Kingdom (キングダム, Kingudamu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhisa Hara. The manga provides a fictionalized account of the Warring States period primarily through the experiences of the war orphan Xin and his comrades as he fights to become The greatest general under the heavens, and in doing so, unifying China for the first time in history. The series was adapted into a thirty-eight episode anime series by studio Pierrot that aired from June 4, 2012 to February 25, 2013. A second season was announced and aired from June 8, 2013 to March 1, 2014. An English language release of the anime was licensed by Funimation Entertainment.
In the Warring States period of ancient China, Xin and Piao are war-orphans in the kingdom of Qin with dreams of becoming "Great Generals of the Heavens". One day, however, Piao is taken to the palace by a minister to be used for an unknown purpose, and leaving Xin alone as a slave in a peasant village. A few months later, Piao returns to the village on the verge of death, urging Xin to travel to another village. There he meets a boy who looks nearly identical to Piao, Ying Zheng, the current King of Qin. Xin learns that Piao served as a body double for Ying Zheng, and was mortally wounded in a power struggle for the throne. Though initially furious at Ying Zheng for causing Piao's death, Xin decides to seize the opportunity and aid Ying Zheng to restore his position as King of Qin. Successful in this endeavor, Xin then begins fighting in many battlefields with the goal of rising to a "Great General of the World", and to help King Ying Zheng achieve his dream of unifying China.
You are the owner/operator,
You are the designated driver,
The captain and the crew,
The I, I see in you,
This is your world,
And you,
It's master
This is your dominion,
When will you embrace,
And love your kingdom,
Your kingdom!
You are the self-made liberator,
You are the heart-wave generator,
From death into the new,
The I, I see in you,
You are the light accelerator.
This is your dominion,
When will you embrace,
And love your kingdom,
Your kingdom!
I am the self-made liberator,
I am the alpha and omega.
This is your dominion,
When will you embrace,
And love your kingdom,
Kingdom (キングダム, Kingudamu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhisa Hara. The manga provides a fictionalized account of the Warring States period primarily through the experiences of the war orphan Xin and his comrades as he fights to become The greatest general under the heavens, and in doing so, unifying China for the first time in history. The series was adapted into a thirty-eight episode anime series by studio Pierrot that aired from June 4, 2012 to February 25, 2013. A second season was announced and aired from June 8, 2013 to March 1, 2014. An English language release of the anime was licensed by Funimation Entertainment.
In the Warring States period of ancient China, Xin and Piao are war-orphans in the kingdom of Qin with dreams of becoming "Great Generals of the Heavens". One day, however, Piao is taken to the palace by a minister to be used for an unknown purpose, and leaving Xin alone as a slave in a peasant village. A few months later, Piao returns to the village on the verge of death, urging Xin to travel to another village. There he meets a boy who looks nearly identical to Piao, Ying Zheng, the current King of Qin. Xin learns that Piao served as a body double for Ying Zheng, and was mortally wounded in a power struggle for the throne. Though initially furious at Ying Zheng for causing Piao's death, Xin decides to seize the opportunity and aid Ying Zheng to restore his position as King of Qin. Successful in this endeavor, Xin then begins fighting in many battlefields with the goal of rising to a "Great General of the World", and to help King Ying Zheng achieve his dream of unifying China.