover the artist's pop-elegant paintings in his free exhibition at

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  5. 18. Nov.

    'Abstract art is the result of an attempt to make pictures more real, an attempt to come nearer to the essence of painting.' - Roger Hilton Roger Hilton, Oi Yoi Yoi 1963, on display :

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  6. 18. Nov.

    Where's your favourite place to people watch? 👀 Bhupen Khakhar's You Can’t Please All, on free display at Tate Modern:

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  7. 17. Nov.

    Not long until the 2018 winner is announced! Who gets your vote?

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  8. 17. Nov.

    BSL TOUR: Discover the imaginary worlds of Edward as Deaf Guide Rubbena Aurangzeb-Tariq delivers a British Sign Language tour of the exhibition at Tate Britain. ✨

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  9. 17. Nov.

    ‘The possibilities of paint are never-ending’ - Frank Bowling exhibition opens at Tate Britain in May 2019

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  10. 16. Nov.

    Celebrate at Tate Modern with a night full of weaving wonders: audio tapestries, weaving workshops, badge making, oversize looms, weaving talks from The London Loom & more. Uniqlo , 30 Nov, 6-10pm 🧶

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  11. hat retweetet
    16. Nov.

    “You’ll see the artist behind the art”: Sophie Ellis-Bextor () explains why the Edward exhibition at Britain is a must-see

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    15. Nov.

    Jesse Darling’s show explores the politics of disability and climate change through story of St Jerome, who removed a thorn from a lion’s paw (they became lifelong companions). Images of lions and prosthetics proliferate throughout the exhibition, amid seas of plastic waste

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  13. 16. Nov.

    'Intriguing... and unexpected’ - The Financial Times See films by Rosalind Nashashibi & Lucy Skaer alongside their selection of artworks that add meaning to their work. Artists include Paul Gauguin, Louise Bourgeois & Henri Matisse. Open now :

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  14. 15. Nov.

    Dora Carrington (1893-1932) did not exhibit this work in her lifetime. Her brother Noel wrote to Tate in January 1988: ‘I leave this painting to the Tate as most representative of Dora's best work, and at the prime of her life as an artist.’

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    13. Nov.

    Join us 6/7 December at Tate Modern to discuss transnational research in the museum, with a keynote lecture by Nalini Malani, discussion hosted by Iwona Blazwick and panels on 'Transnationalism in Practice' and 'New Methodologies'.

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  16. 15. Nov.

    'I'm trying to push the limit of art into feeling, more than seeing' - Artist & activist Experience a community-driven response to the global migration crisis with Tania Bruguera's series of subtle interventions in and around Tate Modern.

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  17. 15. Nov.

    : 'Sampling' is the process of re-using existing culture in much the same way a collage does. In Christian Marclay's , a montage of film clocks are edited together to create a journey through cinematic history. On free display now:

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  18. 14. Nov.

    : As the leaves around the city fall away, we're basking in the rich colours of Autumn 🍂 🍁 🍂 Edward Atkinson Hornel, Autumn 1904

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  19. 14. Nov.

    Join us for a end of year special as we'll be tapping beers from seven unique breweries! Enjoy moreish beers and stone baked pizzas while perusing an array of brewery artwork. 🍻🍕 Book tickets for 29 Nov:

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  20. 14. Nov.

    INTERVIEW: artist Jesse Darling talks about their motivation, inspiration and what they feel about art today. The artist's exhibition, The Ballad of Saint Jerome, is on free display at Tate Britain until 24 Feb 2019.

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