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The New Politics website has moved

Please click here to go to the new site, newpol.org.

This old site, which will no longer be updated, contains the archives of New Politics up through the Winter 2009 issue (vol. XII, no. 2, whole number 46).

More recent material, from Summer 2009 on forward, including regularly updated blogs, is on the new New Politics website.

We will gradually move over all the archived materials to the new site. So far we have copied material from Summer 2007 and later to the new site.


NP 46 Cover

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Now Available! Any article from New Politics, Summer 1994 to the present, emailed to you in pdf format for $5 per article (requires the free Acrobat Reader ). Check our Back Issue Indexes to find the articles you want and order online via PayPal.

Send any comments about this web site to newpoliticsjournal@gmail.com
last updated January 31, 2009