Students of the Tirana Institute of the Deaf are learning a profession in the newly rehabilitated workshops.The acquired vocational skills will enable them to find a job in the labor market as either carpenters, shoemakers, or tailors. The rehabilitation of the workshops was supported by UNDP " Social inclusion program" with funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
From May 8th until the dawn of May 9th, public buildings in the main squares of six cities Tirana, Shkodra, Berat, Korça, Tepelena and Gjirokastra, were lit up with testimonies and quotes of the survivors of the past communist crimes in Albania. This was done through an art installation called “Even Walls have ears”.
Marginalised Roma continue to face limited access to opportunities in virtually every aspect of human development such as basic rights, health, education, housing, employment and standard of living, argues the Regional Roma Survey 2017 launched today in Tirana.
UNDP Albania study on Religious Tolerance reveals that religious tolerance is broadly valued and supported by Albanian citizens
Meet Roma and Egyptians in Albania whose life changed for the better. Find out why.
Meet Ermira who has an appeal: Break the silence, report domestic violence

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