07/03/2018 3:02 PM AEDT

Watch This Australian Man Go Swimming In A Huge Pit Of Beer Cans

People are calling him “the Australian version of Scrooge McDuck.”

Youtube/Tammy Penhall

There are two things you need to know about Australians, from an Australian. One, we’re an enterprising and ingenious people, and two, we love a drink.

One Aussie man has perfectly exemplified those characteristics by wading through an impressive collection of beer cans in a backyard shed, prompting some social media fans to nickname him “the Australian Scrooge McDuck.”

In a series of videos posted on Youtube, a woman identified as Tammy Penhall narrates the scene as she pans around the room in all its glory.

At one point, she films an unidentified older gentleman, dressed in a cap and tank top with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, who wades around among the cans.

“Some guys actually commented this would actually be their dream ball pit. Well, this is your dream beer pit, guys,” Penhall joked, adding, “The VB shed at its finest.”

The beer pit is located in the Moonta region of the state of South Australia, securely stored behind a rusted “Danger, out of bounds” sign at the base of a corrugated iron shed.

Penhall said the room contained “tens of thousands” of cans of Victoria Bitter, one of the most popular Australian beer brands (contrary to popular belief, Australians do not really drink Foster’s).

A second clip shows another glimpse of the beer pit as someone tips in a few more empties.

HuffPost was not immediately able to reach Penhall for more details about the VB beer pit. 

As the videos rocketed around social media and news websites in Australia, more than a few people remarked on the beer pit’s resemblance to Scrooge McDuck’s pile of money.

While the man with the cigarette isn’t swimming around in a bank vault full of gold coins, he still seems pretty happy.

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