Launched on 03 April 2018, Timor-Leste’s 4th National Human Development Report is a collaborative project between the Government of Timor-Leste, UNDP and Flinders University, Australia which responds to the development aspirations of the youth of Timor-Leste, the drivers of the nation’s future development. The report examines well-being and identifies options for seizing the demographic dividend, an issue that profoundly influences human potential and sustainable development.
UNDP provides economic and technical support to women in the region to continue their important task of preserving the culture
The UNDP electoral project is creating an enabling environment to build the capacities of women political party members
Jomat, 24, has been able to utilize what he learned at the Knua Juventude Fila-Liman Centre to support his community in Ermera Municipality
Often developments which occur during the initial few weeks set the path for the next few years
The group organised themselves and set rules for all members on efficient water use

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1.2 million



Poverty rate


Per Capita Income

133 (rank)

Human Dev. Index

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