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Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link New Books Worth Reading Mon Sep 19, 2016 23:25 | Seán Sheehan

offsite link 13 Billion ? Lucky for some? Mon Sep 05, 2016 13:04 | Tony Phillips

offsite link Rebuilding Ireland: Long on Promise, Short on Detail Mon Aug 29, 2016 22:20 | Eoin O'Mahony

offsite link Brexit and Other Issues: Comments on the Current Situation Mon Aug 29, 2016 21:52 | Brendan Young

offsite link Bin Charges: From Private Circus to Public Service Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:38 | Michael Taft

Irish Left Review >>

Spirit of Contradiction

offsite link What is Dogmatism and Why Does It Matter? Wed Mar 21, 2018 08:10 | Sylvia Smith

offsite link The Case of Comrade Dallas Mon Mar 19, 2018 19:44 | Sylvia Smith

offsite link Review: Do Religions Evolve? Mon Aug 14, 2017 19:54 | Dara McHugh

offsite link Fake News: The Epistemology of Media Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:52 | Gavin Mendel-Gleason

offsite link Officials and Provisionals Sat Apr 01, 2017 22:54 | James O'Brien

Spirit of Contradiction >>

Dublin Opinion
Life should be full of strangeness, like a rich painting

offsite link Some Thoughts on the Brexit Joint Report 11:50 Sat Dec 09, 2017


offsite link Notes for a Book on Money and the Irish State - The Marshall Aid Program 15:10 Sat Apr 02, 2016

offsite link The Financial Crisis:What Have We Learnt? 19:58 Sat Aug 29, 2015

offsite link Money in 35,000 Words or Less 21:34 Sat Aug 22, 2015

Dublin Opinion >>

NAMA Wine Lake

offsite link Farewell from NWL Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Happy 70th Birthday, Michael Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Of the Week? Sat May 18, 2013 00:02 | namawinelake

offsite link Noonan denies IBRC legal fees loan approval to Paddy McKillen was in breach of E... Fri May 17, 2013 14:23 | namawinelake

offsite link Gayle Killilea Dunne asks to be added as notice party in Sean Dunne?s bankruptcy Fri May 17, 2013 12:30 | namawinelake

NAMA Wine Lake >>

national / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday December 13, 2017 23:01 by 1 of indy
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Looks like we have blindly picked Empire

We are publishing this piece by PANA explaining what PESCO is about and how it means the loss of our neutrality. Unfortunately since then on Dec 7th the Dail voted by 75 to 42 to join PESCO. Some key points are:
1) PESCO is a binding agreement because it says so. The government claims it is not. It is.
2) PESCO commits us to spending 2% of GDP on military spending by 2022. This is a figure of € 5.5 billion. We currently spend 1/10th of that on defense. This makes a mockery of "fiscal space"
3) PESCO in the event of crisis places under NATO's command. Therefore we are no longer neutral.
4) PESCO is the side door to Ireland joining a EU Army / NATO and would have us involved in "humanitarian" bombing and "peace making" -in other words imposing the demands of the corporate interests that rule above all else.

The Irish Government is considering joining PESCO. This will be one of the most important decisions this FG/Independeny Alliance will ever make. There needs at the very least a serious debate on the issue, and in any genuine debate form all sides in the corporate media. On the evidence so far this is highly improbable, as is their total lack of coverage of the use of Shannon Airport by US troops

national / crime and justice Monday April 24, 2017 10:42 by 1 of indy
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To help highlight the case of the Jobstown 18 we are republishing an open letter by Irish Writers.

We write as writers concerned with the impact of proposed jury restrictions in the case of the Jobstown 18 on freedom of expression in Ireland.

national / economics and finance Thursday November 24, 2016 03:56 by 1 of Indymedia
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We are republishing this article by Stephen Donnelly TD who has been doing great work in exposing how Fine Gael have gone out of their away to facilitate vulture funds who are now preying on ordinary people by charging exorbitant rents and fueling the current property and are replacing the English absentee landlord of centuries past, with ruthless vulture funds capitalists of this era and essentially introducing a form of neo-fuedalism as increasing huge swaths of the population are either priced out of buying homes, or are signing up for debt that last close to a lifetime.

national / history and heritage Sunday March 27, 2016 01:23 by T
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The 1916 Proclamation

On the centenary anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising it is worth reflecting on what has happened since then and the aspirations of the proclamation to guarantee equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens and cherishing all of the children of the nation equally.

The Rising itself was doomed to failure from the start but as with life itself often the most unpredictable and unexpected things happen because despite the lack of initial public support, after the executions sympathies swung the other way and as they say the rest was history and the ripples spread out, because it has been said the fight for independence of India was inspired by the Irish Rising.

national / elections / politics Wednesday February 24, 2016 18:26 by T
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Parties for a Left Dail

The election cycle has come around yet again it is time to take a look at some of the issues being discussed and more importantly those not discussed and have a quick look at the economy.

For this election there are more independents going up than ever before, although people should be warned that a certain fraction of them are closet FFers and FGers so if it is change you are looking for, they may not be the candidates to vote for. Sometimes people seemed to assume Independents tend to be more to the Left. There is no inherent reason this should be the case and statistically one would expect them to evenly spread to the Left and Right. So if voting for an Independent then be sure you have checked what they really stand for and their previous record if any.

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TTIP is the greatest single threat to our
democracy. Both FG and FF support it.
It is a EU-US wide corporate power grab.
Find out more before you vote !!
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Sun 06 May, 08:53

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Outside imageProtecting Wildlife in Ireland from Hedge Cutting and Gorse Burning 16:47 Wed 18 Apr by MDEG 0 comments

As printed 2018 edition

textUnder the Gun in Ireland 1983 22:32 Fri 06 Apr by Michael Donahue Steinberg 0 comments

An Irish American's Visit To the North of Ireland in 1983

textMeasles Alert 18:51 Wed 15 Nov by Vax Now ! 5 comments

Responding to a recent measles outbreak in which 17 adults and children have been infected with the highly infectious disease , Dr Deirdre Mulholland, Director of Public Health for HSE East, has urged people to get themselves and their dependants vaccinated , saying, “the best protection is to be fully vaccinated with 2 doses of MMR vaccine."
The majority of the patients currently being treated are from north Dublin; five are from Meath, the HSE said today. A spokeswoman for the Measles Outbreak Control Team said that alerts regarding the disease have been sent to all Emergency Departments and GPs in Dublin, and Meath.

textTake Action: Israel is deporting Irish people visiting Palestine – complain to our goverment 23:01 Mon 25 Sep by ipsc 0 comments

Dear friends, in case you missed this shocking news last week, while en route to occupied Palestine four Irish people were seized by Israeli authorities in Ben Gurion airport and deported. Below is a statement issued by the four deportees which includes a call for you to write to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney (minister@dfa.ie) voicing your concerns about this arbitrary expulsion of human rights activist to stop them from bearing witness to the effects of Israel’s apartheid regime

textSlave Tourism in Ireland and UK 12:06 Tue 19 Sep by Mack MThomais 0 comments

Several foreign based volunteer networks are placing unsuspecting travellers in exploitative and manipulative situations and cashing in on free labour with no rights or security.

textEnd of the Cement House Age 12:45 Fri 08 Sep by Mac MacThomais 6 comments

In the face of the worst housing crisis since rackrenting of the 19 th century why is Irish society so hung up on cement houses that resemble bunkers.There are numerous alternatives to cement and concrete and most western countries and developing world universities are exploring and investing in education for engineering and architectural studies called biotecture and geotecture knowledge transfer degrees

textRight2Water launch supporter survey for River Basin Management Plan submission 22:21 Sun 30 Jul by r2w 0 comments

The Right2Water campaign is currently developing a submission in relation to the River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) which will be submitted to the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government as part of their consultation process.

In order to ensure all Right2Water Ireland's supporters' voices are heard and are involved in this process, we are asking you to fill in this short survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PKN3YXN

How Eoghan Harris and Gerry Gregg got it wrong - shot by shot - click for bigger image imageNEW FLAW found in Eoghan Harris / Gerry Gregg RTE TV documentary An Tost Fada (The Long Silence) 10:02 Sat 29 Jul by Tom Cooper 1 comments

A NEW FLAW has been discovered in the Eoghan Harris / Gerry Gregg TV documentary An Tost Fada (The Long Silence)

A 1939 gravestone (& inscription) of a woman was presented as that of man killed in 1921 (who An Tost Fada said was killed in April 1922). See link to original story below.

Original Story of successful complaint:
RTE upholds complaint against Eoghan Harris programme on War of independence

videoIreland's fracking ban passes final legislative stage 00:22 Wed 05 Jul by sg 1 comments

Ireland has become the fourth European country to ban hydraulic fracturing (after France, Bulgaria and Germany). On June 28, the Petroleum and Other Minerals Development (Prohibition of Onshore Hydraulic Fracturing) Bill passed the final legislative stages in the Seanad.

The session included the committee, report, and final stages that took place in the Seanad chamber, where the gallery was full of supporters of the ban. It now requires only the signature of President Michael D. Higgins to become law. This is expected in the coming days.

textColm and Dave face Jury Trial 15:44 Wed 14 Jun by Court Reporters 1 comments

On 24 May 2017, two peace activists Dave Donnellan and Colm Roddy were sent for jury trial because the District Court judge finally refused to accept jurisdiction. The judge said the alleged criminal damage newly set at €3,500 was so large as to make it a serious charge.

more >>

textA a strong case for an Irexit. May 03 by Joe Terry 0 comments

Leaving the EU, Ireland will regain sovereignty, get its wealth back by repossessing its natural resources, fisheries and sub-terrain assets.

textNo to PESCO, to an EU ARMY Apr 27 by Joe Terry 0 comments

The Republic if Ireland should conduct a serious assessment of military institutions of the State.

textThe Rising - What If? Feb 22 by Pat Waine 4 comments

We all heard the comment , the rebels of 1916 would turn in their grave at the Republic we now have. Well this article asks a question. That question is where is there any proof to back that up . One big hole in that argument is that most of "the rebels " survived and lived long enough to shape the Republic we ended up with

imageStrikes and Solidarity: Interview with a worker at Irish Rail Dec 02 by wsm 0 comments

Irish Rail workers were out on strike recently. What’s going on?

The WSM recently caught up with J, an activist and worker at Irish Rail, to find out.

For background details, see our analysis, "Why Irish Rail workers are right to strike", published here. https://wsm.ie/c/why-irish-rail-workers-are-right-strike

textThe forthcoming general election. Nov 24 by cropbeye 0 comments

Will the next General election feature many new candidates.
Will they make much of a difference or will many be elected?
What formula should people use to vote i.e 1 to 5 even if it is the least bad of a bad lot?

more >>

imagevideoFree Screenings of Unrest, Sundance Film Festival award-winning Documentary about ME/Chronic Fatigue... Apr 28 Irish ME/CFS Association 0 comments

The Irish ME/CFS Association is pleased to announce that it has arranged four free screenings of the documentary Unrest, on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), for May 12th, International ME/CFS Awareness Day.

These are the venue details:

Dublin: Carlton Hotel, Dublin Airport, Old Airport Road, Cloghran, Co. Dublin.

Galway: Connacht Hotel, Old Dublin Road, Galway.

Limerick: The Great National South Court Hotel, Raheen Roundabout, Raheen, Limerick.

Sligo: Sligo Southern Hotel, Strandhill Road, Sligo.

text10th President Apr 23 0 comments

It may seem absurd but this campaign calls for the nomination of William Delaney 1957 -1970 as a presidential candidate for the forth coming 2018 elections. A child who received a 6 year prison sentence to Letterfrack industrial school for stealing a loaf of bread, a sentence which cost him his life. Our state has failed to honour the victims of institutional abuse, to call to task the collaborators and perpetrators of abuse and violence again the most vulnerable, or to treat the victims with anything amounting to the measure of dignity which any living creature deserves.

textCondemnation of Overnight Attacks Carried out by Western Powers in Syria Apr 19 ShannonWatch 0 comments

The Peace and Neutrality Alliance along with World Beyond War condemns unreservedly the overnight attacks carried out by Western powers on the Syrian Arab Republic.

The pretext for this offensive is that a chemical weapons attack has allegedly been carried out by the Syrian Government and that international law banning prohibiting chemical weapons must be upheld. Given that the bombing of a sovereign state is itself a violation of international law, we are being asked to believe that international law must be broken in order that it be upheld -- a manifest absurdity.

textEir redundancies confirm failure of telecoms privatisation Apr 14 Workers Party 0 comments

The Workers’ Party has said that the scale of voluntary redundancies announced today (Thursday) by Eir, are further proof of the failure of privatisation in the telecoms sector.

Commenting on today’s announcement, Workers’ Party Cllr. Éilis Ryan said:
“The redundancies at Eir are just further proof that privatisation of Telecom Éireann was only ever about one thing – reducing the quality and number of jobs in the company.

“Eir’s workforce today is around 3,000 workers. This is less than a quarter of Telecom Éireann’s pre-privatisation workforce. A public utility was privatised for the profit of others, and workers’ jobs were decimated as a result.”

textShannon Airport Should Not Be Used To Cheer Troops On To War Jan 24 ShannonWatch 0 comments

Shannonwatch strongly condemns the facilitation of a meeting between US Vice President Mike Pence and US troops at Shannon Airport on Saturday last. The use of the airport by foreign troops on their way to a war zone is in breach of Irish neutrality, and the decision to hold a public display of support for a foreign leader promoting war on Irish soil is dangerous and unwelcome

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