Black Rose Anarchist Federation
Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra

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To learn more about anarchism, libertarian socialism, working class feminism or the radical left generally we recommend our Education page (coming soon). Here’s some introductory materials to start with:

Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) is a revolutionary political organization with locals in over a dozen cities sharing a common set of politics and working towards a shared strategic vision of how to build “popular power” in workplaces, neighborhoods and all sectors of society. Our organizing work is centered on building mass movements such as tenant unions, neighborhood assemblies, workplace campaigns, prisoner organizing, and in defense of communities resisting criminalization and deportations.

If you are interested in learning more about our politics we recommend you start with our core organizational documents: our Mission Statement, Role of the Revolutionary Organization and Points of Unity.

Latest News:

Who Are the Anarchists and What is Anarchism?

Fresh Bread in Jordan

El desarrollo capitalista en Nicaragua y el espejismo de la izquierda

Radical Queers and Class Struggle: A Match to Be Made

Kropotkin: “Can the State Be Used for the Emancipation of the Workers?”