
Beware of Bad Bed Fellows

A contribution to the "Reflections on J18" collection.

Excerpt on National Bolshevism from Martin A. Lee's _The Beast Reawakens_

Ernst Niekisch

An overview of the origins and developments of National Bolshevism. The text is from Martin A. Lee's 1997 book The Beast Reawakens, pages 311-323.

Angela Nagle's Plagiarise Any Nonsense

Nagle's poorly sourced book on the online culture wars includes a copy and pasted definition of a fascist ideology and misrepresents non-binary genders.

Protest against Tommy Robinson on 6 May

Protest against hate - central London 06.05.18

On Sunday 6 May thousands of far-right anti-Muslim bigots will be marching through central London, anti-fascists from across the country need to take to the streets to oppose them.

WCH E4: Anti-Nazi youth movements in World War II

A group of Edelweiss Pirates

An interview with historian Nick Heath about anti-Nazi youth cultural movements in fascist Europe before and during World War II. In particular we look at the German Edelweiss Pirates and Swing Kids, the French Zazous and the Austrian Schlurfs.

Nazi hipsters heading to London for racist weekend

Generation Identitaire in France

Generation Identity are holding a Europe-wide conference at a secret venue in London and anti-fascists want to shut it down

Full transcribed interview with CoNaSP trainers Giulio (Palestra Populare Valerio Verbano) and Luigi (Palestra Popolare Palermo)

Palestra Populare Valerio Verbano, Rome.

Interview with two trainers from the National Coordination of Popular Sport (CoNaSP), a network of gyms run collectively by anti-fascists in Italy, the ideas and history behind them and some thoughts for those who might be thinking about starting their own.

The role of the left in the rise of far-right populism

If Trump exemplifies the use of scapegoats by the far right for the destruction of the country by the pursuit of privilege, then Hilary Clinton exemplifies the use of scapegoats by what passes for the left for the selling out of principle on much the same grounds, a habit with many similar examples in more radical spheres.

Brutal fascist attack on student occupation at University of Montpellier

A group of men in balaclavas carrying batons and tasers attacked students occupying a lecture hall at Montpellier University. Some of the attackers have also been identified as faculty members.

Anti-fascists to oppose European far-right hate preacher in London

Martin Sellner from Generation Identity in a Defend Europe t-shirt

This Sunday a top European far-right activist is hoping to give a speech from noon at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London.