An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation
Erlang Makefile
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An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation. Includes functions for generating signatures (client side), verifying signatures (server side), and some convenience functions for making OAuth HTTP requests (client side).

Erlang/OTP compatibility

Erlang/OTP R16B03 or greater.

Rebar compatibility

This implementation should be fully compatible with rebar and rebar3.

Add erlang-oauth as a dependency to your rebar.config file like this:

{deps, [
  {oauth, ".*", {git, ""}}

Consult the rebar docs for more information.

Quick start (client usage)

$ make
$ erl -pa ebin -s crypto -s inets
1> Consumer = {"key", "secret", hmac_sha1}.
2> RequestTokenURL = "".
3> {ok, RequestTokenResponse} = oauth:get(RequestTokenURL, [], Consumer).
4> RequestTokenParams = oauth:params_decode(RequestTokenResponse).
5> RequestToken = oauth:token(RequestTokenParams).
6> RequestTokenSecret = oauth:token_secret(RequestTokenParams).
7> AccessTokenURL = "".
8> {ok, AccessTokenResponse} = oauth:get(AccessTokenURL, [], Consumer, RequestToken, RequestTokenSecret).
9> AccessTokenParams = oauth:params_decode(AccessTokenResponse).
10> AccessToken = oauth:token(AccessTokenParams).
11> AccessTokenSecret = oauth:token_secret(AccessTokenParams).
12> URL = "".
13> {ok, Response} = oauth:get(URL, [{"hello", "world"}], Consumer, AccessToken, AccessTokenSecret).
14> oauth:params_decode(Response).

OAuth consumer representation

Consumers are represented using tuples:

{Key::string(), Secret::string(), plaintext}

{Key::string(), Secret::string(), hmac_sha1}

{Key::string(), RSAPrivateKeyPath::string(), rsa_sha1}  % client side

{Key::string(), RSACertificatePath::string(), rsa_sha1}  % server side

Other notes

This implementation should be compatible with the signature algorithms presented in RFC5849 - The OAuth 1.0 Protocol, and OAuth Core 1.0 Revision A. It is not intended to cover OAuth 2.0.

This is not a "plug and play" server implementation. In order to implement OAuth correctly as a provider you have more work to do: token storage, nonce and timestamp verification etc.

This is not a "bells and whistles" HTTP client. If you need fine grained control over your HTTP requests or you prefer to use something other than inets/httpc then you will need to assemble the requests yourself. Use oauth:sign/6 to generate a list of signed OAuth parameters, oauth:uri_params_encode/1 or oauth:header_params_encode/1 to encode the parameters, and then assemble the request using your HTTP client of choice.

The percent encoding/decoding implementations are based on ibrowse

Example client/server code:


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.