Ministry of Environmental Protection and UNDP awarded the most innovative ideas for reducing the GHG emissions and creating climate-resilient local communities in Serbia
In 2017, UNDP Serbia gathered a team of experts who carried out a research to assess the conditions for a UBI approach in Serbia, as well as to initiate a public discussion on the design of a potential UBI experiment
In May 2018, Belgrade hosted the parliamentarians from 11 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia, who came to the city to participate in a regional seminar about SDGs
Migration crisis took a toll on affected municipalities - the assets depreciated and the quality and quantity of services decreased
CSUD Challenge Project is initiated to reduce the GHG emissions and build climate-resilient local communities in Serbia
Anabela is one of thirty young Roma men and women that are currently undergoing a three-month training to acquire new knowledge and skills after which they will be engaged at local institutions
International Open Data Day, which has been celebrating the achievements and possibilities of open data worldwide for the past seven years, has been marked for the first time in Serbia this year

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When we began our work five decades ago, one in three people worldwide lived in poverty. Now? Just one in eight. Let’s finish the job.

About Serbia

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Women in parliament (2017; The World Bank)


Unemployment rate (2017; The World Bank)


GDP Per capita (2016; The World Bank)


Human Development Index (2015; UNDP)

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