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  • HEQ article wins AHA award
  • 31 Jul 2018,
  • A History of Education Quarterly article has won the AHA's William and Edwyna Gilbert Award for the best article in a journal, magazine, or other serial on teaching history.

  • Rigoberto Advincula elected to National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines
  • 30 Jul 2018,
  • Congratulations to MRS Communications Editor-in-Chief, Rigoberto Advincula, who has been elected to membership in the Philippines National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), one of the highest honors the country awards scientists. Advincula is a professor in the Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Case Western Reserve University and will be officially inducted at the Investiture Ceremony in Manila, as part of academy’s 40th Annual Scientific Meeting.

  • 2016 Glenn Sonnedecker Prize Winning Article
  • 27 Jul 2018,
  • Laura Phillips Sawyer has been selected to receive the 2016 Glenn Sonnedecker Prize for her article, “California Fair Trade: Antitrust and the Politics of “Fairness” in U.S. Competition Policy".

  • 2016 Henrietta Larson Article Award Winner
  • 27 Jul 2018,
  • Sean H. Vanatta's article “Citibank, Credit Cards, and the Local Politics of National Consumer Finance, 1968–1991" has won the 2016 Henrietta Larson Article Award.

  • Elements: The Archaeology of Europe
  • 24 Jul 2018,
  • The new series Elements: The Archaeology of Europe, edited by Manuel Fernandez-Götz (University of Edinburgh) and Bettina Arnold (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) is a collaborative publishing venture between Cambridge University Press and the European Association of Archaeologists.

  • Design Research in Industry
  • 14 Jun 2018,
  • Thematic Collection seeks to contain high quality and novel contributions reporting on how design research relates to design practice. Contributions reporting on how research findings have impacted design in practical situations and how design practice has motivated design research are particularly welcome. Click through to read the full details of this call for papers.

  • The future of design cognition analysis
  • 12 Jun 2018,
  • This thematic collection seeks to examine new approaches to design cognition analysis, as well as identify future directions for design research in this area. Submission deadline is 31st December 2018. Click through to read the full details of this call for papers.

  • Internet of Things
  • 01 Jun 2018,
  • Third wave computing has given rise to the Internet of Things (IoT). Interestingly, the majority of design research that investigates the future of IoT treats it like an Internet of Thing; we are interested in the work of brave design researchers who have looked beyond Thing and who have probed the challenge of making Things. We are looking for work that is situated but also potentially transitional. Click through to read the full details of this call for papers.

  • 2018 PROSE Awards - Earth Science
  • 23 Feb 2018,
  • We're thrilled that "Earth History and Palaeogeography" was the winning title in the Earth Science category at the PROSE Awards 2018 and "Salt Tectonics: Principles and Practice" received an Honorable Mention for the category.

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