21 समीक्षाएँ
लोगों को बताएँ कि आप क्या सोचते हैं
Maria Dempsey
· 17 अप्रैल 2018
Safe Ireland asks
Can Ireland be the safest country in the world for women and children xxx
I believe that it can ♥
Bernie Adufe D'Arcy
· 15 नवंबर 2016
Together our voices are stronger as we stand strong against DV like the oak tree which grew from a small acorn and stands strong against the storm. Being an advocate for change in Ireland I was swept ...along on the tide of enthusiasm, inspiration, and brainstorming at the summit over the last two days. I strongly believe that as I speak about my experiences at seminars I can make positive changes and these changes in lives are like the ripples from a stone hitting the water of a calm pond. I want to see the abolishment of DV, marital rape, and suicide in Ireland making this a safer happier country for the next generation. और देखें
Piotr Gorczynski
· 5 मार्च 2014
don't ignore it, embrace it and help this people who really need help! In 2008, overall rates of police-reported violent victimization were comparable between men and women, but the nature of their vi...ctimization differed.

In that year, men were more likely than women to be victims of the most serious forms of physical assault (levels 2 and 3) and have a weapon used against them.

Men were almost twice as likely to be the victims of assault level 2 than women (215 versus 114 per 100,000);

Though aggravated assault (level 3) occurs much less frequently than the less serious forms of assault, the rate of aggravated assault for men is over three times greater than that of women (18 versus 5 per 100,000)

Young men under the age of 18 are 1.5 times more likely to be physically assaulted than young girls.

Male victims were most often physically assaulted by a stranger or by someone else outside of the family. In 2008, men were the victims of 80% of all reported attacks by strangers.

Men were more likely to be robbed than women. They were victims in 65% of robberies in 2008.

Male teens aged 15 to 17 reported the highest robbery rates among all child and youth age groups and nearly 1.5 times higher than the rate for men aged 18 to 24.

Men were more likely than women to be a homicide victim, accounting for almost three quarters (74%) of homicide victims during a 5-year period between the years 2004 to 2008.

More than one-third of male victims of homicide were killed with a firearm, compared to one fifth of female homicide victims.

Men were 2.5 times more likely to be sexually assaulted in an institutional setting (school, non-commercial or non-corporate area) than women.

•Ogrodnick, L. 2010. Child and youth victims of police-reported violent crime, 2008. Catalogue no. 85F0033M, no. 23. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
•Vaillancourt, R. 2010. Gender differences in police-reported violent crime in Canada, 2008. Catalogue no. 85F0033M, no. 24. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
और देखें
Linda Hamilton Krieger
· 30 नवंबर 2016
The Safe Ireland Summit was the most inspiring and empowering event Iʻve been part of in many decades. There is nothing we canʻt accomplish if we can harness and sustain the power, the brilliance, th...e passion, the commitment that was present in that space over those three days. और देखें
Erengul Yoldas
· 16 नवंबर 2016
Safe Ireland Summit was incredible! Very powerful. Hats off to the people behind it. I believe that the programme should be available online at a reduced price or free, if possible. It will benefit s...o many people! Thank you Safe Ireland! और देखें
Joan McDonald
· 23 अक्टूबर 2016
Very disappointed the summit will cost €395 thus excluding many of the people it was set up to serve. Sounding like just another quango right now.
Simone George
· 15 सितंबर 2016
The social change agent in Ireland - We believe that Ireland can become the safest country in the world for women and children.
Ben Moore
· 15 सितंबर 2016
Kudos to the incredible and tireless work from the people behind SAFE Ireland.
Jessie Ramsey
· 5 मार्च 2014
These guys pander to women as victims by focusing on men as the constant aggressors. We all know what the real deal is.

Your lies will get you nowhere.
Seán Drohan supports Man Up
Donncha O'Callaghan supports the MAN UP campaign
Minister Aodhán Ó Ríordáin supports Man UP
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