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Antonio Tajani
Presidente del
Antonio Tajani retweeted
tgrregioneuropa 16h
Domani 11.29 @@EP_President : "Progetto legislativo su Npl è scelta corretta in linea con quanto richiesto dal Parlamento". Il servizio di
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 16
To create jobs and growth we need to invest more in skills and innovation, strengthen our industrial base.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 17
By investing in skills and innovation and strengthening our industrial base we will create jobs and growth. Follow my speech live now in Gothenburg
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
Europaparlamentet Nov 16
H.K.H. Kronprinsessan Victoria gav företräde för Antonio Tajani då han besökte Stockholm idag.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
Coldiretti Nov 16
Ue, Coldiretti: bene Parlamento su applicazione Omnibus dal primo gennaio 2018. Moncalvo: grati al Presidente che ha accolto nostra sollecitazione
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
ANSA Europa Nov 15
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 16
Meeting with Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and start-ups in Stockholm, a leader in innovation and investment. We need to strengthen the single market and digitalisation to create growth and jobs.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 16
Fruitful exchange of views with Swedish speaker and members of Parliament on European future and main challenges.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 16
ll regolamento di Dublino è una pietra miliare della politica di asilo dell'UE e va immediatamente riformato. Il sistema attuale è ingiusto e inefficace. Oggi il Parlamento europeo ha fatto la sua parte. Ora agisca il Consiglio.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 16
Honoured by audience with Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden. Impressed by her work as Sustainable Development Goals Advocate, critical in achieving progress in Africa.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 16
Very good meeting with leader of Swedish EPP party , Ulf Kristersson. Working together for entrepreneurship, innovation and the digital economy.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 15
To respond to citizens' priorities on terrorism, immigration, unemployment and climate change, an adequate EU budget is needed. Can be done without increasing tax burden on citizens. Follow live presser @ 17:00 with President
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 15
Thank you for an inspiring speech on Europe’s unity. It is our responsibility to demonstrate to our citizens that Europe makes a difference that has a tangible, positive impact of their lives.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
Clemente Mimun Nov 15
Tajani, tassare giganti web per piu' fondi a bilancio Ue
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 14
I share UN concerns over human rights violations in Libya. We must protect the dignity of all human beings, tackle the root causes of migration with a Marshall Plan for Africa & stabilise the region speaking with one voice. EP plans to send a delegation to Libya 16 -22 December
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 14
And the winner of is: Sami Blood! Congratulations! Proud of this prize as the vanguard of promoting cinema that is MADE IN EUROPE. Cinema is a driver of culture, values and dialogue.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 13
Dreadful news coming out of Iran and Iraq. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the earthquake. Europe should mobilise all available humanitarian assistance.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 13
L’obscurantisme et la peur ne triompheront jamais. Pensées et hommage aux victimes des attentats du . Nous sommes déterminés pour la sécurité des Européens et la défense de nos valeurs: liberté et paix.
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Antonio Tajani retweeted
EP President Tajani Nov 13
Las sanciones contra el gobierno de Venezuela son la decisión correcta y llevan al camino hacia la democracia. El Parlamento Europeo ha sido el primero en pedirlas y seguirá apoyando al pueblo de Venezuela
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Antonio Tajani Nov 12
Chi cancella la memoria storica cancella la propria identità.L’Italia è la nostra Patria.Rendiamo onore ai caduti
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