May 25, 2018. The II phase of the 18 months “Cross-border Cooperation for Sustainable Peace and Development” project has been launched today by the United Nations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan with participation of state partners from the national and local levels, UN agencies, Swiss Cooperation Office in Tajikistan.
25 May 2018, Dushanbe – The UN’s report on development finance assessment in Tajikistan underscored a need to improve public sector management and attract more business investment by mobilizing financial resources to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
On 23 May, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) handed over the Search and Rescue equipment and heavy machinery to the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defence under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (CoES), procured within the framework of “Strengthening Preparedness and Response Capacities” project, funded by the Russian Federation - UNDP Trust Fund for Development.
ДУШАНБЕ, Таджикистан, 15 мая 2018г. – Местные общественные организации из отдалённых регионов делятся опытом на круглом столе, посвященном инициативам развития туризма, организованном ПРООН совместно с Комитетом по Развитию Туризма при Правительстве Республики Таджикистан.
г. Бишкек, 16 мая 2018 года – Представители бизнес сообществ Таджикистана, Узбекистана и Кыргызстана, вовлеченных в производство, переработку и экспорт сельхозпродукции, подписали ряд соглашений и меморандумов о сотрудничестве в рамках международного бизнес-форума...
Floods are a major problem in Sughd Province, and are a significant challenge for residents living in the Aksu river basin. The workshops held in Khujand on 11 and 13 April 2018....
Disasters cause negative impact on the transport and water sectors in Tajikistan. Mudflows and flooding are significant causes of damage to roads which disrupt transport communication during spring and summer period...

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8.742 million

(2017, source: TAJSTAT) Population


(2016, source: MEDT)
Poverty rate

925.9 USD

(2015, the World Bank)
GNI per capita


(2016, source: UNDP)
Human Dev. Index

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